Daily Kos Week in Review: Sweatin' to the Oldies

July 24th, 2011 1:12 PM
It may have been the "heat dome" or the giant, invisible wool blanket or whatever it was that made much of the country miserable, or perhaps the numbing effect of the debt-ceiling talks. In any event, when there's not much new news, so to speak, grumpy, bored Kossacks can always fall back, as they did this past week, on their old standby: the evil and stupidity of conservatism and conservatives…

Lefties Giddily Ask: 'Could We Soon See A World Without Fox News

July 14th, 2011 11:54 AM
Vyan at Daily Kos is getting giddy in a post headlined “Could we soon see a world without Fox News?” It's apparently all over for FNC: "In less than a week the News of the World Wiretapping and Bribery Scandal has quickly metastasized into a Multi-Headed Dragon of Death for Murdoch Empire and simply lopping off one head, doesn't seem to be enough - the infection has already spread." Now that…

Daily Kos: GOP Women Couldn't Possibly Be Pro-Women

June 25th, 2011 7:55 AM
Kaili Joy Gray at the Daily Kos obviously subscribes to the tired old theory of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz that the Republicans are waging a "war on women." On Thursday, she mocked the idea that GOP women like Rep. Kristi Noem of South Dakota could speak for the fairer sex. Noem told the AP "The Republican agenda is indeed pro-woman. It is pro-woman because it is pro-small business,…

America, the Land of Whiteness and Capitalist Propaganda

June 21st, 2011 8:04 AM
Consider this one the next time Sean Hannity tells a caller (or a caller tells him) "You're a great American." Over at the Daily Kos, a poor, confused liberal has decided that a "good American" is apparently some cross between the Tea Party and the cast of MTV's "Jersey  Shore." The diarist Dr. Zombie (or to use his byline, "xxdr zombiexx") rains rhetorical fire on the purveyors of patriotism…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Hammering the Hermanator

June 12th, 2011 2:02 PM
This was the week when Kossacks discovered Herman Cain in a big way...and by "discovered" I mean "singled out for venomous condescension." Another Kossack asserted that cable-news  coverage of Weinergate was designed not to inform and enlighten, but rather to sexually arouse the numerous "zombie[s]" in the audience. As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Daily Kos: Herman Cain Is The Perfect Racist Republican

June 10th, 2011 3:03 PM
On Friday morning, the Daily Kos blogger with the byline Seneca Doane tried to have fun with the mass defection away from Newt Gingrich, satirically offering Newt his services in defeating the other GOP candidates. He was especially vicious with Herman Cain: "I'll admit it right up front -- Cain scares me.  I don't mean as an opponent; I mean as a human being." Cain, he says is the perfect…

Daily Kos Writes 'In Defense of Sharia

June 3rd, 2011 3:23 PM
At the Daily Kos blog, the blogger known as SixDollarLiberal created a ruckus on Wednesday by titling an article “In Defense of Sharia.” You know the article was a bad idea when it began with the disclaimer “I was raised a Christian, and became an atheist/agnostic as an adult. I have a much better understanding of Christianity than of Islam. If I get anything wrong in this, please feel free to…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Ring-Kissing, Leg-Humping Republicans

May 22nd, 2011 5:13 PM
What is Daily Kos full of? Many things, of course, but this past week one correct answer to that question would have been "advice for conservatives." One Kossack suggested that if Republicans want to win in 2012, they'll have to adopt Newt Gingrich's Meet the Press position on Paul Ryan's Medicare reforms. Another asserted that GOPers ought to profusely thank President Obama for not destroying…

Abortionist Rants on Daily Kos: 'Extreme Religion Stops a Thinking Bra

May 10th, 2011 1:22 PM
Denizens of the Daily Kos were delighted Monday by a more-than-6,300-word rant by an abortionist from Texas bylined "Beket." The headline was "Extreme Religion Stops a Thinking Brain -- and Kills Women and Teenage Girls." Naturally, it was "One of the best diaries I have read on DKos," wrote one thrilled commenter. "Well-written. Well-thought out."  Dr. "Beket" began: "I am a proud, even…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Obama Budget Edition

April 18th, 2011 7:43 AM
This past week's big story in Kosland was the midweek shift in tone in posts about President Obama. Before Wednesday's budget speech, Kossacks portrayed Obama as a wimp, a Reaganite, and worse. After the speech, he was their savvy, aggressive, progressive hero. Meanwhile, conservatives were presented as greedy racists. That's a tone that never shifts on Daily Kos. 

Daily Kos: Scott Walker, Fox News Show America's Becoming A Capitalist

April 2nd, 2011 6:56 AM
The leftist panic over Republican governors like Wisconsin's Scott Walker (and this week, Ohio's John Kasich) curbing union power has the bloggers at the Daily Kos is producing all the typical fringy fulminations. See the article headlined "Totalitarian Capitalism stages a show trial for teachers." Since "Anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun is regularly demonized as a communist, socialist,…

Daily Kos Cheers Notion Religion May Become Extinct

March 24th, 2011 4:07 PM
The leftist atheists at the Daily Kos really know how to write headlines. Take this one: Thank god for evolution!: Religion may become extinct. The blogger with the byline Rosieeriter was delighted on Tuesday with a BBC story that says religion may become extinct in nine European countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and…

Study: CBS's Couric, NBC's Todd Almost as Liberal as DKos; WaPo Left o

March 21st, 2011 6:34 PM
Twitter and other social networks have provided social scientists with unprecedented means of measuring human interaction. As it turns out, that fact has implications for the media bias debate. In a study to be released next month, three Duke University researchers rank politicians and other public figures by political ideology as measured by a formula that incorporates whom they follow on…

Lefty Blogger Exposes How Political Lies Are Spread Over Liberal Blogo

March 21st, 2011 12:23 AM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Tennessee state assemblyman buys the lie! If you frequent liberal blogs, you were likely under the impression this weekend that Minnesota state Republicans were trying to make it illegal for the poor to carry more than $20 in their pockets or handbags. Fortunately the Left has someone in its ranks interested in exposing lies rather than spreading them: