Cass Sunstein's 'Just Embarrassing' Revisionist 2nd Amendment History

October 8th, 2015 3:39 PM
Did you know that the "The Gun Lobby Rewrote the Second Amendment"? No, really. Even though not a single word contained in that amendment has changed in over 220 years, you should believe it because former Obama administration official Cass Sunstein said so at Bloomberg View on Wednesday.

Nets Skimp on New Hillary E-Mail News; CBS Skips Keystone Decision

September 22nd, 2015 11:50 PM
The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all failed to cover on Tuesday night a new chapter in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal concerning the reason she turned over her work-related e-mails while CBS also neglected to tell their viewers that Clinton finally came out against the Keystone XL oil pipeline after pressure from liberals and environmentalists.

Business Wires: US Weakness Didn't Influence Fed's No-Change Decision

September 19th, 2015 10:02 AM
The business press is trying to convince readers, listeners, and viewers that Janet Yellen's Federal Reserve kept interest rates at zero not because of U.S. economic conditions, which supposedly "look good" with "steady economic growth." No-no. She stayed the course because of the troubled tglobal economy. Thursday evening, Reuters wrote that the Fed failed to move "in a bow to worries about the…

Reality Check for Media: Wal-Mart Cuts Hours After Raising Wages

September 2nd, 2015 2:13 PM
Just before Labor Day, Wal-Mart taught a lesson in Economics 101. The consequences of Wal-Mart’s decision to raise employee wages are becoming apparent and even the wage-hike promoting liberal news media has had to report it. Bloomberg Businessweek reported that Wal-Mart’s labor costs had soared by $1 billion after raising hourly wages to $9 in April and committing to additional training. In…

Heilemann: Gore 'Hates' Hillary, 'Huge' Problem for Her If He Runs

August 14th, 2015 6:26 PM
This blog brought to you by Orville Redenbacher . . . One short segment on today's With All Due Respect packed plenty of explosive commentary.  There was John Heilemann saying that Al Gore "hates" Hillary and that if he gets in the race would be a "huge" problem for her. Lending credence to Heilemann's "hates" claim is the fact that he mentioned having "spent a lot of time" with Gore in 2006.  …

Bloomberg Downplays Buffett’s Abortion Funding; Praises IUD Research

August 4th, 2015 12:59 PM
Gracing the cover of August’s Bloomberg Businessweek was a smiling, daisy-garlanded head of a billionaire tycoon that suggested he is a “feminist icon.” That tycoon was the “Oracle of Omaha” and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway himself: Warren Buffett, a huge donor to birth control, and the abortion industry through his Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. The magazine devoted a four-page spread to the…

Absurd CNN Email: (Annualized) 2.3 Percent Is 'Solid' GDP Growth

July 30th, 2015 5:45 PM
The bar-lowering in the business press continues. In the wake of today's disappointing news from the government on U.S. economic growth, an email from failed to properly describe reported second-quarter growth, and falsely characterized today's results as "solid":

'Unexpectedly' Again: Pending Home Sales Fall 1.8 Percent

July 29th, 2015 3:46 PM
Yet another important economic statistic confidently predicted to rise has fallen — hard. This time it was June's pending sales of existing homes. Just in time for summer, they were predicted to increase by a seasonally adjusted 1.0 percent to 1.5 percent. Instead they fell by 1.8 percent, the steepest drop since December 2013. Additionally, May's original 0.9 percent increase was revised down…

AP Fails to Note That Consumer Confidence Drop Is Worst in Four Years

July 28th, 2015 6:08 PM
The Conference Board's July Consumer Confidence report released earlier today threw a heavy dose of cold water on the idea that the economy might finally achieve a broad-based, genuine recovery this year. Despite month after month of "all is well" reporting — and excuse-making when all hasn't been well — from the U.S. business press, the American public has apparently finally figured out that…

New-Home Sales 'Unexpectedly' Dive; AP Says They're Just 'Not As Hot'

July 24th, 2015 6:48 PM
Thanks to year-over-year declines in manufacturing orders, manufacturing shipments, and wholesale sales, along with bloated inventories, apologists for the current condition of the U.S. economy are down to three defenses supposedly demonstrating that all is still really well after yet another rough first quarter (once again excused away as due to supposedly historically awful winter weather).…

Press Ignores How O'Malley Is Linking 'Climate Change' to Rise of ISIS

July 21st, 2015 11:16 AM
In June, Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley unveiled a "climate change plan." The press loved it. Glowing articles appeared in many place, including the Washington Post, USA Today, The Hill and the Huffington Post, whose Kate Sheppard wrote that the former Maryland Governor had "Just Set An Extremely High Bar ... For 2016 Democratic Contenders." Well, if they're so wired into…

It's Come to This? Halperin 'Follows-Up' With Questions CNN Missed

July 16th, 2015 4:54 PM
Has it come this? Conservatives need to rely on the liberal Mark Halperin to "follow up" on CNN's softball interviews with Hillary Clinton? Halperin grilled top Clinton adviser Jennifer Palmieri on a question the 2016 candidate ignored when she was on CNN. In early July, Brianna Keilar asked Clinton a question about deleting 30,000 e-mails. The Democrat didn't answer. On Wednesday, Halperin…

NY Times Ignores Hillary's $18.7 Million in Second-Quarter Spending

July 16th, 2015 11:41 AM
Nicholas Confessore and Maggie Haberman at the New York Times studiously avoided talking about Hillary Clinton's campaign spending in their front-page print edition story Thursday ("Hillary Clinton Lags in Engaging Grass-Roots Donors"). Mrs. Clinton hauled in $48.7 million, but she spent a stunning $18.7 million. As seen in a table accompanying the Times story, that's more than triple that of…

AP Fails to Note Falling Shipments to Explain Flat Manufacturing

July 15th, 2015 11:44 PM
The serious sales slumps combined with inventory buildups in manufacturing and wholesale industries, documented in previous NewsBusters posts, continues. So does the establishment press's determination to ignore them. At the Associated Press today, Christopher Rugaber was tasked to cover the Federal Reserve's June release on Industrial Production. The good news is that the Fed report showed an…