
Year-End Awards: The ‘Harsh to the Huddled Masses’ Award

December 25th, 2015 10:10 AM
This week, NewsBusters is presenting the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2015,” our annual awards for the year’s worst journalism. Today, the “Harsh to the Huddled Masses” award, for attacks on the GOP candidates for their supposed hostility to immigration. Winning the trophy: Yahoo! News anchor Katie Couric for suggesting to GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz that he lacked “…

Press Exaggerates Nov. Existing-Home Sales Plunge by Ignoring Raw Data

December 22nd, 2015 12:57 PM
The business press worships at the altar of seasonally adjusted data. Most journalists covering the economy don't even bother looking at raw, not seasonally adjusted data, which in layman's terms is best understood as "what actually happened." As I have shown for nearly a decade, this is often a big mistake. On the rare occasions when reporters take the initiative to look at the raw data, they…

Absurd Reuters: Today's Homebuilding News 'Signals Economic Strength'

December 16th, 2015 11:51 PM
Reuters and reporter Lucia Mutikani went way overboard today in reacting to today's residential construction news from the Census Bureau. Mutikani's headline contended that today's "housing data signals economic strength," while a section title claimed that there are "strong housing fundamentals." That can only possibly be true if one believes the world began in 2007.

Sean Penn Denies Existence of Climate Skeptics, Says Fox 'Like a Cult'

December 1st, 2015 11:45 AM
Climate skeptics don’t exist, according to actor, activist and socialist sympathizer Sean Penn. They’re just cult followers of Fox news programming.

Media Miss: Year-Over-Year Oct. Existing Home Sales Up 1%, Not 4%

November 23rd, 2015 1:56 PM
Gosh, this gets tiresome. Once again, with one noteworthy exception, the business press's virtually blind acceptance of seasonally adjusted economic data, and its accompanying refusal to look at the underlying raw data, led it to paint a deceptive picture of an important element of the economy. This time, it was existing home sales for October. The seasonally adjusted annual rate for October…

Japan in Recession Again, So the Answer Must Be Even More 'Stimulus'

November 16th, 2015 12:35 AM
Japan's two-decade romance with Keynesian economics has led to another betrayal — and yet the press and all the supposedly smart economists and analysts seem to believe that just one more fling might bring about a different result. The Land of the Rising Sun, aka the Land of the Two-Decade Zombie Economy, has just reported an annualized contraction of 0.8 percent in the third quarter. The…

Not News: Mediocre Economy Has Cost Americans Thousands Each

October 31st, 2015 10:47 PM
On Thursday, the government reported that the nation's economy turned in yet another quarter of poor economic performance, estimating that its gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 1.5 percent in the third quarter. The business press almost universally downplayed the news, and told readers that the fourth quarter will be better. No one talked about how much the tepid growth of the…

Not News: UAW Mulls Plan to Milk Unemployment System in a GM Strike

October 24th, 2015 10:30 PM
The news coming out of Detroit about near-deadline negotiations between the United Auto Workers union and General Motors has been pretty quiet. As the Sunday 11:59 p.m. deadline approaches, the Associated Press only has a four-paragraph blurb indicating that the union wants to get a richer package than it just garnered in negotiations with Fiat Chrysler. A Reuters report goes into detail about GM…

NBC: Hillary May Have ‘Best Day’ With ‘Partisan’ Benghazi Committee

October 20th, 2015 10:21 AM
During a discussion with Bloomberg Politics editor Mark Halperin on Tuesday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie touted how Hillary Clinton had “set the table” for her testimony before the Benghazi Committee on Thursday. Halperin proclaimed: “This appearance has been looming on her calendar and her staff’s calendar with dread, thinking this could be the worst day of the year for her. It could…

MSNBC's Alter Suggests Bush to Blame for Not Preventing 9/11 Attacks

October 18th, 2015 5:21 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Up show on MSNBC, Bloomberg View columnist and MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter, picking up on what he called "one of Donald Trump's great contributions to this campaign," contended President Bush deserved blame for not stopping the 9/11 attacks as he recounted a vague warning from August 2001 that Osama bin Laden wanted to attack the U.S. He further…

Jill Hennessy Hails ‘Accomplished’ Hillary and ‘Tremendous’ Sanders

October 16th, 2015 9:28 PM
Another Hollywood liberal infatuated by Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Actress Jill Hennessy, best-known for starring roles in NBC’s Law & Order and Crossing Jordan, hailed Hillary Clinton: “I just think she has accomplished more than most people accomplish in about five lifetimes.” But she was quick to also trumpet Bernie Sanders: “I find him really inspiring. I think he’s tremendous.”

NBC: Benghazi Committee ‘Delegitimized,’ Hillary Will Have 'Great Day'

October 16th, 2015 11:49 AM
Appearing on Friday’s NBC Today, Bloomberg Politics managing editor John Heilemann saw a rapidly closing window for Joe Biden to enter the presidential race: “...if he's making a calculation on the political landscape, it's more forbidding now than it was a month ago. You've got Hillary Clinton performing well at this debate, the Benghazi Committee now kind of delegitimized. She's teed up to have…

McArdle: 'A Marshmallow Planet' More Likely Than Truth in 'Truth'

October 16th, 2015 12:50 AM
The disgraceful determination of Hollywood to rewrite history not favorable to the left, its causes and its personalities has perhaps reached its nadir with the laughably misnamed movie Truth. The film is about Dan Rather's September 2004 60 Minutes report on President George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard Service during the 1970s. In Rather's words, "The nuanced, not preachy, script makes…

As Limbaugh Demonstrates: The Media’s Lockstep Leftist Talking Points

October 13th, 2015 8:42 AM
We’ve time and again seen the media receive their messaging orders  - and then march off all mouthing the Leftist talking point(s) of the day.  Washington, D.C.-based talk radio host Chris Plante quotes a military friend of his describing the media not as a gaggle, but as a centipede.  Multitudinous legs in coordinated movement - all headed in the same direction.  Talk radio impresario Rush…