Not a Catholic Priest? Boston Globe Pretty Quiet on Child Rapist Polan

October 3rd, 2009 7:18 PM
When it comes to the awful abuse of children, it sure seems like the Boston Globe doesn't get too worked up unless the words Cardinal, bishop, or priest is in someone's job title.Over seven years ago, beginning on January 6, 2002, the Boston Globe initiated a relentless, no-stone-unturned investigation into terrible abuse in the Catholic Church. By the time the calendar year 2002 ended, the Globe…

Boston Globe's View on Afghanistan Depends on Who's President

October 3rd, 2009 9:34 AM
Is it possible for a sitting president to ignore a war his own country is waging? According to the Boston Globe, it depends on who that president is.The war in Afghanistan has presented a rare look at two different presidents faced with the same situation in the same theatre. Following initial Allied success, 2003 saw the Taliban regroup for a long-term fight, and by late 2007 Bush had begun to…

Oops! Mass. Governor Names New Senator, Three Days After CNBC Pundit S

September 24th, 2009 11:37 AM
The perils of punditry: On Monday, CNBC chief Washington correspondent and New York Times political writer John Harwood predicted that the Massachusetts legislature would not pass a law enabling Democratic Governor Deval Patrick to pick a temporary successor to the late Senator Ted Kennedy. “I don’t think so. Doesn’t look like it,” Harwood announced on CNBC’s Squawk Box.The very next day, the…

Senate Health Bill Funds Abortion; Media Mostly Mum

September 22nd, 2009 11:36 AM
Major newspapers and networks have been ignoring the question of abortion coverage in the new health care bill sponsored by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont. The only newspapers to even mention abortion coverage since the bill was released on September 16 were The Boston Globe, The Oregonian, and The Orlando Sentinel - all of which were editorials. The Boston Globe only mentioned in passing that the…

Boston Globe: Now That Ted's Out of the Way, Hurry Up With That Cape C

August 30th, 2009 8:58 PM
On the very day Ted Kennedy was buried at Arlington National Cemetery near his two brothers, a Boston Globe editorial argued to undo part of his legacy. The pertinent portion of Mr. Kennedy's legacy has to do with his strident opposition, despite a career of enthusiastically imposing environmental initiatives and costs on others, to the building of a wind farm on Cape Cod (the graphic at top…

Only in the Boston Globe: Excommunicated Priest is 'Prominent,' 'In Go

August 28th, 2009 9:17 PM
What do you call an excommunicated Catholic priest, ignorant of the sacraments, who openly calls for the ordination of women? If you're the Boston Globe, you call him a "prominent priest" who is "in good standing." Then, for good measure, you entitle the article about the priest, "Priest takes church to task for not ordaining women." Good ... grief.The paper profiles dissident ex-priest Roy…

Boston Globe Rankled: 'Rockwellian Ideal...Replaced by Quarrelsome Mas

August 10th, 2009 11:39 AM
Catching up with a front page Boston Globe story from late last week, the financially-troubled newspaper owned by the New York Times failed again to limit its liberal laments, and belittling of conservatives, to the editorial page. In “Foes' decibels replace debate on healthcare: Protesters' yells at meetings frustrate Democrats' push,” reporter Lisa Wangsness rued: This summer, the Rockwellian…

MA Zoo-Funding Battle Hints At PC Zoo-Management Infection

July 30th, 2009 3:13 PM
The zoo I'm referring to is the Franklin Park Zoo (FPZ), not the Massachusetts state legislature, although the slang version of the word's meaning likely applies there as well.As reported in a July 10 Boston Globe story, in reaction to Patrick's line-item veto of $4 million of the FPZ's $6.5 million annual subsidy, Zoo New England, which runs the FPZ's two zoo sites, ".... in a written statement…

Boston Globe Scrubs Henry Louis Gates Arrest Report From Website

July 23rd, 2009 7:45 AM
(UPDATE: The Boston Globe has now posted what it calls a redacted revised docket although it is described as a "police report" at the left side link on its site. And redacted it certainly is since it has redacted out almost the entire narrative section of the original report. To read the full highly revealing narrative, check out the original police report.) A little tip for anyone who gets…

40 Years Since Chappaquiddick; Ted Kennedy 'Would Have Brought Comfort

July 18th, 2009 10:03 AM
Earlier this week, ABC, CBS and NBC all noted the tenth anniversary of the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. That Kennedy was an “icon” according to CBS’s Harry Smith, and “the Prince of Camelot” to ABC’s Chris Cuomo, a former cousin-in-law. Today marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, killed July 18, 1969 after leaving a party with Senator Edward Kennedy. That night, Kennedy…

WSJ: RomneyCare's Failures in MA Not 'Widely Known'; I Wonder Why

July 12th, 2009 11:10 AM
An editorial in yesterday's Wall Street Journal bemoaned the fact that the state-run health system in Massachusetts is failing, and that its implosion isn't common knowledge.Formally known as CommonwealthCare, the Massachusetts scheme has the political name of "RomneyCare," in "honor" of the Bay State governor and former presidential candidate who championed its passage in 2006.The Journal…

Boston Globe Story Describes MA's State-Run Health Care As 'Trailblazi

June 24th, 2009 12:13 PM
There may be no limit to how far establishment media reporters will go in their attempt to prop up the public perception of failing state-run health care programs.The latest example comes from Massachusetts. The Bay State's CommonwealthCare (aka RomneyCare, so nicknamed because Governor Mitt Romney, rumored to be a Republican and pictured at right, championed the legislation's passage and signed…

Boston Globe Incorrectly Attributes First Anesthesia Operation to Mass

June 15th, 2009 2:55 PM
Mike Jay at the Boston Globe had what appeared to be a pretty compelling lookback piece on Sunday, June 7. It started as follows:The day pain diedWhat really happened during the most famous moment in Boston medicineThe date of the first operation under anesthetic, Oct. 16, 1846, ranks among the most iconic in the history of medicine. It was the moment when Boston, and indeed the United States,…

An Instructive Episode at What Remains of the Boston Globe

June 12th, 2009 2:20 PM
Some of us have speculated that many newsrooms in America are so hell-bent on maintaining their supposedly hallowed positions -- and that by their way of "thinking" they are exempt from the normal laws of economics -- that they will have be dragged kicking and screaming from their keyboards when the repo men come around to turn out the lights. This week's events at the Boston Globe give validity…