'Supergirl' Reminds Us America Hates Mexicans and Homosexuals

October 23rd, 2017 10:30 PM
Let the record show that after more than two seasons, CW’s Supergirl has not only lost the art of subtlety but consistency as well. The latest episode gives us the usual biased drivel covering homosexuality, Mexicans, and, somehow, Trump’s wall. Get ready for some trouble in liberal paradise.

Nets Blackout Russia Investigation News Unrelated to Trump

October 23rd, 2017 9:43 PM
The Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) appear to be fed-up with Russia investigations. In the last few days, there had been numerous new developments in the Russian election interference investigation and other Russia influence related investigations. The breaking news included a possible criminal investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the FBI tracking Russian spies trying to get…

'Madam Secretary' Deems Government Employees 'Truly Heroic'

October 23rd, 2017 1:24 AM
Where would we be without the efforts of government spending? At least $20 trillion less in debt, but that never seems to occur to the more left-leaning politicians. Meanwhile, CBS’s Madam Secretary takes the time to remind the viewers about how necessary everyone and everything employed by the government can be.

ABC, NBC Maintain Clinton-Uranium Blackout, CBS Finds It 5 Days Late

October 22nd, 2017 2:48 PM
During Sunday’s Face the Nation, Moderator John Dickerson became the first member of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) to crack the broadcast TV blackout of the Hillary Clinton-Uranium scandal. But his mention of the story came five days after The Hill first exposed how the FBI was investigating Russian bribery of public officials to purchase the radioactive substance. And segment…

Dowd Questions Kelly’s Intelligence, Claims Lincoln’s GOP Is Gone

October 22nd, 2017 1:12 PM
ABC's make-believe Republican Matthew Dowd was on a tear Sunday morning during his appearance on This Week’s “Powerhouse Roundtable.” While there, he continued his exhausted criticism of President Trump but he set his eyes on a new target: White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly. And according to Dowd, Kelly’s defense of President Trump’s call to a gold star widow meant people should start…

NBC Omits Its Role in Creating ‘Shameful Week in American Politics’

October 22nd, 2017 10:40 AM
During the political coverage on NBC’s Sunday Today, host Willie Geist and Political Director Chuck Todd lamented about how far America’s political discourse sunk in the wake of the week’s condolence controversy. According to their telling, all of the blame rested on President Trump and his White House. But in reality, their network’s sprint to label General John Kelly, a gold star father, a…

‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ Spouts Anti-Reagan Lie at Cocktail Party

October 20th, 2017 11:44 PM
In the latest episode of the CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend that aired on October 20, titled “To Josh, With Love,” main character Rebecca (Rachel Bloom) continues her pursuit to find someone to help her take revenge against her ex-fiancé, Josh Chan (Vincent Rodriguez, III), for leaving her at the altar. This week her evil conservative boss, Nathaniel Plimpton (Scott Michael Foster), gets involved.

Pigs Fly: Nets Suddenly Respect President Bush After He Skewers Trump

October 20th, 2017 12:27 AM
Christmas came early for the liberal Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) on Thursday when former President George W. Bush spoke out against the Donald Trump administration. In a disgusting display of sudden respect for a long time political foe, the network’s championed Bush’s hammering of the current president. And the icing on their anti-Trump cake was former President Obama doing the exact…

'Will & Grace' Features VP Pence's Picture at Gay Conversion Camp

October 20th, 2017 12:14 AM
I watch NBC's Will & Grace so you don't have to, and be grateful I did. In the October 19 episode, "Grandpa Jack," Jack (Sean Hayes) is surprised to find out that his son Elliot is now a father himself. So, Jack is now grandfather to Skip who, his parents suspect, is gay (like Jack). Why didn't Jack know about his grandson? Because Elliot moved to Texas and became a conservative, so they no…

ABC's 'Scandal' Wants 'Racist' Revolutionary War Statue Taken Down

October 19th, 2017 11:57 PM
We’re on the third episode of the last season of ABC’s Scandal, and I’m honestly surprised it took this long to return to something political. After covering the already trite free education argument from the season premiere, the show returns this week with another trite subject: controversial historical statues.

Despite Trump’s Shaming, Nets Ignore Clinton-Uranium Scandal

October 19th, 2017 10:02 PM
In a statement to the press on Thursday, President Trump scolded the liberal media for going out of their way to protect Hillary Clinton and not report on the new development in the Uranium/Clinton/Russia scandal recently revived by The Hill. But despite the President’s shaming and claims that the media didn’t have a choice when covering stuff Trump was talking about, the Big Three Networks (ABC…

Navy SEAL Gives P.C. Teacher a Reality Check on CBS Military Drama

October 18th, 2017 11:21 PM
The new CBS series SEAL Team has had its questionable moments, but the October 18 episode "Ghosts of Christmas Future" shared some important truths about the world. Main character and SEAL Team leader Jason (David Boreanaz) and his wife Alana (Michaela McManus) are at their son's school meeting with both his principal and counselor when the principal shares his P.C. education philosophy.

ABC’s ‘The Mayor’ Piles on Trump, Election References

October 17th, 2017 11:55 PM
ABC’s The Mayor continues its season with unremarkable notice, so I guess that means it’s overdue for a check-up. The latest episode is just another reminder that even in the tiniest moments some leftists can’t help themselves from taking a jab.

Excessive Celebration: ABC Falsely Claims NFL Not Making Players Stand

October 17th, 2017 9:40 PM
Tuesday’s edition of ABC’s World News Tonight was a prime example of how sensationalism in journalism damages credibility. Instead of leading the show by reporting on something important like CBS did with the opioid epidemic, or political conflict like NBC, ABC chose to celebrate the NFL seemingly not requiring players to stand during the National Anthem at a meeting earlier in the day. But the…