AP Ignored Indicators of Islamist Involvement in Texas Terror Attack

May 4th, 2015 10:53 AM
(See Update Below) Since news broke of the terrorist attack in Garland, Texas Sunday evening and continuing until early this morning, the Associated Press, perhaps best nicknamed Allah's Press in instances such as these, was determined not to reveal the nature of those behind it. Two attackers were killed by police after opening fire and wounding a security officer, who, according to AP, "was…

A Tale of Three Governors, Media Bias Edition

April 16th, 2015 9:25 AM
It was the best of coverage - it was the worst of coverage.

USA Today: Obama's Smoking May Be Cause of Daughter's Asthma

April 12th, 2015 8:41 PM
A Wednesday "Good Morning America" piece gave President Barack Obama an open mic to claim that, in ABC's words, "climate change became a personal issue for him when his older daughter Malia, now 16, was rushed to the emergency room with an asthma attack when she was just a toddler." Somehow, ABC managed to avoid another possible contributor — besides the obvious possibility that Malia developed…

SNL's Violent Opening Skit: Impossible to Imagine If Parties Switched

March 29th, 2015 11:39 PM
One of the first rules of genuine comedy is that to be funny, a joke or skit needs to have some basis in truth. On that primary measurement, the cold open on "Saturday Night Live" last night failed miserably on so many fronts, it's hard to know where to begin. Its most offensive aspect is its portrayal of a Democrat inflicting violence on three Republicans to the audience's pleausre. It is…

ABC's David Muir Is a Propagandist Pretty Boy, Not a Newsman

March 25th, 2015 9:27 PM
It's possible that Muir knew his Ferguson recap last week was a complete lie and decided his best course was to promote the left-leaning agenda of ABC News. He's a pretty face spouting the same old propaganda.

Cruz Notes No Warming for 17 Years; Politifact Insists: 'Mostly False'

March 20th, 2015 3:24 PM
Over at Hot Air, I saw that Seth Meyers, as he was figuratively grilling Texas Senator Ted Cruz on his "Late Night" program — the first rule of these shows is that conservatives get attacked, while liberals get coddled — made his case for global warming by saying, “I think the world’s on fire literally.” I checked outside just a moment ago and "literally" saw no burning bushes or other burning…

Carville 'Suspects' Hillary's Private Server Set Up to Dodge Oversight

March 16th, 2015 10:06 AM
After his appearance yesterday on ABC's "This Week," Hillary Clinton may be wondering whose side James Carville is on. Never mind Carville's frequent and rude interruptions of other guests, his seemingly calculated incoherence, and his false claims about the Clintons' past record of corruption. Even though that behavior doesn't represent the Clintons well, they have to know that's part of the…

WashPost's Schwarz: For Millions, 'Fox News IS the Mainstream Media'

March 10th, 2015 10:15 AM
Late Monday morning, reacting to a news Quinnipiac University poll about network trustworthiness, the Washington Post's Hunter Schwarz, at the paper's "The Fix" blog, pointed to Fox News's dominance and declared: "For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media." Perhaps more surprising than Fox's dominance, but clearly supporting the statement Schwarz made, is the collective poor…

Mother Jones: Three Meals a Day Is Racist

March 5th, 2015 11:19 AM
Leave it to a writer at Mother Jones to dispense condescending healthy eating advice while serving up a side dish of alleged historical racism with a tincture of capitalism bashing. Kiera Butler, a senior editor there, didn't have to engage in either exercise to make her nutritional points, which may have some validity. She must have felt that her primary headline ("Why You Should Stop Eating…

NBC ‘Today’ Gave 'SNL40' 11 Times More News Than ISIS Beheadings

February 16th, 2015 12:05 PM
To “Today,” a comedy show retrospective is 11 times more important than Isis slaughtering Christians. In its first three hours Monday, “Today” spent 14 minutes 28 seconds on last night’s SNL40 anniversary of “Saturday Night Live” – another NBC production. On the other hand, it gave all of one minute, 20 seconds to a mass atrocity and the military response to it. The other networks also spent…

NYT's Parker-Pope Pushes False Memories Williams Meme 4 Days Late

February 11th, 2015 1:49 PM
Tara Parker-Pope attempted a defense of disgraced NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams in an item ("Was Brian Williams a Victim of False Memory?") posted at the New York Times "Well" blog — late Monday afternoon. It even made Tuesday's New York version of the Old Gray Lady's print edition. Parker-Pope's premise, similar to that used by Marison Bello at USA Today three days earlier — even using…

New York Mag: NBC Has a 'Dossier of Williams' Apparent Lies'

February 11th, 2015 12:00 AM
In his story on Brian Williams at 10:55 p.m. ET Tuesday, Gabriel Sherman at New York Magazine reported that the now-suspended anchor and his agent "were presented with a dossier of Williams' apparent lies," and that "Williams himself was only slowly grasping the depths of the mess he'd created." That begs the obvious question of whether the public will ever get to know what's in that "dossier,"…

Williams Admits to Lie Over 'Following' Hit Copter in Feb. 4 Interview

February 9th, 2015 3:33 PM
At about 2:40 this afternoon, Stars and Stripes published a "full transcript of the Feb. 4 (Wednesday) interview in which the anchor admits he was never on the attacked helicopter and claims he was unaware his flight was not directly behind but actually far from the company that was hit." Williams, in admitting that his flight was far from the company that was hit, is acknowledging that the…

Geraldo: Critics of Williams in 'Mother's Basement' Should 'Shut Up'

February 8th, 2015 10:15 PM
Friday morning on Fox and Friends, Geraldo Rivera, echoing Rathergate, the 2004 scandal which put the blogosphere and New Media on the map to stay and accelerated its growth, reacted to the Brian Williams debacle by denouncing those criticizing the NBC Nightly News anchor "from the safety of their mother's basement," telling them that they should just "shut up." Saturday, in a pair of tweets…