BuzzFeed Ed. Politicizes Murders: 'Don't Pray, Push for Gun Control'

July 24th, 2015 12:11 AM
Rachel Zarrell, BuzzFeed's news editor, quickly apologized on Thursday night after two "reactive," as she put it, posts on Twitter regarding the shooting at a theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. Zarrell first linked to a NBCNews tweet about the murders, and added her obscenity-laced take on the incident: "Let's just give everyone guns, right? It's in the goddamn constitution." Twenty-one minutes…

Staples Pushes Back on Obama Smear, Networks Ignore

February 12th, 2015 2:49 PM
In an interview with BuzzFeed on Tuesday, President Obama attacked office supply chain Staples over accusations that the company was cutting back on worker hours to avoid the ObamaCare health insurance coverage mandate for their employees: "...when I hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing health insurance as an excuse for cutting…

Barbara Walters Claims 'The View' Was Never Intended to Be 'Political

November 5th, 2013 2:20 PM
During an interview on Sunday's edition of the new Fox News Channel program Media Buzz, Barbara Walters told host Howard Kurtz that The View -- the weekday program she created for ABC on August 11, 1997, and is retiring from next summer -- is neither political nor news-oriented since it was intended to be “entertaining and upbeat.” “The View is not Meet the Press,” Walters said even though…

Drone Strike Hypocrisy Turns Liberal Bloggers Against Each Other

February 13th, 2013 12:41 PM
It's always interesting when liberals disagree on something because each one believes he or she is always 100 percent correct on any issue, a stance that often leads to fiery confrontations and personal attacks. The latest example of this concept is the angry Twitter debate between Buzzfeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith and Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall over an article entitled “7…

BuzzFeed Mocks Pope Benedict XVI in ‘Gayest’ Photos

February 12th, 2013 1:56 PM
Talk about a media machine. Pope Benedict XVI announces his retirement and the press devour the information only to toss out stories dripping with Nazis connotations, sex abuse scandals, female hatred, and gay marriage. Oh wait, scratch that last one, because, according to Buzzfeed’s Matt Stopera, the pope is gay. Stopera quoted “the great” Honey Boo Boo, the 6-year-old reality TV star turned…

CNN, PBS Fans More Likely to Vote Obama

November 1st, 2012 5:27 PM
CNN and PBS claim to be impartial and non-partisan networks, but guess who their audiences are voting for? According to BuzzFeed, a significant majority of Facebook fans of those networks are likely Obama voters. On a graph titled "What does your favorite TV channel say about your politics?", CNN falls well to the left of center, with almost 30 percent more fans likely voting for Obama over…