Nets Spend 13 Mins on Stormy, Ignore House Dem Accused of ‘Sex Abuse'

May 3rd, 2018 9:31 PM
On Thursday, The Washington Post reported that Democratic Congressman Tony Cardenas (CA) had named himself as the mystery defendant in a Los Angeles County court filing late last week. The Congressman was accused of fondling a then 16-year-old girl while she was being transported to a hospital for medical treatment. It’s a disturbing allegation that got absolutely ZERO time on the evening…

ABC Drama: Terrorist Revealed as Libertarian Wanting 'Free Enterprise'

May 3rd, 2018 1:41 AM
Now that the matter of presidential removal has been covered, ABC’s Designated Survivor can go back to what it’s best at: promoting the liberal agenda. When it’s not overtly defending liberal values, the show usually spends time demeaning political opponents, and this week’s story is probably the dumbest attack I’ve seen this season. Forget ISIS or even Antifa, the real threat to our nation’s…

NBC Pumps Up the Hype for Possible Trump Subpoena Fight With Mueller

May 2nd, 2018 8:57 PM
The liberal media was all abuzz Wednesday when news broke that President Trump was, once again, shaking up his legal team. Trump lawyer Ty Cobb was retiring and the President was bringing on Clinton impeachment lawyer Emmet Flood. With the switch came predictions that the President was looking for a bloody fight with the special counsel. And with the hype that seemed like it belonged to a major…

CNN’s Stelter Silent on NBC Pressuring Female Reporters to Back Brokaw

May 2nd, 2018 2:04 AM
Early last month, CNN senior media correspondent Brian Stelter was apoplectic that Sinclair Broadcasting Group dared to have anchors on its network of local television outlets read a scripted corporate statement railing against fake news and promising to remain factual in their reporting. Flash forward to Tuesday, May 1, and the latest instance of a media corporation pressuring its journalists…

'For The People' Defends Kathy Griffin-Like Comedian In Latest Case

May 2nd, 2018 12:54 AM
The ABC drama For The People has been another reliable source for liberal bias when it comes to the complex topics of profiling, racial bias, and just plain evil corporations. Now it looks like the show’s tackling the more specific topic of a liberal comedian posting a picture of herself threatening the president's life. And people say there are no original ideas left!

HLN’s Cupp Rips NBC Women for Backing Brokaw in Company-Forced Letter

May 1st, 2018 9:47 PM
Just two days after entertainment magazine Variety published former NBC correspondent Linda Vester’s sexual harassment allegations against NBC legend Tom Brokaw, more than 60 women from the network signed their names to a letter defending his character. But on Tuesday, it was revealed that NBC had put tremendous pressure on the women to sign the letter. On Unfiltered that evening, host S.E. Cupp…

NBC Report Paints America as the Villain Thwarting Caravan Progress

April 30th, 2018 11:45 PM
With the caravan of migrants now sitting at an entry point on the U.S.-Mexico border outside California, the liberal major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were sure to make it a big part of their Monday evening broadcasts. And while ABC and CBS both bemoaned how the people were stuck as they waited to attempt to get into the country, the report on NBC Nightly News cast America in a…

Nets Ignore South Korean President Declaring Trump Should Win a Nobel

April 30th, 2018 9:04 PM
After praising President Trump for helping to usher North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table over the weekend, on Monday South Korean President Moon Jae-in suggested that Trump should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s an idea sure to send the anti-Trump resistance into a screaming fit. And true to form, the liberal major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) failed to…

'Madam Secretary:' Climate Change Is 'Existential Threat of Our Time'

April 30th, 2018 1:42 AM
Climate change has not been a new topic for CBS’s Madam Secretary, but it has provided some unintentionally hilarious results. The latest take sadly is not as amusing as it buries natural gas in the State Department's crusade to save the planet from the “existential threat" of global warming.

Jon Karl Denounces ‘Mean-Spirited’ Jokes About Press Sec at WHCD

April 29th, 2018 9:53 AM
Saturday night was the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner and the take away from the event was that comedian Michelle Wolf was a vile person. She targeted White House staff for ridicule that went beyond friendly jabs, such as when she ‘joked’ about putting adviser Kellyanne Conway under a falling tree or the ‘joke’ about murdering babies. The event drew great condemnation from average…

Former NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Misconduct

April 26th, 2018 11:30 PM
On Thursday night, former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw was the latest journalist to find themselves under fire for accusations of sexual misconduct. In a very detailed and eerie report, entertainment magazine Variety published the accusations from former NBC correspondent Linda Vester, who was 28 at the time and “[nearly] 30 years younger than him.” She accused the former NBC Nightly News anchor of…

Nets Ignore Bipartisan Admonishment of Menendez By Ethics Committee

April 26th, 2018 9:38 PM
In a bipartisan letter sent to New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez on Thursday, the Senate Ethics Committee issued a scathing admonishment against him for “knowingly and repeatedly accept[ing] gifts of significant value” and “fail[ing] to publicly disclose certain gifts as required by Senate Rule and federal law.” As often occurred during Menendez’s bribery trial last year, to which…

CBS Draws Attention to Media’s ‘Double Standard’ for First Ladies

April 25th, 2018 12:27 AM
CBS Evening News ended Tuesday’s program with a report highlighting that night’s state dinner at the White House and the behind-the-scenes efforts of First Lady Melania Trump to pull it off. But in the middle of the segment, reporter Jan Crawford pointed out what many considered a blatant double standard from the media, in that Mrs. Trump has been on the cover far fewer American magazines when…

'Proud Elite' TV Critic Slams 'Roseanne' and Her Viewers' 'Ignorance'

April 24th, 2018 6:04 AM
Tim Goodman, chief TV critic at the Hollywood Reporter, intensely despises President Donald Trump, the TV industry's alleged failure to go after Trump(!), and especially the Roseanne reboot. In September, he claimed that television programming hadn't "caught up" with anti-Trump outrage — which even then was out of sync with the experiences of regular TV watchers. Monday, while slamming Roseanne…