
PC Gone Crazy: Newspaper Reports on Adult Infant vs Women's Rights

November 15th, 2017 2:41 PM
Imagine if a newspaper reporter from fifty years ago were granted a wish to see just one news story from our era. The reporter might get a bit depressed if the article he saw was about how the internet caused the steep decline in newspaper circulations. However, imagine if instead he saw this report from the Globe and Mail of Canada about the rights of an adult infant vs women's rights in a…

Libs Swoon Over Trudeau’s Abortion Pledge: ‘Could He Be More Perfect?'

March 10th, 2017 10:41 AM
Justin Trudeau is a liberal woman’s dream. He’s attractive, progressive and a self-proclaimed feminist. What’s not to love? But on International Women’s Day, the Canadian prime minister made feminists across North America really swoon. He pledged to contribute $650 million to women’s health initiatives, including fighting “anti-abortion” legislation across the world.  

To Canada and Beyond! Celebs Plan Extraterrestrial Getaways

November 12th, 2016 2:30 PM
Canada's awfully nice, but some celebs have indicated plans to move elsewhere. Check out the following slideshow to see where they're supposedly headed come January. 

Brace Yourself Canada, You’re Getting Some Special Snowflakes

November 9th, 2016 4:11 PM
Prior to election night, nearly 30 famous people publicly indicated their intentions to leave the country if Donald Trump prevailed. Now that he has, will they actually go? If so, Canada's in for a windfall. 

UN Climate Conference Bans Skeptical Journalists

October 22nd, 2016 4:15 PM
If you are a journalist unwilling to be absorbed into the Global Warming Borg, you are most definitely not welcome to report on the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference next month in Morocco. For proof of this hositility towards such independent journalists, you need only listen to the incredibly condescending and dismissive tone of the UN spokesperson for that conference, Nick…

Bill Moyers: Ted Cruz a ‘Brute’ With a ‘Forked Tongue’

February 12th, 2016 9:35 PM
Former PBS fixture Moyers recently touched on Ted Cruz’s Canadian birth, but not with an eye toward whether or not Cruz is eligible for the presidency. Rather, it was to contrast Canada-born hockey enforcer John Scott with Cruz, who’s “another kind of enforcer.” Each has a large and enthusiastic following: fans voted the journeyman Scott into this year’s NHL All-Star game, and Cruz, of course,…

Canada's CBC Bans Word 'Terrorism,' But Not 'Xenophobe' or 'Hater'

November 14th, 2015 10:46 AM
Canadian conservative Ezra Levant took to Twitter after the Paris attacks to remind the world that the state-run Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has a policy of not employing the words “terrorism” or “terrorist” since “the use of the word can be highly politicized and therefore it is preferable that there be a consistent practice to be as specific as possible in describing an event without…

Media Hail Canadian Teen That Protested Abstinence Sex Ed

July 23rd, 2014 2:14 PM
Editor’s note: this article quotes angry feminists. Thus it contains objectionable language.  Imagine the horror of being told – by someone you suspect is a Christian – that not having sex is the only fool-proof method of birth control! Chilling, isn’t it? 

So Much For 'It Can't Happen Here'; Fetal Waste Turned Into Energy in

April 23rd, 2014 11:29 PM
A month ago, the UK Telegraph reported that "The remains of more than 15,000 babies were incinerated as 'clinical waste' by hospitals in Britain with some used in 'waste to energy' plants." Prolife news sites and blogs as well as many other center-right outlets covered the story. The establishment press almost completely ignored it. Matt Balan of NewsBusters noted on March 26 that the story "…

NYT Partner Ben Smith: Conservatives Complaining Over Obama-Care on Tw

June 28th, 2012 3:33 PM
The New York Times's latest TimesCast was wholly devoted to the shocking decision on Obama-Care, in which Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed to the bench by a Republican president, joined the four liberals on the court to uphold Obama's legislation. In a possible sign of bias to come, the TimesCast will feature commentary from Ben Smith of during the election season. Host…

CBS Hypes 'Second Thoughts' About Alabama Law on Illegal Immigration

December 28th, 2011 7:58 PM
Wednesday's CBS Evening News featured a report by correspondent Mark Strassmann playing up the reservations that some are having about the new law to strictly enforce immigration laws in Alabama. After noting that a poll supposedly shows that Latino voters are dissatisfied because the Obama administration has deported record numbers of illegal immigrants, substitute anchor Jeff Glor introduced…

Once Again, 'Many Peaceful' = 'Some Violent' When It Comes to Leftist

June 28th, 2010 11:22 AM
Violent protesters set fire to police cars and shattered store-front windows at the Group of 20 economic summit in Toronto this weekend. How did the New York Times, so skittish about the hypothetical threat of non-existent Tea Party violence from the right, react to actual violence committed by political protesters by the left-wing and anarchist groups? With more snort-worthy apologias for left-…

Former NYT Bureau Chief Wants Greek-style Riots in US - Media Silent

May 26th, 2010 12:22 PM
The New York Times's former Middle East Bureau Chief thinks violent revolt is a laudable response to economic woes, and that murder is at least acceptable in pursuit of a far-left agenda. The media so concerned with the potential for violence from conservative groups are completely silent."Here’s to the Greeks," wrote Chris Hedges at "They know what to do when corporations pillage…

Jack Cafferty All But Endorses Global One-Child Policy to Fight Climat

December 11th, 2009 7:15 PM
CNN’s Jack Cafferty all but endorsed a global version of China’s oppressive one-child policy on Friday’s Situation Room. He repeated the argument of Canadian journalist Diane Francis, that population control is the only way to fight global warming, and mentioned the opposition of “fundamentalist leaders” and others only in passing. All but one of the viewer e-mails that Cafferty read endorsed the…