Establishment Press Misses Rhode Island Parallel to Ariz. Immigration

July 11th, 2010 11:56 PM
Preconceived notions are dangerous things in journalism. They cause one to assume facts that aren't in evidence, leading to false or incomplete results. A classic example has played out in the nearly three months since Arizona passed its "1070 law." Among other things, it mandates that law enforcement officials verify citizenship status in situations involving police contact if they have a…

Dems Inaccurately Claim GOP Blocked Berwick Nomination, Media Happy to

July 8th, 2010 12:34 PM
The GOP as the party of obstructionism: it's a tried and true media meme, but very often falls a tad short of the truth. Yet on occasion, even stubborn facts are not enough to dispel such accusations.Some in the media have taken President Obama's recess appointment of Donald Berwick to the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as an occasion to bash purportedly obstructionist…

Flashback: Media Promoted Military Criticism of President Bush

June 22nd, 2010 2:03 PM
No general should criticize his or her commander, and Gen. Stanley McChrystal is no exception. But the mainstream media is primarily concerned with the political fallout of McChrystal's apparent insubordination as revealed by a piece in Rolling Stone. They are not concerned with whether his critiques are accurate, in stark contrast to other military officers' critiques of war policy under the…

Media Praises '8: The Mormon Proposition,' But Admit Film is One-Sided

June 18th, 2010 1:59 PM
“8: The Mormon Proposition,” is a documentary detailing the large role the Mormon Church played in passing California’s Proposition 8 in 2008.That ballot initiative added an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. While the media has naturally been praising the documentary, the movie is so biased that even some reviewers couldn’t avoid…

Boston Globe Columnist Tells Painful Truths About Times Square Bomb Pl

May 7th, 2010 8:20 AM
My eyes! Oh, my burning eyes!That must have been the reaction yesterday of many liberal Boston Globe readers when they read what must have been to them some very painful truths in a Joan Vennochi column about denial of reality by government officials over who was behind the Times Square bomb plot. Vennochi could have also been writing about many in the mainstream media such as MSNBC's Contessa…

'Good News': Newspaper Circ Shrinks 'Just 8.7%'; Fair/Balanced WSJ Onl

April 26th, 2010 3:58 PM
Update: The well-publicized announcement that Editor & Publisher was going to "cease operations" last December and that was stated as a given in the original version of this post was apparently premature, as it's still there on the web. E&P is also covering the circulation news (daily; Sunday; HT to a BizzyBlog commenter). Advertising Age (AA) had the unenviable task (given that it's…

Critics Point Out Movie About Dr. Kevorkian Is 'One-Sided

April 23rd, 2010 2:33 PM
HBO is airing a movie, “You Don’t Know Jack,” about the life of Dr. Jack Kevorkian (aka: “Dr. Death”), who enabled the suicides of more than100 terminally-ill people. But the movie is so one-sided that even many mainstream media reviewers couldn’t help but point it out. USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, and the Boston Globe all noted how the movie favored assisted suicides. USA Today’s Robert…

Boston Globe Highlights Government-Subsidized Hypocrites In Its Tea-Pa

April 16th, 2010 8:24 AM
Some reporters come to Tea Party rallies not so much to cover them as expose them as hypocritical. On Thursday, Boston Globe reporter David Abel began his story on protests starring Sarah Palin in Boston by highlighting the Shirk family, with ten home-schooled kids – and Medicaid health coverage. For the Shirks, it was a day for their children to seek inspiration from Palin and the other speakers…

What About the Poor? Boston Globe Urges Liberal Readers to Splurge Wit

April 15th, 2010 1:44 PM
The Boston Globe is a proudly liberal newspaper. So it’s a little stunning for their staff writers Christopher Muther and Hayley Kaufman to suggest that tax refunds are best spent on conspicuous consumption. They suggested “you may want to put any windfall toward your credit card bill,” but they didn’t suggest liberal Globe readers redistribute their refund income to the poor in the inner cities…

Boston Globe Belatedly Sees Islam in Ft. Hood Shooting

February 24th, 2010 7:07 PM
Upon further research and examination into the Army's complete findings on the Fort Hood shootings, in a February 22 report, the Boston Globe's Bryan Bender conceded that politically-incorrect conservatives were right all along - just not in those words of course. Immediately after Major Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 U.S. soldiers November 5, major news networks and publication bent over…

Nine Days Before Election, Boston Globe’s Pierce Ridiculed Notion Br

February 1st, 2010 12:03 AM
In a contribution to the Boston Globe Magazine published nine days before the January 19 Senate election won by Republican Scott Brown, veteran Globe Magazine writer Charles Pierce ridiculed the idea Brown could win, in a piece formulated as a letter to Brown: Well, we’re almost here, aren’t we? The end of a long, arduous, four-month campaign for a Senate seat that you have approximately the same…

Media Continue to Falsely Accuse O'Keefe of Wiretapping

January 28th, 2010 1:07 PM
Some in the liberal media continue to insist that James O'Keefe and his three cohorts were trying to "bug" or "tap" Sen. Mary Landrieu's phone lines when law enforcement officials have clearly said that they were not. Since the left doesn't like O'Keefe, the liberal media seems to think standard practices of journalistic integrity don't apply here.According to MSNBC, one law enforcement official…

Whoops: Boston Globe Political Writer Took Vacation on Last Days of Br

January 25th, 2010 6:53 AM
Democrats now routinely say Martha Coakley was a bad candidate who took too much for granted in Massachusetts, even taking a vacation after winning the nomination for Ted Kennedy’s place in the Senate. But would they say the bad candidate was also failed by bad reporters who took too much for granted? On Monday, Washington Post reporter Howard Kurtz found a bigwig at the Boston Globe who…

Globe Columnist Goes Off Deep End: Mass. Electorate Was 'Drunk on Powe

January 20th, 2010 1:12 PM
I heard Rush reading from a newspaper column during his first hour, but missed the first couple of paragraphs. So I didn't know its origin. Given what I was hearing, I thought that El Rushbo was surely reading the latest from Maureen Dowd at the New York Times. Nope. It turns out that it was written by the Boston Globe's Brian McGrory (pictured at right; original is at this link). McGrory wants…