Boston Globe Writer Ignores Mass. Law on When Appointed Senator's Term

January 18th, 2010 4:56 PM
Boston Globe writer Lisa Wangsness can't be blamed too much for assuming that appointed senator Paul Kirk's term ends when the winner of tomorrow's election in Massachusetts, Scott Brown (photo) or Martha Coakley, is seated. Wrong. Mass. law is very specific on that term limit as Fred Barnes has noted in the Weekly Standard. The reason why Wangsness can be forgiven for her error is that it is the…

One More Feminist Upset Over Aging Inequalities

January 2nd, 2010 9:42 AM
If you bother to read Joanna Weiss' column in today's Boston Globe, expect to get a sense of déjà . . . lu.  Like untold polemics that have preceded it, "Hollywood’s burden on aging women" stamps its feet over the unequal treatment of aging in men and women.You know: male stars are allowed to age gracefully, but women must struggle ever-harder to conform to a youthful stereotype of sex-appeal.…

Even Boston Globe Unable to Spin Coakley Health Care Flip-Flop Hypocri

December 21st, 2009 10:22 AM
It seems that the flat out health care flip-flop performed recently by Massachusetts Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate, Martha Coakley, was too hypocritically self serving for even the very liberal Boston Globe to spin in a way to make her look good. Either it was that or the fact that that they aren't worried about how such a story would affect Coakley's chances in the special election on…

The Government Is Monitoring Facebook And Twitter

December 14th, 2009 11:59 AM
"The government is increasingly monitoring Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites for tax delinquents, copyright infringers and political protesters."So ominously began an editorial in Sunday's New York Times.Those with accounts at such websites should pay attention, for according to the Times, and other sources, Big Brother is watching you:

Boston Globe Columnist Declares MA Senate Seat 'Winner' a Month Before

December 9th, 2009 9:50 AM
Congratulations Massachusetts!You have just chosen the person last night who will succeed the late Ted Kennedy in his Senate seat. The Boston Globe's Derrick Z. Jackson declared the winner a week ago on December 3 in this story, Coakley gets the keys to the Senate:  MARTHA COAKLEY will be the state’s next US senator. Michael Capuano handed her the keys to the late Ted Kennedy’s office by getting…

Try Not to Laugh: Boston Globe Editorial Declares Kennedys 'Devout Cat

November 25th, 2009 3:06 PM
The Boston Globe predictably editorialized on Wednesday against Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin for "targeting" Rep. Patrick Kennedy ("Rhode Island bishop errs in targeting Patrick Kennedy.") They predictably cavil that bishops don’t punish politicians who support the death penalty and wars. What sets this leaden chunk of argument apart is its boast the bishop's attention is "ironic" since the…

WaPo's Dana Milbank: 'The Senate Really Has 100 Blanche DuBoises

November 22nd, 2009 9:09 AM
To say that there's good reason not to be impressed with a quite a few U.S. Senators is to state the obvious.But I really hope that Dana Milbank either hasn't read or really doesn't remember A Streetcar Named Desire. Because in his coverage of the Senate vote last night to go forward to debate on its health care bill, the alleged journalist stooped well below the level of most of the blogosphere…

In Boston Globe, Harvard Prof. Equates Conservative Christians and Mur

November 9th, 2009 7:59 PM
In a bleary-eyed opinion article in the Sunday Boston Globe (11/8/09), Harvard divinity professor Harvey Cox denounces religious "fundamentalism." In doing so, he places mass-murdering Muslims from the Middle East on the same playing field as conservative Christians from the United States. From Cox's article:As the 20th century ended and a new one began, fundamentalism has taken on more…

Anemic Newspaper Circulation Numbers Due To Obsolete Strategies

October 30th, 2009 12:54 PM
The latest newspaper circulation numbers, measuring copies sold from April through September of this year, show a 10.6 percent decline in daily newspaper sales, the first double-digit drop in circulation ever. Newspaper readership is now at its lowest level since before World War II.The biggest losers during this six-month period, as reported by NewsBusters's Tom Blumer, were the San Francisco…

Top 25 Newspapers' Year-Over-Year Circ Drop Is 'Largest in Decade

October 27th, 2009 3:10 PM
It's a variation on the old riddle, "What's black and white, but read all over?" If you change one word and add two others, the answer to the resulting question -- "What's still mostly black and white, but red all over?" -- would be, based on just-released information about their daily circulation, "all but one of the nation's top 25 newspapers turning in comparative numbers." The figures come…

Half-Empty vs. Barely Noticed: Boston Papers' Treatments of Obama Appe

October 25th, 2009 11:13 AM
President Obama was at Democratic Party fundraising events for incumbent Democratic Governor Deval Patrick in Massachusetts Friday night. The Boston Herald's Hillary Chabot described the attendance at one of the events (HT Jules Crittenden, who is a Herald editor, via Instapundit) as "barely half-full with 125 deep-pocketed Democrats" in the second paragraph of her report ("President Obama: ‘…

Despite Evidence to Contrary, Boston Globe Says MA Economy is 'General

October 17th, 2009 2:27 PM
In an October 16, 2009, article in the Boston Globe, staffer Andrea Estes makes the eye-opening assertion that the economy in Massachusetts is "generally improving." Facts and reality suggest otherwise. Consider:In 2009 alone, unemployment in Massachusetts has swelled from 7.4% (Jan. 2009) to 9.3% (Sept. 2009)."[L]ocal aid to cities and towns [is] already down more than $700 million from the…

Boston Globe: Serious Rationing Nearly a Reality Under MA's Commonweal

October 13th, 2009 12:26 AM
I suppose President Obama is still running around telling everyone who will listen, along with anyone else who won't, that "If you like your doctors and medical providers, you can keep them." It would also not surprise me to learn that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is still singing the praises of CommonwealthCare, the state-run system conservatives also deride as RomneyCare, so named…

State Dept. Pulls Funding From Iran Human Rights Watchdog Despite Tehr

October 6th, 2009 6:13 PM
An important Boston Globe story by Farah Stockman on the State Department's defunding of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) has been noted at Hot Air, the Corner, and Instapundit. The Globe's subheadline at the story's web page is revealing: US funds dry up for Iran rights watchdog Obama White House less confrontational .... But just as the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center…