Toronto Star Columnist 'Wishes' Conservative Michelle Malkin Were Shot

April 29th, 2009 9:35 AM
Want to see left-wing social activism gone wild? Take a look at some of the views coming from Antonia Zerbisias, columnist for the Toronto Star's Living section. Zerbisias, posted on her Twitter site she wished renown conservative Michelle Malkin were shot. "Forget the Marxists. I wish the marksmen would take @MichelleMalkin. I'm thinking Dick Cheney. He's such a great shot," Zerbisias wrote…

Anatomy of a Biased Headline: Part Deux

September 19th, 2008 5:11 PM
We've covered it here before.  It's akin to that old child's game where one person whispers something into another's ear, passes it on to several others, until the final statement is no longer vaguely recognizable as being related to the first. So, here we go again with Anatomy of a Biased Headline... Let's start with a recent study funded by the National Science Foundation, in which…

Mark Steyn Cleared by 'Human Rights' Panel

June 28th, 2008 12:13 PM
Great news for free speech fans that likely won't get reported much of anywhere outside the rightosphere: the national Canadian "Human Rights" Commission has declined to prosecute a "hate speech" allegation against columnist and author Mark Steyn and the magazine Maclean's.The allegation, brought against Steyn as part of an effort by the Canadian Islamic Congress (that country's resident…

Mark Steyn and the Canadian Inquisition

June 10th, 2008 11:58 AM
Typically one does not associate the word inquisition with our neighbors up north in Canada, and yet that is pretty much what is going on there to conservative author and columnist Mark Steyn. Minus the violence, Steyn is being subjected to a twisted court system that always finds defendants guilty and conducts itself in an utterly capricious way.Steyn's crime? Daring to criticize radical Islam,…

Canada's Maclean's: Bush Is the New Saddam

September 21st, 2007 11:45 AM
Canadian news magazine Maclean's photoshopped George Bush into the familiar black beret, mustache and pseudo-military garb that defined the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. This photo illustration accompanied a September 20 cover story that claimed Bush is the new Saddam because he's “reaching out the the late dictator's henchmen.” In "How Bush Became the New Saddam," writer Patrick Graham…

ABC’s John Stossel Provides Welcome Change to Usual Health Care Spin

September 14th, 2007 1:40 PM
On Friday’s "Good Morning America," token conservative reporter John Stossel told portly filmmaker Michael Moore, "Forgive me. More of us look like you" and that obesity explains why Canadians live longer than Americans, not universal health care. Stossel appeared on the morning show to promote his program debunking the myth of "free," government-run health care. His "20/20" special, which will…

ABC Story Ignores Reason That Canadian Mother Fled Country to Give Bir

August 22nd, 2007 5:45 PM
On Wednesday’s "Good Morning America," anchor Chris Cuomo completely glossed over the health care implications of a Canadian mother giving birth to quadruplets in America and not her home country. According to Cuomo, Karen Jepp and her husband, the new parents of identical quadruplets, had to be flown 300 miles from Calgary to Montana on August 16, because "every neo-natal unit in their country…

Obama Calls Canadian Prime Minister a 'President' - Where is Media Rid

August 9th, 2007 5:43 AM
At the Democrat Party presidential debates last Tuesday, Barack Obama revealed that he didn't know that our Canadian neighbors to the north had a prime minister instead of a president leading them. Yet the MSM has practically ignored this obvious gaffe, with few of them making much of the incident. This is a far cry from how Bush was so virulently attacked for having no foreign policy "gravitas"…

Montana Paper Documents Failures of Socialized Medicine on Indian Rese

July 23rd, 2007 5:32 PM
Something tells me Karen Ogden doesn't have a future in health care reporting in any large mainstream media publication or network. In the July 23 edition of her paper, the Great Falls Tribune editor took a sobering look at painkiller addictions and the black market for the narcotics on American Indian reservations in Montana. "Free" socialized medicine and the long wait times for surgery were…

Elton John's Partner Blasts Michael Moore and 'Sicko

June 2nd, 2007 1:52 PM

Canadian Journalists Criticized Michael Moore's Portrayal of Canada's

May 21st, 2007 5:03 PM
Canadians are mad as heck, and this time, they’re not going to take it. Michael Moore went too far to be ignored, which meant that a Canuck really gave him “what for” in the form of a polite but pointed recap of a heated press conference on Saturday for the premiere of “Sicko,” Moore’s one-sided US health-care hit job, which debuted at Cannes Film Festival .  May 20, Toronto Star entertainment…

Newsweek Reports Economic 'Vibrancy' In Iraq -- But Not for American E

January 19th, 2007 1:31 PM

A Conspiracy Theory the Media Can Tolerate

September 14th, 2006 8:56 PM
While ABC came under assault from the left in this country for even thinking to air something critical of the Clinton administration's role in the leadup to 9/11, Canada's leading broadcast network was doing the very opposite: airing a "documentary" exploring the idea that the Bush White House was behind the attacks that killed thousands of Americans (often called MIHOP in leftie circles): On…

Beat the Press: Harper's Tough Guy Approach Is Working

September 9th, 2006 2:40 PM
As badly as the American press leans leftward, the Canadian press is actually worse in its bias against things conservative. That's ironic since Canada's prime minister, Stephen Harper, is actually a conservative which has caused a good amount of friction with intolerant liberals up north.Facing an entire press corps as impartial as Keith Olbermann, Harper has had no choice but to play tough…