
Only ‘What Matters’ to Dems: NBC Pushes for Strengthening Unions

November 6th, 2019 8:46 PM
As part of their new “What Matters” series, the segment they admitted was only meant to gauge the interests of Democratic voters, Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News sat down with Senator and 2020 hopeful Amy Klobuchar (MN) and asked her how she would help to strengthen unions in America.

‘Arrow’ Marks Final Season With Evil MAGA Reference

November 6th, 2019 12:54 AM
This is the final season of the CW’s superhero drama series Arrow. Not only does this bring the end of the show that brought us the shared TV universe of The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and Batwoman, it’s also the writers’ last chance to make a political statement. Sadly, the show decided to reveal its real priorities by throwing in a last-minute MAGA reference for the bad guy.

New NBC Series Only Looks at ‘What Matters’ to Democratic Voters

November 5th, 2019 10:49 PM
As an apparent sequel to their biased “My Big Idea” series, where they aided 2020 Democrats in pushing their liberal policy proposals to the public, NBC Nightly News kicked off a brand new series Tuesday dubbed “What Matters” where they only talk to Democratic voters and pitch their comments to Democratic candidates.

UPDATE: Evening ABC Refuses to Address Their Epstein Scandal

November 5th, 2019 9:18 PM
ABC News found itself embroiled in a dark scandal Tuesday, after a leaked video of network anchor Amy Robach was released showing her admitting ABC had killed her story, which would have exposed additional pedophile allegations against investor Jeffrey Epstein. The network’s only response, so far, was to release a week statement on Twitter claiming the story was not ready for airtime. And come…

Nets, Which Touted Jeering Nats Fans, Ignore Players Praising Trump

November 4th, 2019 11:33 PM
A week ago, CBS and NBC were enthralled by footage of Washington Nationals fans booing President Trump and chanting “lock him up” at game five of the World Series. But when Nationals players visited the White House on Monday, they praised the President for making the country great with one sporting his “Make America Great Again” hat. Those same networks ignored the event while hyping the release…

Nets Praise Oklahoma Criminal Justice Reform, Ignore Large Role of GOP

November 4th, 2019 9:10 PM

Oklahoma held the title for the highest lockup rate in the country (1 in every 100 residents), but that began to change on Monday after some 500 non-violent offenders had their sentences commuted by sweeping criminal justice reform. ABC, CBS, and NBC celebrated the move during their evening newscasts but ignored the role of the heavily Republican-control legislature and the Republican governor…


‘Madam Secretary’ Praises Reporters Who ‘Fight the Good Fight’

November 4th, 2019 12:59 AM
Even in its final season, CBS’s Madam Secretary is still managing to squeeze in more liberal pandering. As if the Hillary Clinton-esque female president wasn’t enough, now we get a scene fawning over the press. It’s enough to make one thankful the ending’s only five episodes away.

Todd Frets: Dems Have 'Higher Hurdle' for Removing President Trump

November 3rd, 2019 10:25 AM
As part of their political coverage on Sunday Today, NBC News showed off a new poll they did (in conjunction with The Wall Street Journal) that claimed 49 percent of Americans supported impeaching and removing President Trump from office. But all was not well for political director and Meet the Press moderator, Chuck Todd. He worried that the “higher hurdle for the Democrats” was convincing the…

CBS Anchor O’Donnell Rolls Over for Schiff to Spew Talking Points

October 31st, 2019 10:56 PM
There’s a reason CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell was absolutely failing to boost ratings for CBS’s flagship evening newscast. Following the partisan passage of the House’s impeachment procedures on Thursday, O’Donnell sat down with, or rather rolled over for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). She lobbed marshmallow-like questions at him so he could effectively…

ABC, NBC Boost Disgraced Katie Hill’s False Claims of Double Standard

October 31st, 2019 9:18 PM

Despite the fact that Congresswoman Katie Hill (CA), now a falling star in the Democratic Party, was facing an ethics investigation over allegations she had a sexual relationship with a congressional staffer, the liberal media were holding water for her as whined about there being a supposed “double standard” for how she was forced to resign. One anchor even suggested she was a victim.


Nets Skip Joe Biden Being Denied Communion for Abortion Views

October 30th, 2019 11:11 PM
While trying to receive holy communion at South Carolina’s St. Anthony Catholic Church, former Vice President and 2020 hopeful Joe Biden was denied by the church’s reverend, citing Biden’s support for abortion. The liberal media were once floored by Biden’s support for the Hyde Amendment but welcomed his buckle to political pressure and their radical demands. So, it’s no wonder ABC, CBS, and NBC…

Nets Disregard Obama’s Call to End Cancel Culture, Acting ‘Woke’

October 30th, 2019 9:34 PM
At an Obama Foundation event on Tuesday, former President Barack Obama made headlines by denouncing the purity test his party had set up for their 2020 presidential candidates and called on the left to end their so-called cancel culture, which aims to ruin people’s lives with false activism. But none of the liberal broadcast networks heeded his call and omitted it from their morning and evening…

Nets Tout ‘Damning’, ‘Bombshell’…Closed-Door Testimony Against Trump

October 29th, 2019 9:40 PM
The broadcast networks once again showed that they relied heavily on Democratic leaks and talking points to build out their impeachment coverage. During their Tuesday evening newscasts, ABC, CBS, and NBC touted the testimony of National Security Council staffer Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman as a “bombshell” and “damning” for President Trump. But the testimony was delivered behind-closed-…

Sharing the Sentiment: CBS, NBC Tout Crowds Chanting ‘Lock Him Up’

October 28th, 2019 9:08 PM
The same liberal media that were appalled by chants of “lock her up” against Hillary Clinton and treated any protest of President Obama like a Klan rally, applauded crowds of bitter liberals chanting “lock him up” during President Trump’s recent public appearances. During both their morning and evening newscasts on Monday, CBS News and NBC News touted crowds that shared their sentiment.