
NBC’s Mitchell Pushes Democratic Case Against Confirming Pompeo

April 23rd, 2018 9:28 PM
After an 11th- hour vote change from Senator Rand Paul (KY) Monday, CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s nomination for Secretary of State was allowed to go to the full Senate for a confirmation vote. Defying expectations and an obstructionist Democratic Party, the progress of Pompeo’s nomination drew the ire of NBC Nightly News and Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell, whose report on the…

ABC Host: It's 'Not Always Fair’ to Report ‘Wrongdoing’ of Candidates

April 22nd, 2018 11:56 AM
In a stunning moment of candor from ABC host George Stephanopoulos during Sunday’s This Week, the longtime Clinton flack lamented the media coverage Hillary Clinton received during the 2016 election. During the “powerhouse roundtable” discussion analyzing the media’s role in 2016 (yes, they’re still hung up on it), he was put off how media equalized Clinton and Donald Trump when it came to their…

ABC Suggests Utah Primary a Sign GOP ‘Still Very Much in Trouble’

April 22nd, 2018 9:50 AM
For months, the liberal media soothsayers have claimed to be reading the bones and insist they see a “blue wave” coming to wipe out the Republican Party. Their hysteria went to a new level during Sunday’s Good Morning America when the folks at ABC tried to argue that since former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney didn’t win the Utah GOP nomination for Senate via the caucus and had to face a…

'Scandal' Ends 7 Season Run Praising 'Black Power' and Gun Control

April 20th, 2018 12:55 AM
After seven seasons, ABC’s Scandal has finally aired its last episode. Over the course of 124 episodes, the Shonda Rhimes-produced series has pretty much covered every aspect of the liberal agenda. However, as the finale proves, there’s always time to squeeze in a little more, especially when it comes to knocking white male privilege and promoting gun control. I guess it’s better to go out with…

NBC Ignores McCabe’s Criminal Referral, ABC and CBS Downplay

April 19th, 2018 9:30 PM
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s retirement went from bad to worse on Thursday as the Bureau’s Inspector General brought his case to federal prosecutors with a criminal referral. McCabe was fired in March after an IG investigation found he had lied to investigators about leaks to the press during the Clinton e-mail investigation. When it came to reporting the damning news that evening,…

ABC Drama Is Third Show of the Week to Discuss Removal of President

April 19th, 2018 12:32 AM
Yes, it's happening again for the third time this week: ABC’s Designated Survivor joined the growing number of shows focusing on ousting a president from office. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a trend. The April 18 episode “Kirkman Agonistes” follows the public leak of audio notes from President Tom Kirkman’s (Kiefer Sutherland) private therapy sessions after the death of his wife. Because…

ABC, NBC Skip Cuba’s Sham Election Handing Off Control to Dictator

April 18th, 2018 9:32 PM
The communist government of Cuba held their sham election for a new leader on Wednesday after President Raul Castro stepped down to make way for Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel to take the reins. The news of the transition broke early that morning, but both ABC and NBC appeared too lazy to even give it a simple brief on their morning and evening broadcasts. CBS and Spanish-language networks…

'Black Lightning' Villain Wants to 'Make America Great Again'

April 18th, 2018 12:20 PM
CW’s Black Lightning finally comes to the close of a mostly uneventful yet still obnoxiously SJW first season. The latest comic-book series decides to end on a low note with a "Make America Great Again" reference from the bad guy. I guess the only real supervillain in media nowadays is Trump.

Comey Questions Colbert About ‘Pee Tape’ Hotel Room in Moscow

April 18th, 2018 1:44 AM
In a disgustingly gushy interview on CBS’s The Late Show, former FBI Director James Comey admitted that no one went to investigate the Ritz-Carlton Moscow hotel room where the Steele dossier alleged President Trump paid for the services of prostitutes. But host Stephen Colbert apparently did and begged the former investigator to ask him about it. “Is it big enough for the-- a germophobe to be at…

ABC, CBS Ignore High-Level U.S. Talks With North Korea

April 17th, 2018 11:23 PM

In a remarks late Tuesday afternoon, President Trump revealed the United States was in high-level talks directly with the North Korean government and had given the okay for South Korea to negotiate an official end to the decades-long state of war. These were major developments on the world stage but the evening broadcasts of ABC, CBS and Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo flat…


'Supergirl' Declares Black Men In America Live 'Harder Existence'

April 16th, 2018 9:53 PM
After a lengthy hiatus, CW’s Supergirl has finally returned to fight for truth, justice, and the social justice way. Sure enough, the most recent episode does not disappoint with a reminder on how hard black men have it in America. At least we’re back on schedule.

CBS Frets Comey’s Comments Complicated Testimony in Case, Impeachment

April 16th, 2018 9:14 PM
The day after former FBI Director James Comey’s interview with ABC News where he repeatedly slammed President Trump, the liberal media was largely fawning for his chides and speculation of Russian influence. While their colleagues were focused on touting Comey’s media antics, CBS Evening News spent their Monday report fretting about the damage Comey may have done to any legal or political case…

ABC Presses Comey on Trump’s Fitness for Office, Need for Impeachment

April 15th, 2018 11:45 PM
Shortly before ABC wrapped up their hour-long special interview on Sunday night with former FBI Director James Comey, Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos pressed Comey on whether or not President Trump was fit to be president and whether or not he needed to be impeached. The answers may or may not be surprising.

CBS Highlights NFL Cheerleader Discriminated Against for Her Faith

April 13th, 2018 1:00 AM
It’s not often the liberal media report on issues important to the values of conservatives and it isn’t often that they do it in a respectful way. But during Thursday’s CBS Evening News, the network put a spotlight on a case in Florida where former Miami Dolphins cheerleader Kristan Ware filed an official discrimination complaint against the organization saying she was harassed and made to feel…