
ABC, NBC Look to Moderate GOP Senators to Halt Trump SCOTUS Nominee

June 28th, 2018 9:48 PM
With Senate Democrats in the minority and helpless to stop President Trump and Senate Republicans from confirming the next nominee to the Supreme Court, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News spent a portion of Thursday’s broadcasts looking to the few marquee, moderate GOP Senators to block whatever nominee was put forward. They were also worried of red state Democrats who would cross the…

ABC Worried for Roe v. Wade, Speculate Roberts Will Become Swing Vote

June 27th, 2018 10:19 PM
With Wednesdsay's retirement news from Justice Anthony Kennedy, the liberal media was in a tailspin thinking of all the horrors President Trump would unleash on America with yet another Supreme Court nomination. On ABC’s World News Tonight, they were fearful for the future of Roe v. Wade and were hopefully speculating Chief Justice John Roberts would become the new swing vote for the sake of the…

ABC Fears ‘Ideological Shift’ in SCOTUS Following Travel Ban Victory

June 26th, 2018 9:38 PM
Despite the majority opinion declaring that the ban did not target Muslims, the liberal media continued to allude to it as such. During their evening broadcasts, ABC, CBS, and, NBC all pushed some form of frightful future for America either stemming from the Supreme Court’s decision or from the possibility of Trump getting to add another conservative justice.

Bennett to Democracy Now!: Whites Too Comfy with Rape

June 26th, 2018 8:16 PM
There isn't a friendlier place for a pro football player and social justice activist like Michael Bennett to visit on his book tour than at Democracy Now! During a lengthy interview with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Bennett made several outrageous remarks while discussing his highly controversial book Things That Make White People Uncomfortable.

Iran-Friendly Networks Ignore New Round of Anti-Government Protests

June 25th, 2018 10:24 PM
Iranian civilians rose up in protest against their government on Monday, as the country’s economic situation continued to deteriorate in the wake of the United States pulling out of the nuclear agreement with a promise to reinstitute sanctions. The protests were the second major uprising this year and despite that fact, the Iran-friendly broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) failed to mention it…

Media Go Gaga for ‘Conservative’ Calling for GOP to Lose the Congress

June 24th, 2018 1:26 PM
On Sunday, Washington Post “conservative” George Will won the admiration of his liberal peers when he penned a column calling for the Republican Party to lose control Congress. His anti-Republican screed was featured on CNN’s Inside Politics and ABC’s This Week. But on NBC’s Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd put it up for a panel discussion during the show’s “End Game” segment.

ABC Hypes Border Protest Led by the Kennedy Family, Press Sec. Booted

June 24th, 2018 10:38 AM
When they’re not busy pushing fake news about President Trump’s immigration policies, the liberal media it touting their fellow #Resistance members’ efforts to oppose it. During Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC hyped protestors blocking buses leaving a detention center and a hunger strike organized by the Democratic Kennedy family. On top of that, they highlighted Press Secretary Sarah Sanders…

ABC Skips the Death of Krauthammer, WaPo Takes a Parting Shot

June 21st, 2018 9:04 PM
It didn’t take long for condolences to come pouring in from people across the political spectrum and throughout the media. Even with such short notice, both CBS and NBC ran news briefs on their evening programs reporting his passing. But ABC was the lone broadcast network to skip Krauthammer’s passing. And The Washington Post, where he wrote for decades, published an obituary that partially…

Trump Ends Family Separations at the Border, Nets Still Not Happy

June 20th, 2018 8:54 PM
With the stroke of a pen, President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that would officially end the policy of separating parents and children who come across the southern border illegally. It’s what many on the right and left wanted to see happen, but for the liberal media it wasn’t enough, as CBS anchor Jeff Glor demonstrated by opining about how Trump was trying to “put out a big…

CBS Investigates State AGs Cozy With Lobbyists, Gives Dems a Free Pass

June 19th, 2018 11:02 PM
Chief Congressional Correspondent Nancy Cordes presented what was pitched as a CBS News investigation into state-level attorneys general who were getting a little too cozy with corporate lobbyists. But in reality, it targeted primarily Republican AGs while giving Democratic ones what amounted to a free pass. A double standard if ever there was one.

UPDATE: Networks Dedicate 258 Minutes to Separated Kids Coverage

June 19th, 2018 9:11 PM
It has been a full week since the liberal broadcasts networks of ABC, CBS, and, NBC began their full-court press against President Trump’s zero-tolerance immigration policy being implemented on the U.S.-Mexico border. On Tuesday, the trio added an additional 82 minutes between their morning and evening broadcasts.

NBC’s Holt to Border Patrol Agent: Do You ‘Feel Like the Bad Guy’?

June 18th, 2018 9:56 PM
The liberal media’s shrill condemnation of President Trump’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy reached a fever pitch on Monday as the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) dedicated massive amounts of time to hyperbolic assertions about the issue. The coverage from NBC Nightly News was arguably out of control seeing as anchor Lester Host asked a Border Patrol agent if he understood he was…

NBC Panel Debates How Often Media Should Call President Trump a Liar

June 17th, 2018 1:39 PM
President Obama constantly told falsehoods to the American people about how his policies worked, how they would be implemented, and what the benefits were. His most famous one, “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it” got him the Lie of the Year. But when President Trump does his own spinning, it all of a sudden becomes a moral conundrum for the liberal media. The stacked anti-Trump…

ABC Panics as Congressional Leaders Call for Mueller Probe to be Ended

June 17th, 2018 10:15 AM
It appears as though, with the long-awaited release of the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report exposing anti-Trump bias by senior FBI investigators, Republican Congressional leadership was finally ready to call for an end to the Special Counsel’s investigation. After House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) spoke out, ABC’s Good…