
‘What Matters’? Facts Don’t, When NBC Demands Gun Control Now!

November 17th, 2019 10:19 AM
In a blatant attempt to exploit the Santa Clarita school shooting the very next day, Friday’s NBC Nightly News conveniently queued up their ‘What Matters’ segment to push the Democratic Party’s desire to do away with gun rights in America. While the segment dealt with what mattered to Democratic voters it didn’t deal with the facts that mattered.

Feminist Implants Uterus in Men on NBC's 'The Blacklist'

November 15th, 2019 11:09 PM
It turns out network television isn’t done lecturing us on abortion yet. We’ve had series after series come at us with pro-abortion stories, but NBC’s The Blacklist may have brought us the strangest case of them all. Let’s just say if this is where the propaganda is headed, liberals should stick to copying The Handmaid’s Tale.

Bribery! Nets Approve of Pelosi’s New Impeachment Buzzword

November 14th, 2019 9:08 PM

At a Thursday press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) essentially authorized the use of the word “bribery” to describe President Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine. The broadcast networks gushed about her use of the word and showed their approval by roundly noting that bribery was an impeachable offense explicitly laid out in the Constitution.


Someone Overheard Something: Nets Pounce on Hearsay Allegations

November 13th, 2019 9:59 PM
Someone told me about a phone call they overheard between someone else and President Trump on the other end: that was the crux of the “new evidence” out of Wednesday’s televised impeachment hearing that had the liberal media foretelling doom for the President. Despite the fact it met the literal definition of hearsay, ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News pounced on the testimony of diplomat Bill…

'Empire' Proudly 'Denounces' Church and 'Christian Values'

November 12th, 2019 11:22 PM
Fox’s Empire seems to really dislike religious pro-life people. Sure, plenty of shows have introduced an abortion plot recently, but Empire is the only show to continue this plot for multiple episodes. In fact, this may be the worst take the season has done since it seems to revel in “denouncing the church.”

‘What Matters’: NBC Holds Up Biden’s Plan for ObamaCare, Same Promise

November 12th, 2019 10:32 PM
Though he wasn’t included in NBC’s “My Big Idea” series the first time around, Tuesday’s edition of the “What Matters” (only to Democratic voters) series featured former Vice President Joe Biden and his plan for the future of ObamaCare. Spoiler alert, Biden was oblivious to the Obama-like promise he made during the interview while blasting Medicare for all.

Nets Overlook Legal Complaint Whistleblower ‘Soliciting Illicit Funds'

November 12th, 2019 8:47 PM
The tables appeared to turn on Tuesday when news broke that the infamous whistleblower behind impeachment was the subject of a different whistleblower complaint. The new complaint suggested the original whistleblower was soliciting and receiving illicit funds via the GoFundMe page set up to pay for legal fees. As would be expected, the same broadcast networks which gave President Trump 96 percent…

NBC Explores ‘What Matters’ to Democratic Voters, Skips GOP Solutions

November 12th, 2019 12:42 AM
For Friday’s edition of their biased “What Matters” series, where they talk solely to Democratic voters, NBC Nightly News was in the kitchen of 2020 hopeful, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker to talk about how to pay for childcare. Of course, as the network did when hawking the “Big Idea” from Democrats on paid family leave, they’ve been ignoring Republicans solutions to the problem.

Iran Caught With Uranium Particles at Undeclared Facility, Nets Spike

November 11th, 2019 10:38 PM
While the Iran-friendly broadcast networks had previously defended the authoritarian regime from Trump administration accusations they cheated President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, they were nowhere to been seen Monday night when a leaked, “confidential” International Atomic Energy Agency report exposed how the United Nations organization discovered uranium particles of “anthropogenic origin” at a…

NBC Ignored GOP Role in Justice Reform, Now Boosting Warren’s Plan

November 11th, 2019 8:52 PM
A week ago to the day, NBC Nightly News along with their broadcast competitors (ABC and CBS) ignored the lead role GOP lawmakers played in reforming the criminal justice system in Oklahoma. Now, on this Monday, the network’s flagship evening news program was helping to promote Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) criminal justice reform plan as part of their pre-debate series where they only address…

'Madam Secretary': Free Speech on YouTube 'Leads to White Nationalism'

November 11th, 2019 12:54 AM
CBS’s Madam Secretary has been quite bold in its final season. First it starts out with a Hillary Clinton-like female president. Then, it follows up by praising reporters as fighting “the good fight.” Now, it goes one step further in promoting censorship out of fear of causing white nationalism.

ABC, NBC Skip New High for Stocks With Possible China Trade Deal

November 7th, 2019 10:54 PM
The stock market hit yet another record high on Thursday, following reports that the United States and China would ease tariffs as part of a pending trade deal. But ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News refused to share the great news for American consumers. Instead, they both chose to celebrate reports of the possibility former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was getting ready to…

ABC, NBC Excited to Learn ‘Centrist’ Bloomberg Might Run in 2020

November 7th, 2019 9:34 PM
As one radical, anti-gun Democrat (Robert O’Rourke) drops out of the 2020 race for president, another appeared set to take his place. And the liberal media were loving it. In that vein, both ABC’s World News Night and NBC Nightly News kicked off their Thursday evening newscasts by hyping reports former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was readying documents to get on the Democratic primary…

CBS Advertises Televised Impeachment Hearings Like Fight Entertainment

November 6th, 2019 10:55 PM
By her excitement and choice of words, one could easily think failing-CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell was promoting a pay per view boxing or pro-wrestling match during Wednesday’s newscast. But no, she was hyping the televised impeachment hearings that would start next week. In addition to that, NBC Nightly News chided Republicans were wanted the public to know the identity of the…