
NBC's 'The Brave' Draws the Line Between American Heroes, Traitors

October 17th, 2017 12:00 AM
NBC’s The Brave is one of the latest primetime shows featuring a military element that from the start has been driving liberals crazy. The Brave, in particular, must be a thorn in the average extreme leftist’s side with the characters regularly acknowledging themselves and the American forces as “the good guys” against foreign adversaries. This week takes that American pride up a notch when the…

Nets Forget Obama Admin Championed Bergdahl as a ‘Hero’ Coming Home

October 16th, 2017 11:48 PM
In a military courtroom in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina on Monday, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty to charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy and faces up to life in prison. Back in 2014, President Obama traded five dangerous terrorists to get Bergdahl back, and in a flawed political calculation, championed him as a 'hero.' Despite the massive blowback that followed the ill-advised…

Nets Omit Federal Judge Rejecting Menendez Motion for Acquittal

October 16th, 2017 9:12 PM
In a devastating day in court for New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez Monday, a federal judge threw out the defense’s motion for acquittal, which was made last Thursday when the prosecution rested its case. In his decision, the judge noted that “a rational jury could conclude the defendants entered into a quid pro quo agreement.” But despite the damning development, the liberal Big Three…

Van Jones: Trump ‘Willing' to Have Americans Die 'to Get His Way’

October 15th, 2017 6:01 PM
On Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order that made it easier for small and medium-size businesses to band together in order to buy health insurance as a group and get a better rate. The Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) found that idea abhorrent and smeared it as a threat to Obama’s legacy. The hyperbole continued during ABC’s This Week on Sunday, where CNN’s Van Jones claimed…

SNL Mocks ‘Kellywise’ Conway as Evil Clown from Horror Film ‘IT’

October 15th, 2017 11:03 AM
After taking a week to slam alleged sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, NBC’s Saturday Night Live poured great detail into a skit that mocked White House adviser Kellyanne Conway as a loon and for her makeup. In a skit resembling the hit movie remake of Stephen King’s “IT,” comedian Alex Moffat played CNN’s Anderson Cooper who was being lured into the sewer by Kate McKinnon, who played Kellyanne…

NBC Comedy Suggests Victimizing Men in the Name of Gender Equality

October 12th, 2017 11:16 PM
In the October 12 episode of NBC's Great News, named "Honeypot!" the crew is being subjected to sexual harrassment in the workplace. Since it's a woman harrassing the men, however, coworkers are hestitant to believe the truth, and it turns out the harrasser is doing it in the name of workplace equality. In the course of discussing all of this, they make the expected jokes about Fox News and…

Nets Denounce Health Care Executive Order as Threat to Obama’s Legacy

October 12th, 2017 10:58 PM
On Thursday, President Trump unveiled an executive order designed to bring new freedom to the health insurance market by allowing people to form associations in order to buy insurance across state lines. But the Big Three networks weren’t going to lie down and let people have affordable insurance. Instead, they would lie and mislead about what the order actually did and about how it would affect…

ABC/CBS Tout NBC’s Trump Story, Nothing on Their Weinstein Blackout

October 12th, 2017 12:13 AM
On Wednesday, ABC and CBS were absolutely giddy over an NBC report that asserted President Trump wanted to inflate the U.S. nuclear arsenal “ten-fold” to 1960s levels. The report added fuel to the liberal claims that Trump was a madman looking to trigger an all-out nuclear war. But as they were hyping NBC’s reporting on Trump, they turned a blind eye to NBC’s dubious coverage of alleged sexual…

ABC's Dowd Lamely Claims Trump Travel Ban 'Does Nothing on Security'

October 11th, 2017 11:59 PM
Tuesday, after over eight months of lower-court legal maneuvering, the Supreme Court "dismissed a major challenge to President Trump's travel ban on majority-Muslim countries ... because it has been replaced by a new version, sending the controversy back to the starting block." Perhaps the weakest argument by someone in the media against what the Supreme Court ultimately did — that Trump's…

'Empire' Celebrates Coming Out Day With Dad Apologizing for Hate

October 11th, 2017 11:00 PM
October 11 was hyped on Twitter as “National Coming Out Day,” because declaring the type of sex you like is now worthy of a whole day of celebration. With this in mind, the latest episode of Fox’s Empire had its own National Coming Out Day highlight with a special scene between record label CEO Lucious (Terrence Howard) and his gay son Jamal (Jussie Smollett).

Nets Yawn as Federal Prosecutors Rest Case in Menendez Bribery Trial

October 11th, 2017 9:30 PM
Justice Department prosecutors rested their case against Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez on Wednesday, much to the silence of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). With dozens of charges against him, prosecutors allege Menendez and his associate Dr. Salomon Melgen were responsible for an expansive quid-pro-quo scheme that spanned years. The case had all the hallmarks of a spicy…

Nets Downplay NFL Commissioner Caving to Trump in Kneeling Saga

October 10th, 2017 9:22 PM
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell handed President Trump a victory on Tuesday after he sent a memo to all 32 teams directing them to have their players stand during the playing of the National Anthem. When players across the league took a knee during the National Anthem to protest the President, the liberal media went absolutely gaga. The networks dedicated 92 minutes of coverage over two days to…

'Supergirl' Slams Global Warming Skeptics as 'Morons'

October 10th, 2017 12:13 AM
CW’s Supergirl has now had almost five extra months to come to terms with the Trump Presidency. At this point, the show could either move on like the rest of the country or double down in disgrace. Unfortunately, the October 9 premiere “Girl of Steel” doubled down and doesn’t show any signs of letting up its liberal, anti-Trump slant.

CBS Bemoans Loosening Energy Regs, Glorifies China’s Green Energy

October 9th, 2017 11:52 PM
On Monday, EPA Director Scott Pruitt announced that he would be putting an end to the Obama-era policy known and the Clean Power Plan. The plan put stiff regulations on new and existing coal-fired power plants which resulted in many being closed down, miners to be let go, energy bills to skyrocket, and put greater strain on the power grid. All in the name of so-called green energy. CBS Evening…