
ABC Condemns Jerusalem Embassy Move, ‘Killing Any Prospect of Peace’

May 13th, 2018 10:23 AM

It has been 70 years since the Jewish people were allowed to return to their homeland of Israel after World War II, and on Monday the United States will be moving its embassy to their capital city, Jerusalem. And during ABC’s Good Morning America on Sunday, they proclaimed the Trump administration was “killing any prospect of peace” in the region with the embassy move. Their naysaying came as…


ABC, NBC Ignore U.S. and Iraqi Forces Capturing 5 Top ISIS Leaders

May 11th, 2018 12:17 AM
There was a lot of winning for the United States this week between the release of three American hostages from North Korea, unemployment at 3.9 percent, and on Thursday news broke that the U.S. had captured five of ISIS’s top leaders. But depending on which of the major network news outlets you watch, you may not have heard about the captured leaders. CBS Evening News was the only member of the…

ABC, NBC Suggest U.S., Israel Are Destabilizing Middle East, Not Iran

May 10th, 2018 9:23 PM

Following Israel’s counterstrike against Iranian military forces in Syria in response to 20 missiles being launched int the Golan Heights late Wednesday into Thursday, ABC’s World News Tonight took to the airwaves Thursday to paint the United States and Israel as the cause of the confrontation. And meanwhile, on NBC Nightly News, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel warned that the U.S.’s…


‘Designated Survivor’ Now Proposes Presidential Indictment

May 10th, 2018 12:53 AM
You might recall that ABC’s Designated Survivor was one of many shows this season that have offered up a plot involving the removal of a president from office. Now, the series has changed tactics by simply introducing a potential indictment to tarnish the president's administration and dissuade him from running for reelection. One way or another, I guess liberals are determined to take down a…

ABC Dilutes North Korean Hostage Victory, Whining About the Iran Deal

May 9th, 2018 11:57 PM
There was great news out of the Korean Peninsula Wednesday as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo retrieved the three Americans the North Korea arrested on trumped up charges going as far back as 2015. The North Korean regime released the hostages from their labor camps as a good faith measure ahead of the historic summit with the United States. Despite the wonderful news, ABC felt the need to rain on…

CBS Suggests Average Iranians Feel Like ‘Hostages’ of ‘Hostile' Trump

May 9th, 2018 9:05 PM
The same day the Trump administration was able to secure the release of three American hostages from North Korea in the run-up to the historic summit, CBS foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer was in the capital of Iran claiming the people felt like hostages of the same Trump administration. At the same time, she failed to mention Iran was actually holding several Americans captive.

'NCIS: New Orleans' Battles Bots Working 'Out of Russian Playbook'

May 9th, 2018 1:14 AM
It’s been exactly eighteen months since the election of Donald Trump, and not a day has gone by without mentioning Russian hacking or someone leaking classified information. The latest CBS’s NCIS: New Orleans perfectly captures both issues with a little bit of obnoxious journalism to boot. If that’s not the best way to capture 2018, I don’t know what is.

ABC, Univision Fail to Report AG Accused of Beating Girlfriends Is Dem

May 9th, 2018 12:43 AM
It took former Democratic New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman three hours to resign Monday night after accusations arose alleging he would violently strike his girlfriends without their consent. But throughout ABC World News Tonight’s two minutes and 21 seconds report on the situation, there was not a single mention of the fact that he was an elected Democrat. In contrast, both CBS and…

Nets Freak After ‘Reneging’ Iran Deal: Obama ‘Anguished’, Allies Worry

May 8th, 2018 9:44 PM
President Trump fulfilled his campaign promise to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal Tuesday, much to the screeching of the liberal media and world leaders. All three of the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) began their evening news broadcasts in a tailspin, appalled by the President defying our allies, shattering our credibility as a country, and possibly leading us into a war. They…

ABC Spends 2x the Time Questioning Melania’s Marriage Than Initiative

May 8th, 2018 12:26 AM
First Lady Melania Trump held a White House gathering in the Rose Garden on Monday to launch her new ‘Be Best’ campaign focused on the well-being of children, the opioid crisis, and the positive usage of social media. Of course, the liberal media can’t let a good opportunity to bash the President go to waste. Instead of focusing on the First Lady’s initiative, ABC spent twice the time in their…

Nets Ignore Kerry Possibly Violating the Logan Act, Reported Flynn

May 7th, 2018 9:51 PM
What could make Kerry’s actions illegal was the possibility he was in violation of the Logan Act, a law that forbids private citizens from negotiating on America’s behalf. It’s a rule that’s rarely enforced, but it made headlines last year when it came out that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was talking to the Russians during the transition. But this time around, the major network…

'Political Bully' Calls Refugees 'Gangsters & Thugs on 'Madam Sec'

May 7th, 2018 1:51 AM
Well, this is a timely coincidence. Within a week of the Trump administration announcing that it will end the 1999 temporary protected status for Hondurans, CBS’s Madam Secretary features the Secretary of State fighting for refugee status of Honduran children against a "political bully." I guess the show has more foresight than I thought, though still not enough to let their Hillary icon or…

'Quantico:' Wanting 'World Based on Merit, Hard Work' is Now Racist

May 4th, 2018 1:43 AM
ABC’s Quantico returned just last week to bring us up-to-speed after a three-year time jump. Unfortunately, in that time, it doesn’t look like the show managed to evolve past its incredibly biased mindset. Next up this season is the ever-growing threat of people who "dream of a world based on merit, hard work," because apparently they're white supremacists.

Nets Ignore National ‘Stand for the Second’ Pro-Gun Student Walkout

May 4th, 2018 12:38 AM
Not only did the major liberal network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo ignore a lawsuit alleging a House Democrat of ‘child sex abuse’ during their Thursday evening broadcasts, they also completely overlooked the student-led Stand for the Second nationwide school walkout against gun control. This blackout came after they collectively spent 10…