
NBC’s Full-Blown Panic Over IG Investigation into DOJ Ordered by Trump

May 22nd, 2018 9:20 PM
The Department of Justice's internal watchdog has opened an investigation into the conduct of the FBI regarding their reported use of an “informant” or “spy” in the Trump campaign after the President officially demanded the matter be looked into on Monday. Come Tuesday evening, NBC Nightly News was in a hysterical panic over the development with claims President Trump was trying to “insert…

'Madam Secretary' Says 'I Want to Run for President'

May 21st, 2018 2:08 AM
It may be the season finale, but CBS’s Madam Secretary always has time to push the goal of seeing a Hillary Clinton presidency. After another season of liberal nonsense, we finally get an admission that the female Secretary of State indeed wants to be president. You know what they say: “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

CBS/CNN Panels: Totally Fine to Take Trump's Comment Out of Context

May 20th, 2018 2:58 PM
As has been stated previously, the liberal media made total fools out of themselves last Wednesday night when they rushed to claim President Trump had slammed all immigrants as “animals.” And when the video of the full context came out, nearly all of them issued corrections and retractions. Yet despite the media’s own retractions, panelists on CBS’s Face the Nation and CNN’s Reliable Sources…

ABC Host Pushes Gun Control, Ignores Devaluing of Life by Our Culture

May 20th, 2018 12:15 PM
For the liberal media, the only real problem for America when came to gun violence was that pesky Second Amendment and your access to firearms. And while they talked a good game about an “all of the above” solution, their only goal was to restrict your rights. A grade-A example of this kind of attitude was on display Sunday during ABC’s This Week, where host George Stephanopoulos grilled Texas…

NBC’s Chuck Todd Still Hopeful for Gun Control After Texas Shooting

May 20th, 2018 9:51 AM
There was another tragic shooting by a disturbed person, which means it’s another opportunity for the liberal media to call for the government to take your guns away. But with the Santa Fe, Texas school shooting, the suspect didn’t use the media’s favorite gun to demonize, the AR-15, he used a sawed-off shotgun and a revolver. Both are common firearms for hunting and self-defense. But that didn’t…

NBC Touts Mexico Scolding Trump For Comment Media Misled Public About

May 17th, 2018 9:31 PM
The liberal media made fools out of themselves Wednesday as nearly every major news outlet rushed to breathlessly report that President Trump had called all illegal immigrants to the United States “animals.” Of course, the glaring problem with their claims was that they were totally false. And despite the fact the media had to issue reams of retractions and corrections, NBC Nightly News and…

In Series Finale, ‘Designated Survivor’ Takes Jab at Brexit

May 17th, 2018 12:57 AM
ABC’s Designated Survivor was abruptly canceled last week, so the May 16 episode "Run" was the last time the series could make yet another biased statement. In a year filled with gun-control pleas, Republican smears, and even the threat to oust a president, the series finale was almost unremarkable. However, not even the Kiefer Sutherland-led show could resist making one last political jab this…

Nets Move On From Israel After Hamas Claims 50 of the Dead as Theirs

May 17th, 2018 12:19 AM
After spending the first two days of this week painting the Jewish state of Israel as cold-blooded killers for defending their border from violent assaulters content with killing them, the evening broadcasts of the liberal major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) finally moved on from the topic Wednesday. But the timing was suspect since earlier in the day, Hamas official Salah Bardawil…

ABC, NBC & Telemundo Ignore Mueller Admitting He Can’t Indict Trump

May 16th, 2018 9:09 PM
The anti-Trump Resistance appeared to have been dealt a crippling blow Wednesday evening when news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller couldn’t indict President Trump. The revelation came from Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani who said Mueller admitted to him, investigators would be following decades-old DOJ guidelines that say a sitting president cannot be indicted. This Washington-shaking news…

ABC Drama Makes Character Possibly Based on Blagojevich a Republican

May 16th, 2018 1:16 AM
ABC’s legal drama For The People has covered a lot of social justice topics in its short run on television, quite a few of them based on real-life events. However, the Shondaland series may have hit a new low by rewriting history to suit their liberal needs. The May 15 episode “Extraordinary Circumstances” resembles that of an infamous case against a Democrat governor but with a significant party…

Bibi Smash! Netanyahu Pushes Back on CBS Anchor Critical of Israel

May 15th, 2018 11:38 PM
In addition to siding with violent Palestinian border assaulters during Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, the network had anchor Jeff Glor sit down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu where he tried to grill the leader on his county’s military response. But despite Glor’s best efforts, Netanyahu schooled him on what it was like to be a country surrounded by enemies that want to see you…

Disgusting: Nets Mourn With Palestinians Over ‘Catastrophe’ of Israel

May 15th, 2018 9:28 PM
For two days now, the liberal media’s anti-Israel smears have grown wilder and arguably begun to border on something more. The Tuesday evening broadcasts of the major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were no exception as they mourned with the Palestinians on the day they call the “catastrophe,” or the anniversary of Israel’s creation.

CBS: Palestinians ‘Dancing With Death,’ Blame Israel for Their Plight

May 15th, 2018 1:00 AM
With very little attention given to the fact that the terrorist organization Hamas, which runs Gaza, was directing its people to storm the security fence that lines the Israeli border, CBS anchor Jeff Glor and Foreign correspondent Holly Williams lament the deaths and painted Israel as the oppressive villain killing civilians in a “dance with death” at the border. CBS Evening News effectively…

ABC Panel Rips Trump for Ripping Up Iran Deal, Claim War on the Way

May 13th, 2018 1:25 PM
Despite all the good news for America this week, like the freeing of American hostages and the low unemployment rate AND the capture ISIS leaders, the ABC panel on Sunday’s This Week was huffing about President Trump ending the Iran nuclear deal. The bitter panelists were up in arms and were making predictions of just more war on the horizon. One even claimed the Trump administration was setting…