
ABC Reports That Hillary's Server Was 'Likely' Backed Up; Press Yawns

August 17th, 2015 12:01 AM
Today on ABC's This Week, Jonathan Karl reported that "Platte River Networks, the Colorado company which set up (Hillary) Clinton's servers, told ABC News that it's highly likely that a full backup of the server was made, meaning those thousands of emails she deleted may still exist." This from all appearances huge development has only drawn the interest of several center-right blogs and outlets…

NBC's Mitchell Hypes Hillary's Attack on Marco Rubio, GOP Generally

August 10th, 2015 8:57 PM
While all three broadcast evening newscasts tonight noted Hillary Clinton's reaction to Donald Trump's offensive comments regarding Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and her menstrual cycle, NBC gave considerable attention to Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton's attempt to exploit the Trump kerfuffle in order to attack all Republican presidential candidates as anti-woman.

5 Days On, Press Won't Acknowledge Chattanooga Killer's Likely Motive

July 21st, 2015 11:45 PM
After five days, President Obama finally today ordered "that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds" and at other official federal locations until sunset on Saturday to honor the five victims of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez's murder spree in Chattanooga, Tennessee last Thurday. Though the White House will never admit…

ABC's Raddatz Changes Subject As Kristol Notes Left's 'Netroots' Chaos

July 20th, 2015 11:45 AM
In Phoenix this weekend, "Black Lives Matter" disruptors crashed the "Netroots" convention, an event the Associated Press described as a gathering of "some of the party's most influential liberal activists." On ABC's This Week yesterday Bill Kristol had the temerity to mention some of the details of the chaos. Show host Martha Raddatz changed the subject faster than you can say "deeply divided…

CNN, Leftist Hacks Attack Garrett For Asking Obama Tough Questions

July 15th, 2015 8:28 PM
Journalists and lefitsts (but I repeat myself) are hopping mad. They're not mad at President Obama for failing to make freeing American hostages held by Iran an issue in negotiations with that nation. Instead, they're furious at Major Garrett of CBS News for daring to ask Dear Leader a question about it, even though in the process Garrett got a clearly irritated Obama to make news by admitting,…

Today Show Celebrates: Atticus Finch 'Knocked Off His Pedestal'

July 13th, 2015 10:12 PM
The media instinct to trash all that is inspiring and noble was unmistakable in Monday morning's Today report on the new novel (Go Set a Watchman) by Harper Lee, the author of the widely celebrated, best-selling To Kill a Mockingbird, first published in 1960. Debate has raged over whether Lee, who is in very poor health and whose mental competence has been questioned, ever wanted her manuscript…

Salon: Cosby Show 'Enabled...Ugliest Reagan-Era Fantasies' on Race

July 12th, 2015 2:26 PM
Amid mounting evidence of Bill Cosby’s depraved behavior, many have changed their minds about Cosby the person. Should they also reconsider, for very different reasons, their affection for his megahit sitcom, The Cosby Show? Lefty writer Chauncey DeVega thinks so. In a Sunday article for Salon, DeVega opined that the series “lied to its white viewers about the nature of racism, white supremacy,…

Bob Costas Rips Cubs Pitcher, Unmasks Intense Anti-Religious Hostility

June 29th, 2015 8:57 AM
To be clear, professional sports broadcasting is thankfully long past the time when the announcers would annoyingly sugarcoat dismal player performances. (Though I would prefer that those who actually played the game engage in this criticism, and that play-by-play announcers who haven't try to stay away from it.) So it would have been somewhat acceptable if veteran NBC broadcaster Bob Costas, as…

Net Neutrality Hits the Web, The Media Misses -- Badly

June 15th, 2015 10:29 AM
As we’ve often discussed, the Tech Media is just as hopelessly Leftist and lost as the broader Jurassic Press.  They are both echo chambers - talking points and terrible ideas bounce with great rapidity around their tiny little worlds.  They are the Bubble Boys (and Girls) of news. When a Tech Media story crosses over to the broader Jurassic Press - their ridiculous Leftist repetitiveness is…

Lefty Critic: ‘David Letterman + Ronald Reagan = Ted Cruz’

May 18th, 2015 6:07 PM
Over the past decade or so, David Letterman has become outspokenly liberal, but according to cultural critic Scott Timberg, the seemingly apolitical comedy that Dave did in the 1980s actually hurt the left. Specifically, it served as a sort of opiate which left his audience disinclined to push back against Reaganism. “For those on the progressive or liberal side of the aisle,” wrote Timberg last…

Salon: GOP Will 'Miss George Stephanopoulos' As Debate Moderator

May 17th, 2015 5:22 PM
In the wake of the furor over his gifts to the Clinton Foundation, George Stephanopoulos has taken himself out of the running to moderate a Republican presidential debate set to air on ABC next February. That development gave Salon’s Jim Newell a peg for his Friday argument that GOPers are off-base in their recent push for conservatives (or at least non-liberals) to moderate their party’s debates…

Lefty Blogger on Stephanopoulos Donations: ‘So What?’

May 15th, 2015 10:38 AM
In the uproar over George Stephanopoulos’s hefty, long-undisclosed contributions to the Clinton Foundation, New York magazine blogger Jonathan Chait casts himself in a role similar to that of the child in the tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” who, after so many have admired their ruler’s supposedly magnificent outfit, points out that the monarch actually is wearing nothing at all. “Everybody…

Fiorina Registers After He Cites Her 'Lost' .org Domain

May 10th, 2015 11:21 PM
Chuck Todd should have been ready for this, but he wasn't. Just a few days days ago, on the very network at which Todd toils, "Late Night" comedian Seth Meyers thought he would be cute and embarrass GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina over not registering the domain, thereby allowing a critic to take it and use it as a platform for criticizing her tenure as H-P's CEO.…

Fiorina Turns Tables on Seth Meyers, Buys Domain

May 7th, 2015 11:36 AM
In what is certainly not the most consequential development in presidential politics but nonetheless a fun moment, recently declared Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina decisively one-upped NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers, who seems to have thought he could inflict a bit of harm on the former tech CEO's credibility. In an era where dot-whatever domains have proliferated, Fiorina's…