
Couric: Trump's 'Behavior' Has Warranted 'Greater Scrutiny' by Media

April 8th, 2019 6:11 PM
Writing for PJ Media, video journalist (and former CNS News staffer) Nicholas Ballasy interviewed longtime liberal journalist Katie Couric as she attended last week's Free Expression Awards at the failing Newseum in Washington. And boy was Ballasy able to get Couric to talk, fretting that, concerning President Trump, he's “the most unconventional president we’ve ever witnessed” and thus…

Surprise! 'Law & Order' Defends Unborn Child of Rape-'Not Their Fault'

April 5th, 2019 12:19 AM
It’s not often I say this: well done, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. The NBC series has been reliably liberal lately, almost to the point of peddling lies for primetime. However, the latest episode is an undeniably heartwarming reminder of the humanity of an unborn child, even if he or she is the product of rape.

ABC, NBC Buy into New Mueller Hysteria, CBS Offers Neutral Tone

April 4th, 2019 9:04 PM
Late Wednesday night, both The New York Times and The Washington Post released dubiously sourced reports suggested that members of the Special Counsel told other people (and in some cases, those people then told other people) that Attorney General William Barr’s letter Congress was not truthful. This high-stakes game of telephone was all ABC News and NBC News needed to get there hopes up to see…

NBC Claims Trump 'Playing Politics With Safety' in Recall 'Firestorm'

April 3rd, 2019 11:31 PM
It’s a story few people had actually heard about, but that didn’t stop Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News from throwing out the word “firestorm” to describe, ostensibly, their reaction to a dubious Washington Post article depicting Republicans and Trump administration officials as monsters, who didn’t care about the safety of children harmed by strollers.

CBS Disapproves of ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy for Asylum Seekers

April 3rd, 2019 9:18 PM

Despite their own reporting from earlier in the week explaining how Border Patrol was swamped and at a breaking point that they had to detain dozens of illegal immigrants in an area under an overpass, Wednesday’s CBS Evening News decried the administration’s “remain in Mexico” program for those seeking asylum.


Evening CBS Promotes Democrats Defending Touchy-Feely Joe Biden

April 2nd, 2019 9:24 PM
For days now, former Vice President Joe Biden has been buried underneath accusations of inappropriate physical contact with at least two women and a pile of highly questionable photos of him touching women who appeared to be uncomfortable. But have no fear, Democrats are sprinting to help their colleague and the CBS Evening News is willing to give them a platform.

NBC’s Mitchell Huffs About New Accusations Against Touchy Joe Biden

April 1st, 2019 11:26 PM
Over the years NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell has become known for her die-hard loyalty to the Clinton’s. But during Monday’s edition of NBC Nightly News, she showed a similar defensive attitude for former Vice President Joe Biden, who was facing accusations of inappropriate touching from at least two women.

NBC Ignores 100,000 Border Arrests, Terrified for Tequila Trade

April 1st, 2019 9:16 PM
Recently, U.S. Customs and Border Protection estimated that their apprehensions of illegal border crossers for the month of March easily surpassed 100,000. As CBS correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reported on Evening News Monday, “That would be the highest one-month total in more than a decade.” But that fact drew yawns from NBC Nightly News where they were more terrified of a border shutdown…

Todd: Trump Only ‘Technically Exonerated of a Crime', He Caused This

March 31st, 2019 12:53 PM
Despite the fact Attorney General William Barr’s letter explicitly quoted the Special Counsel’s report, stating, “[t]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities”, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd was on NBC Sunday suggesting the President wasn’t really cleared of the collusion…

ABC Promotes Dem Conspiracies: Barr’s Lying, Collusion Still Possible

March 28th, 2019 9:24 PM
The folks at ABC News were either desperately in the tank for the Democrats or they needed to get fitted for tin foil hats Thursday evening. Instead of reporting on the growing calls for House Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) to resign his post, as CBS and NBC did, ABC’s World News Tonight carried water for Democrat conspiracy theories suggesting Attorney General William Barr was hiding…

CBS Touts Joe Biden's Apology to Anita Hill Ahead of Expected 2020 Run

March 28th, 2019 12:33 AM
Former Vice President Joe Biden is expected to announce a run for president some time in April and has been testing the waters and smoothing over rough spots in his past. As part of that effort Tuesday night, he made yet another public apology to Anita Hill, the law clerk who falsely accused Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. The apology drew the attention of the CBS Evening News, who…

MELTDOWN: Nets Freak Out Over Proposed Cuts to the Special Olympics

March 27th, 2019 10:01 PM
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos went before Congress recently to defend the administration’s proposed almost $18 million cut to the Special Olympics, a private organization. Despite the fact that federal funding only made up a fraction of the Special Olympics’ budget, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had total meltdowns during their evening programs.

ABC, NBC Fear Trump ‘Aims’ to ‘Leave Millions Suddenly Uninsured’

March 26th, 2019 8:42 PM
With the dark cloud over his administration finally lifting, President Trump shifted focus to fixing America’s health care system Tuesday. But since it involved getting rid of the disastrous ObamaCare law, the liberal media were preparing themselves for battle. Perhaps it was because they lost big on their collusion conspiracy bet but ABC’s and NBC’s attacks against Trump seemed extra vicious…

NBC Snaps at Trump for Acting ‘Vindictive’ in His Vindication

March 25th, 2019 8:47 PM
The liberal media spent two years smearing President Trump and trying to delegitimize his presidency with Robert Mueller's investigation, which ending up exonerating him on collusion. Naturally, something like that calls for a victory lap and several spiked footballs. But Monday’s NBC Nightly News was not having any of it as chief White House correspondent Hallie Jackson chided the President’s “…