
ABC, CBS Try to Shield Mueller Investigation from FBI Agent’s Lib Bias

June 14th, 2018 10:02 PM
The Department of Justice's Inspector General dropped a bombshell report on Washington, D.C. on Thursday which detailed their deep dive into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton e-mail probe. It found that former FBI Director James Comey was insubordinate, validating President Trump’s decision to fire him, but it also found that a small group of FBI agents had it out to get candidate Trump. Despite…

ABC, NBC Ignore Border Patrol Agent Ambushed and Shot, Hype a Raccoon

June 13th, 2018 9:10 PM
On Wednesday, CBS News was the only broadcast network of the big three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) to inform their viewers of an ambush on the U.S.-Mexico border that left a Border Patrol agent in critical condition. By their evening broadcast, CBS reported that the agent was upgraded to stable condition but their broadcast competitors ignored the shooting altogether. They instead chose to hype the…

NBC Whines and Frets About NoKo Summit, But Defends Iran’s Deal

June 12th, 2018 9:39 PM
While broadcast networks ABC and CBS were skeptical about how the U.S.-North Korea agreement would turn out (a legitimate concern considering North Korea’s history of reneging on such deals), NBC Nightly News took a noticeably harsher tone and railed against President Trump. This decrying of Trump’s agreement comes after NBC has gone to bat time and time again for the radical Islamic regime of…

CBS: Trump Going into Summit More of a ‘Deal-Breaker’ than Deal-Maker

June 11th, 2018 8:57 PM
Just a few hours before President Trump was scheduled to sit down with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un for a historic summit for peace and denuclearization on Monday, CBS correspondent Bianna Golodryga chided the President’s ability to negotiate in the United States’ best interest.

The Internet ‘As We Know It’…Is Over. Well, It ‘Could’ Be. Maybe

June 11th, 2018 1:50 PM
A Net Neutrality-free Internet – is the Internet status quo. It’s “The Internet as we know it.” Everything you knew about the Internet the first two-plus decades – is what you know about the Internet now. Everything else being flung at you by the Media-Left – is just ideological monkey poo.

CBS, NBC Skip News of DOJ Watchdog Finding Comey ‘Insubordinate’

June 7th, 2018 9:53 PM
On Wednesday, media outlets began reporting of a draft Justice Department Inspector General report floating around that was highly critical of former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. But come Thursday evening, both CBS and NBC failed to mention it even though they each had the opportunity to report the development during two of evening broadcasts and their…

10 Worst Liberal TV Scenes of 2018 So Far

June 7th, 2018 7:00 AM
We’re hardly halfway through 2018, and entertainment television has already given us heaps of liberal propaganda before we've even started our summer vacations. If the first five months were any indication, we’re in for a long year filled with race-baiting, Christian-bashing, and ever-growing Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Nets Ignore Report Obama Gave Iran Access to U.S. Financial System

June 6th, 2018 9:18 PM
Despite the report showing how the Obama administration lied in Congressional oversight hearings about the access it would allow Iran, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) along with Spanish-language outlets Univision and Telemundo completely ignored the bombshell during their evening newscasts. It’s the latest in a disturbing series of pro-Iran moves by these networks.

Nets Ignore Iran Ramping Up Uranium Enrichment, Warning to West

June 5th, 2018 10:22 PM

The liberal media would do anything to protect former President Obama’s legacy, even siding with the radical Islamic regime in Iran apparently. That seemed to be the case Tuesday evening as all three of the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) ignored Iran announcing they planned to ramp up their uranium enrichment program during their evening broadcasts. There was also a report by the…


Colbert Trashes Vindicated Baker as Sex-Obsessed ‘Fundamentalist'

June 5th, 2018 6:17 PM
Christian baker Jack Phillips scored a major victory for religious freedom advocates on Monday after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission discriminated against his religious beliefs. But there were some like CBS’s Stephan Colbert, who declared on The Late Show that night, that it was “a bad day for gay rights in America and also for cake rights.”

'Supergirl' Decries 'Loud and Ugly' Guns as 'Tools for Spreading Fear'

June 4th, 2018 11:56 PM
Could the CW’s series about the bulletproof hero Supergirl really be dense enough to do another episode against guns? Not only is it that dumb, but the show takes the gun control rhetoric to a new super-dumb level in their hunt for a potential mass shooter. The June 4 episode “Not Kansas” has a criminal getting his hands on what is described as a “DEO assault rifle” with capabilities equal to…

ABC, NBC Celebrate ‘Limited’ Scope of SCOTUS Religious Freedom Ruling

June 4th, 2018 9:53 PM
The highest court in the land sided with Phillips because the Colorado Civil Rights Commission subjected him to what could be argued was anti-religious bigotry. But despite the historic nature of the ruling, broadcast network news outlets ABC and NBC were more relieved that the ruling had a “limited” scope and seemingly only applied to this one case.

WSJ’s Noonan Scolds Tur: Downplaying Bee’s ‘Obscene Personal Attack'

June 3rd, 2018 3:16 PM
While the segment was pitched as a conversation about the double standard in how liberals get away with what conservatives would be run out of town for, they didn’t actually get around to that part. But the panel on Sunday’s Meet the Press did unload on both Roseanne Barr and Samantha Bee for their disgusting and deranged behavior. And when NBC’s Katy Tur tried to downplay Bee’s misogynist smear…

Bill Clinton Admits ‘Political Press’ Back Obama, But Stick to ‘Facts’

June 3rd, 2018 11:37 AM
Former President Bill Clinton appeared with co-author James Patterson on CBS News Sunday Morning to promote their new book The President Is Missing were the book deals with a cyber-attack and impeachment. While they were there, humorist and correspondent Mo Rocca questioned Clinton on the media’s coverage of President Trump and compared it to the coverage of President Obama. Clinton admitted the…