
Video: Great Moments in Celebrity Mueller-Love

March 25th, 2019 3:42 PM
There’s no two ways about it: Robert Mueller is a heartbreaker. He led the Democrats, the media and Hollywood on for two years, loving them and leaving them with “No Collusion.” To Hollywood lefties, there’s nothing for it but sobbing into a pint of Haagen-Daaz. Hopefully, it’s Chocolate Chip Crow flavored.

ABC’s Dowd Claims Trump HAS NOT Been Investigated for Two Years

March 24th, 2019 1:50 PM
ABC commentator and faux-Republican, Matthew Dowd has made a name for himself with the bizarre and false things he has said over the years. But during his appearance on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, he may have set a new standard for himself when he emphatically argued that President Trump had not been under investigation for two years.

Nets Ignore Trump Executive Order to Protect Free Speech on Campus

March 22nd, 2019 12:08 AM
In a highly anticipated ceremony on Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order directing the government to take action in protecting free speech on college campuses. It wasn’t something that enthused the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and, NBC) so they omitted it from their evening broadcasts. Instead, they all cheered on New Zealand for their swift movement in banning so-called “…

Nets Decry Trump Recognizing Golan Heights as Israel, Snub Six-Day War

March 21st, 2019 10:03 PM
President Trump stood firm with Israel again on Thursday when he announced on Twitter that the United States was going to recognize their sovereignty over the Golan Heights. That didn’t sit well with the liberal American broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC), who decried the historic move as just a political stunt on their evening newscasts.

ABC Yawns as ISIS Stripped of All Land, CBS Declares 'ISIS Is Done'

March 20th, 2019 9:12 PM
“ISIS's reign of terror over nearly ten million people has come to an end,” CBS international correspondent Charlie D’Agata proudly announced during Wednesday’s CBS Evening News. The reports came as President Trump told the press that the last remnants of the terrorist group should be wiped out by tonight. It was great news that got little airtime on ABC’s World News Tonight, where anchor David…

'Roswell, New Mexico' Claims 'Rednecks' Voting Indigenous Rights Away

March 20th, 2019 12:02 AM
CW’s Roswell, New Mexico has been under the radar lately, if only because it could never quite top the low of claiming supporting legal immigration makes you a bigot. This week, however, pushed the bar even further thanks to the ramblings of a Native American character.

Nets Ignore Trump’s First Meeting With Pro-U.S. Brazilian President

March 19th, 2019 9:52 PM
It was a meeting worth taking note of, not just because President Trump was meeting with the so-called “Trump of the Tropics” but because of what it could mean for both countries going forward, and for dealing with the crisis in Venezuela. But the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were apparently bored by Trump’s Tuesday meeting with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and ignored it…

Madam Secretary Preaches: Can't 'Love Creator' & Ignore Global Warming

March 18th, 2019 12:27 AM
Like any good liberal disciple, CBS’s Madam Secretary is back preaching about the fire and brimstone of climate change during Lent. The metaphor becomes more apt when the show literally goes against religious believers who dare question the will of scientists and fear-mongering politicians. After all, we’re "past the point of no return" already.

CBS’s O’Keefe Blames ‘Goading’ from Other Dems for Media’s Beto-Fever

March 17th, 2019 4:23 PM
Over the course of last week, the liberal media made utter fools of themselves as they appeared to compete with each other for who could concoct the most disgusting puff piece for former Congressman Robert O’Rourke’s 2020 campaign. The award undoubtedly went to Vanity Fair, who all but proposed to him. But according to CBS political correspondent Ed O’Keefe, the media were not to blame for their…

ABC Panel: The GOP Is Too Far to the Right, Dems Closer to the Center

March 17th, 2019 12:51 PM
With nearly the entire Democratic 2020 field sprinting to be the closest to socialism without using the label, folks in the liberal media were busy trying to spin their radical policy positions as something palatable. A great example of this occurred during ABC’s This Week on Sunday, when two panelists tried to suggest that it was Republicans who were the radical ones with Democrats supposedly as…

ABC, NBC Hype Joe Biden ‘Leaving Easter Eggs’ for His 2020 Run

March 17th, 2019 10:28 AM
At another Democratic Party gathering over the weekend, former Vice President Joe Biden had another slip of the tongue and possibly revealing his 2020 candidacy, saying he had “the most progressive record for anybody running [for president]." Of course, the liberals at ABC and NBC got excited and hyped it up during their Sunday morning news broadcasts.

ABC, NBC Cheer on ‘Republican Rebellion’ that ‘Embarrassed’ Trump

March 14th, 2019 11:31 PM
On Thursday, the liberal media finally found one of the few things they could cheer on Republicans for. Of course, it involved the 12 Senate Republicans who voted to pass a resolution rebuking President Trump’s national emergency declaration for the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. Or, as ABC News and NBC News described it, the “Republican rebellion”.

AGAIN?! ABC’s Paula Faris Beclowns Herself for Beto, CBS Now Too

March 14th, 2019 9:21 PM
After getting dragged during the 2018 midterms for her schoolgirl-like fawning for “rock star” Democratic Senate candidate Robert O’Rourke, ABC’s Paula Faris was at it again during Thursday’s World News Tonight where she looked at O’Rourke with doe eyes and asked: “Can hope, change, and unity beat Trump?”

Nets Ignore Obama's DOJ Telling FBI What Not to Charge Hillary With

March 13th, 2019 9:45 PM
Wow, 370 pages of closed-door testimony from an FBI lawyer who alleges the Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Secretary Hillary Clinton for “gross negligence?” The Democrat-controlled House shutting down the committee charged with investigating possible bias at the DOJ and FBI? Those things sound irresistibly tantalizing for reporters but for the Big Three broadcast networks (ABC…