NBC's Mitchell: Iraq and Afghan Wars Have 'Hurt' Us in Terrorism Fight

January 11th, 2010 3:42 PM
NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show over the weekend, claimed that the United States' wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have not helped in the fight against terrorism, going as far as to say "They've hurt," and "we have inspired more Jihadis against us." Mitchell also played defense for Barack Obama on his terrorism policy as she hailed the President's recent speeches on the…

Fineman: ‘Self-Righteous’ Lieberman ‘Kicking Dems in Teeth,’ O

December 26th, 2009 1:37 AM
Catching up on the Sunday, December 20, syndicated Chris Matthews Show – during which the panel weighed in on who should be granted various dishonors for the year – panel member Howard Fineman of Newsweek charged that independent Senator Joe Lieberman, formerly a Democrat, had "kicked [Democrats] n the teeth time after time after time and behaved in a completely self-righteous way about it," as…

Matthews Frets Over ‘Idiots’ in America ‘Riling’ Up ‘White T

December 13th, 2009 4:50 PM

Matthews Mocks: Mark Levin Plays to All the 'Wingnuts

November 9th, 2009 5:24 PM
On the syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, over the weekend, conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin was mocked by Chris Matthews for playing to the "wingnuts" at a Capitol Hill rally. Before running a clip of Levin, MSNBC host broke down the new GOP coalition as "regular Republicans," "energized conservatives," and "the wingnuts!" and added: "Talk show host Mark Levin spoke to all of them!"…

Matthews: Is Obama 'Smarter Than Us?' Newsweek’s Fineman: 'Of Course

November 2nd, 2009 10:20 AM
It's hard to imagine two Chris Matthews Show panelists publicly admitting that the President was smarter than them, during the George W. Bush administration, but that's precisely what happened during this weekend's episode when host Chris Matthews asked Newsweek's Howard Fineman that very question. When a frustrated Matthews worried that Barack Obama wasn't being more aggressive in pushing health…

'Chris Matthews Show' Panel Agrees GOP 'Hurt' By Opposition to Obamaca

October 20th, 2009 9:41 AM
Well the verdict is in and it looks like the GOP has been severely damaged by its opposition to Obamacare, well at least that was the conclusion of all the liberal members of "The Chris Matthews Show" panel over the weekend. On the syndicated show, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell and HDNET's Dan Rather were unanimous that the "branding" of the GOP as "The Party Of No," has "hurt" them. The New York Times'…

Media Double Standard: Only the Right's Signs Are Worth Covering

September 16th, 2009 10:49 AM
After systematically ignoring the outrageous and offensive signs used by leftist protesters at anti-war demonstrations journalists and bloggers are now devoting an immense amount of attention to a small minority of Tea Party protesters carrying signs far outside of the mainstream.Brian Williams and Chris Matthews think the Tea Party goers are racists, CBS's Nancy Jiles called the protests "a…

Chris Matthews Show: 'Boss Rush Limbaugh' Stoking Racist Anti-Obama 'V

September 14th, 2009 7:42 PM
NBC's Norah O'Donnell, guest hosting for Chris Matthews over the weekend, repeatedly questioned her "Chris Matthews Show" panelists why there was "So much hate," and "venom," directed at Barack Obama at town hall events.Time's Joe Klein responded it was all Rush Limbaugh's fault as he depicted opponents of Obama as racists that are "being egged on by the demagogues in, in the Republican Party, by…

Matthews: Has GOP 'Embarrassed Themselves' Out of Family Values Biz

June 29th, 2009 3:43 PM
Chris Matthews, on his syndicated "The Chris Matthews Show," over the weekend, wondered if the Mark Sanford scandal will make the GOP a more tolerant party as he asked his panel: "Have Republicans finally embarrassed themselves out of calling themselves the family values party?" His guest panel, for the most part, agreed with the premise as Dan Rather opined: "The Republican Party was already in…

Chris Matthews Show: 'Trollish' Limbaugh, Cheney & Gingrich Turn Off F

May 4th, 2009 12:40 PM
Chris Matthews asked his panel of reporters, on this weekend's syndicated "The Chris Matthews Show," to offer their prescriptions on how the GOP, in the wake of the Arlen Specter departure, can regain its popularity to which most of the liberal reporters like Joe Klein and Howard Fineman suggested they needed to abandon their "cut taxes, shrink government," message and some of their "trollish"…

Matthews: Limbaugh Like a Bond Villain, a 'Human Vat of Vitriol

March 9th, 2009 6:47 PM
Over the weekend, Chris Matthews compared Rush Limbaugh to a James Bond villain and claimed the radio talk show host was a "human vat of vitriol. He relishes the attention and he sells anger as a weapon." Before playing a clip from "You Only Live Twice," in which a Bond nemesis drops a victim into a piranha tank, Matthews, on his syndicated "The Chris Matthews Show," offered up the following…

How Wrong Can One Be? Pundit Claimed Obama the 'Grown-up' Would Calm M

March 3rd, 2009 12:52 PM

Matthews Calls Limbaugh and Republicans 'Trolls Under the Bridge

February 23rd, 2009 12:46 PM
What's with Chris Matthews' fixation with comparing Republicans to trolls? Back in September he called a then presidential candidate John McCain "troll-like," after one of his debate performances, and then over the weekend, on the syndicated "The Chris Matthews Show," he applied the monstrous term to Republicans in the following intro to his February 23 episode:CHRIS MATTHEWS: And finally trolls…

Klein Gives Matthews Another Obama Induced Thrill Up His Leg

January 4th, 2009 1:52 PM
Barack Obama cheerleader Chris Matthews almost got another thrill up his leg Sunday when Time's Joe Klein predicted that 2009 would be a good year for the incoming president.I guess "winning" the dubious honor of Quote of the Year in the Media Research Center's 21st Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting hasn't encouraged Matthews to be more objective. Not a chance, for in the first "Chris…