'Will & Grace' Jokes Jeff Sessions is Racist, Jared Kushner's Gay

October 27th, 2017 12:40 AM
Like the e-mails your aunt forwards you, Will & Grace continues it's steep descent into irrelevancy. On the October 26 episode, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying," we are treated to more ham-fisted one-liners that might play well among the cast, crew, and their friends in the bubble, but are just silly to those of us they count on to actually, you know, watch the show. 

Clinton’s Cover: Nets Ignore FBI Lifting Gag Order on Informant

October 27th, 2017 12:15 AM
Late Wednesday, when the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) weren’t able to get a report on the air, the FBI lifted a gag order on an informant and allowed them to share information on the Clinton-Uranium scandal with Congress without the need for a subpoena. But come Thursday, none of them mentioned the development on either their morning shows or their evening shows.

ABC/CBS Back Dems Slamming Trump’s Opioid Declaration, NBC Welcomes It

October 26th, 2017 10:05 PM
In a serious and touching ceremony at the White House on Thursday, President Trump officially declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency. But following the move, many craven Democrats came out and claimed he wasn’t doing enough. And during their evening broadcasts, ABC and CBS held water for those partisan claims as they slung mud at the President. NBC, on the other hand, surprisingly…

Stark Differences Between Military & Wimpy Liberals on 'SEAL Team'

October 26th, 2017 12:43 AM
SEAL Team on CBS is starting to become a reliably pro-American, pro-military show in a television landscape that doesn't give us much to enjoy. In the October 25 episode "Collapse," the drama portrayed American service members respectfully as those doing good in the world and liberals as, well, ridiculous.

More Republican & Gun Violence Slams On 'Designated Survivor'

October 26th, 2017 12:14 AM
ABC’s Designated Survivor seems to be on a roll with its liberal bias lately. This is the third week in a row where the show attempted to stuff in as much propaganda as it can in an hour. After tackling racism in capitalism and amnesty, the most recent episode is prepared to tackle the real enemy of the people: Republicans.

CBS Champions Sen. Flake, Claims He Was Victim of GOP ‘Mutiny’

October 25th, 2017 11:55 PM
During Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, the network ran back-to-back reports lionizing Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake for announcing his retirement while he denounced his party’s president. In a block of time lasting four minutes and 28 seconds, CBS bemoaned how Flake’s Republican colleagues didn’t join him in ripping President Trump and covering-up just how vastly unpopular Flake was in his…

Nets Downplay Clinton/DNC Using Foreign Agents for Oppo. Research

October 25th, 2017 9:25 PM
In a bombshell report by The Washington Post Tuesday, it came to light that both the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on then-candidate Donald Trump, producing the infamous Russian dossier against him. Despite the fact that the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) once spent a combined 57 minutes on Donald Trump Jr. doing something similar, they…

PBS Columnist (!): 'Alarmism Over Trump Is Dangerous For Democracy'

October 25th, 2017 12:03 PM
Pass the smelling salts. Last week, PBS, the public broadcasting behemoth, actually published a column by a clearly left-leaning Brookings Institute Senior Fellow which was mostly backed by reason and an understanding of the nation's constitutional framework. Shadi Hamid, who is no fan of the President, warned the left and never-Trumpers that their constant "alarmism" over the actions and…

CW's 'Legends of Tomorrow' Introduces Muslim Superhero

October 25th, 2017 1:29 AM
Not wanting to be outdone by its fellow DC program Supergirl, CW’s DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has apparently decided to jump on the political train by introducing a new character to their cast: a Muslim hactivist from a dystopian future. If you think that’s a load of political posturing, then you would be right.

ABC Comedy Celebrates 'Mighty' Maxine Waters 'Reclaiming Her Time'

October 25th, 2017 12:10 AM
ABC’s The Mayor continues to lower my expectations by falling from a semi-decent comedy to another run-of-the-mill left-leaning political sideshow. Just when it manages to be passable, the show reminds me just what side of the political spectrum they cater for weekly. This time, it’s a costumed appearance of people’s favorite “new” member of the Resistance Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

Nets Fawn Over Retiring Flake, Downplay Likely Re-Election Loss

October 25th, 2017 12:00 AM
The longtime critic of President Trump, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake announced his retirement on the Senate Floor Tuesday in a spectacle targeting the President and designed to get the media all hot and bothered. After he called Trump "reckless, outrageous and undignified” all of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) gleefully led their evening newscasts with the GOP infighting as they fawned…

'Blackish' Says Donald Trump 'Failed,' Has 'No Friends'

October 24th, 2017 11:19 PM
Family game night turns political on the October 24 episode of ABC's Blackish, "Advance to Go (Collect $200)," when Dre (Anthony Anderson) starts winning big and alienates the rest of the family.

ABC Breaks Clinton-Uranium Silence, Downplays House Investigation

October 24th, 2017 9:37 PM
ABC’s World News Tonight was the first network in the Big Three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) to break the broadcast news TV blackout and run some form of report for the Hillary Clinton-Uranium One scandal on Tuesday. Unfortunately, it was merely a news brief that lasted 20-seconds and wrote off the newly announced congressional investigation as “baloney.”

CBS, NBC Lament Trump Affecting Bergdahl Trial, Omit Taliban Praise

October 23rd, 2017 11:12 PM
Monday was supposed to be the sentencing hearing for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, but his lawyer motioned to dismiss the case and asserted that President Trump’s critical comments during the 2016 election swayed the military court. Both CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News seemed to buy into the claims as they lamented how the admitted deserter would have to wait until Wednesday to learn his…