'Chris Matthews Show' Praises Obama and His Team

December 8th, 2008 12:31 PM
On his syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" on Sunday, Chris Matthews seemingly sought to do his self-proclaimed "job" of making sure Barack Obama's administration is a success by featuring a panel of guests who praised the incoming team and the President-elect's ability to use his political capital to pass "big packages to avert a depression." There was only twelve seconds of negativity about Obama…

Matthews Panel Frets GOP Will Fight Obama’s ‘Great Things,’ But

December 1st, 2008 8:02 PM
On Sunday’s Chris Matthews Show, host Matthews led the panel in a discussion over whether conservatives would choose to cooperate with the Obama administration in making "historic changes" to repair the economy, rather than stand in opposition to his programs. The premise of the discussion seemed to be that times are too serious for conservatives to dare dissent from Obama’s plans. At one point,…

NBC Exec: Obama's Skin Color Gives Him More Legitimacy Than Any Americ

November 30th, 2008 1:35 PM
The number two man at NBC News believes Barack Obama's skin color gives him more legitimacy around the world than possibly any American leader in history.For those unfamiliar, Mark Whitaker is the Senior Vice President that succeeded the late Tim Russert as NBC's Washington Bureau Chief, and currently oversees national and international reporting for all the network's news programs including the…

Chris Matthews: Obama's Administration 'Historically Wondrous;' Palin

November 17th, 2008 12:19 PM
On his syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" on Sunday, Chris Matthews discussed President-elect Barack Obama's ability to enact his campaign agenda as well as the state of the Republican Party with a panel of other newsmakers, including Erin Burnett of CNBC and Michele Norris of NPR. Matthews excitedly declared that "the American people voted for change, they voted for Obama" and hopefully wondered…

Chris Matthews Will Be ‘Emotional’ Tonight: We’re ‘Leaping Tow

November 4th, 2008 3:05 PM
On his syndicated Chris Matthews Show on Sunday, the conspicuously pro-Obama MSNBC host announced how he expected that “election night is going to be emotional for all of us....Particularly if it goes in that historic direction, it’s going to be very emotional for everybody. I mean, everybody.”A few minutes later, in his closing commentary about the election, Matthews (a potential Democratic…

Matthews Panel: Palin Not VP Caliber Now But Fine For Prez In

October 26th, 2008 1:57 PM
If you needed any more evidence that the media meme regarding Sarah Palin not being qualified for vice president is nothing but liberal propaganda from America's Obama-loving press you got it on Sunday's "The Chris Matthews Show."After the panel of New York magazine's John Heilemann, the Washington Post's Anne Kornblut, NBC's Andrea Mitchell, and the Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page unanimously…

The MRC's Sweet-On-Obama Sixteen Media Bias Tournament

October 6th, 2008 1:12 PM
Update's Update: I have been assured by IT that we are FINALLY ready to go with this.The American people in poll after poll and in greater and growing numbers are railing against the egregious liberal bias of the press. And nowhere are the media more horrendously slanted than in their coverage of the presidential campaign of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama. They are (to say the least) very, very…

An MRC Cinematic Production | Chris Matthews: Building the Thrill

October 5th, 2008 10:57 AM
Update: The techincal error is resolved. Please, enjoy. Thank you very much. Tuesday's Presidential debate is now looming in our headlights. It will be moderated by the very liberal Tom Brokaw of the very liberal NBC. The Media Research Center, Newsbusters.org's parent company, wanted to take this opportunity to remind one and all why Brokaw's colleague, the very liberal Chris Matthews, will…

PBS Ombudsman Raps Anti-Palin Wisecrack

September 19th, 2008 9:33 PM
On PBS's Web site today, ombudsman Michael Getler writes of complaints over an incident during last Sunday's pledge drive.  He describes the cheap shot taken by actor Mike Farrell against vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin:According to Joseph Campbell, vice president of fundraising programs, here's what happened:

CNN's Blitzer: 'I Don't Remember' Biden's Law School Plagiarism

September 18th, 2008 10:55 PM

CNN's Chetry: 'Please Tell Me It's Not Lipstick Again

September 10th, 2008 11:40 PM
 On CNN's American Morning today, White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux reported on Barack Obama's campaigning in Virginia.  Afterwards, anchor Kiran Chetry had a question:CHETRY: All right. And Suzanne, what's on tap for the campaign today? And please tell me it's not lipstick again.MALVEAUX: Let's hope not. He's going to be in Norfolk, Virginia. That is in southeast Virginia, and it's home…

Andrea Mitchell Changes Mind, Now Thinks Palin a Good VP Pick

September 7th, 2008 2:38 PM
You can now count NBC's Andrea Mitchell among the increasing group of people that believe Sarah Palin was a good choice to be John McCain's running mate.On Sunday's "The Chris Matthews Show," Mitchell, who last week felt Palin was not a good choice, told Matthews and his panel that the Alaska Governor gave an "A-plus" speech on Wednesday night, under extreme pressure, and that has led her to now…

Joe Klein Calls McCain's RNC Speech 'Truly Offensive

September 7th, 2008 2:01 PM
Time's Joe Klein went on quite a tirade during Sunday's "The Chris Matthews Show" calling John McCain's nomination acceptance speech at the just-concluded Republican National Convention "truly offensive."Amongst other things, Klein was disappointed that McCain didn't talk about the 6.1 percent unemployment rate in the nation despite this being impossible as that economic news wasn't released…

Media Star? Half of Pennsylvanians Don't Know Who Chris Matthews Is

August 7th, 2008 10:03 AM
Apparently having a show on two different networks owned by NBC does not guarantee familiarity with voters.  Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s “Hardball” and NBC’s “The Chris Matthews Show” has hinted at a run for Arlen Specter’s Senate seat in 2010 as reported by Mark Finkelstein here.A Quinnipiac University poll of Pennsylvanians found that 55 percent of voters “say they don’t know enough to have…