Daily Kos: In Wisconsin, the Plutocrats Plot 'Walkercide

February 25th, 2011 8:36 AM
The hatred of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker continues in the fever swamps of the Daily Kos. The blogger "Patience John" posted an article Wednesday headlined "Walkercide: Killing the American Dream for Corporate Paymasters." Try not to pay attention to the mangled syntax: that "Walkercide" sounds like a plot to kill the governor, not the other way around, or that the headline suggests a plot to…

Daily Kos: Scott Walker Like a Southern Slave Holder

February 22nd, 2011 1:57 PM
While the mainstream media finds it tolerable to compare Gov. Scott Walker to Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, the bloggers at Daily Kos can always stretch the slander further. The blogger "Dengre" finds Walker and his conservative ilk are quite similar to Confederate slave holders: What thing becomes clear--as you consider the modern Republican Confederate Party's effort to attack workers,…

Daily Kos on Reagan 100: He Inspired the Oklahoma City Bombing

February 9th, 2011 7:56 AM
If liberals thought the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth was a little sickening, they could always find comfort in the loopy leftist loathing of the Daily Kos. On Sunday, "Slangist" took the fruitcake with lines like this: "First elected Governor on a muted inclination to shoot student demonstrators, Reagan spent his political life as an apostle of reaction,…

Daily Kos Loves Rep. Cohen Comparing GOP to Nazis

January 25th, 2011 7:16 AM
On Monday at the Daily Kos, H. Scott Prosterman slammed House Minority Leader Eric Cantor as he praised Rep. Steve Cohen, the man who suggested the Republican argument on health care used the "Big Lie," just like Nazi propaganda specialist Josef Goebbels enabled the Holocaust. Cohen earned a few brickbats from media liberals, but kept up the Nazi analogies on MSNBC even as he insincerely…

Kos In Time: Palin, Angle Will Get People Killed

January 17th, 2011 4:24 PM
Time magazine asked a panel of 16 experts to answer the question "Are We Becoming An Uncivil Society?" While Time's selected Republicans and conservatives (including Glenn Beck) stayed civil and didn't point explicit fingers at liberals for trying to smear the Tucson shooting on conservatives, leftist Daily Kos blogger Markos Moulitsas rudely predicted (again) that one side of the aisle,…

Want Vicious Rhetoric? Try Daily Kos Post-Tucson Blog Rants

January 12th, 2011 5:37 PM
As should seem obvious, the bloggers of the Daily Kos have been at the forefront of talking up how the "American Taliban" are to blame in Tucson. The blogger "lutznancy" summed up Kosmonaut History in a Tuesday  post-mortem: "This started decades ago. And slowly but surely it has, like a slow-growing cancer, metastasized to point of sure death, the death of America, or to be more clear, America…

Daily Kos Campaign Director Uses 'Target Lists' Frequently

January 10th, 2011 7:22 AM
With the founder of the Daily Kos deliberately trying to tie Sarah Palin's target list to yesterday's shooting in Tucson, perhaps it's time Markos Moulitsas took this opportunity to look at his own people in regards to using incendiary rhetoric.  Markos took the time to send a message to his followers yesterday tweeting, “Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin”.  But if target lists are considered…

One-Sided CBS Report Paints Palin as Responsible for Giffords Shooting

January 8th, 2011 8:55 PM
Capitalizing on the shooting in Tucson this afternoon, CBS furthered the lunatic left rhetoric that Sarah Palin was somehow responsible for this heinous crime.  The theory being that the shooter was inspired by Palin’s midterm election map, which featured Gabrielle Giffords as a potential target.  “…critics of Sarah Palin have already drawn a link between the shooting and the fact that the…

'I Hate People,' The GOP Theme Song

December 13th, 2010 10:59 AM
In the warm, generous glow of the Christmas season, it's quite expected that scolds of the Left will accuse the conservatives of being the very archetype of Ebenezer Scrooge. On The Daily Kos, Mark Sumner touts a Scrooge musical over diversions like "knife fighting for this year's top toy," especially when you can describe "I Hate People" as a "secret Republican theme song": When it comes to…

Angry Liberals Twist Bristol Palin’s ‘Dancing’ into Tea Party

November 23rd, 2010 12:19 PM
Those Tea Partiers – is there anything in this nation they can’t spoil? They’ve already gummed up the president’s agenda with their rallies and signs and voting. Now, they’re trying to ruin “Dancing with the Stars!” So says the left and many in the media agree. Now that newly resurgent conservatives have handed them a crushing mid-term defeat, liberals are seeing nefarious Tea Party plots…

Daily Kos: Palin the Enemy of 'Intelligence, Literacy, Expertise, Lang

November 20th, 2010 8:09 AM
In the New York Daily News on Wednesday, S.E. Cupp theorized "The reason Palin has become such a lightening [sic] rod, a kingmaker and a punching bag, a celebrity and a power player, is simple. It's because she's so gosh darn happy.For her fans, like the ones I had the pleasure of meeting in Chicago, she's refreshingly upbeat and resilient, the bubbly friend from childhood who was always great…

Daily Kos: The American Dream Is a Virus Like AIDS, and Rick Perry is

November 14th, 2010 7:35 AM
How much do the bloggers of the Daily Kos hate conservatism and the limited-government ideas that informed America's founding? They associate them with Satan...and with disease. Blogger Kevin Tully is really angry about the election returns and wondered if  "all of us, [are] being played like one huge, oxygen starved, exhausted, gullible fish?  Is the destruction of the environment and civil…

Daily Kos: Keith Olbermann Dem Donations 'a Stroke of Genius

November 8th, 2010 1:35 PM
The Olbermann-lovers at the far-left Daily Kos blog believe in the Vast Keith Conspiracy – that Olbermann contributed to three Democrats as part of a large-scale plan to embarrass MSNBC president Phil Griffin and underline just how important and popular the left-wing bomb-throwing is, especially with young voters. In a Monday morning post titled “The Brilliance of Keith Olbermann,” the blogger…

Daily Kos: Blame Dem Losses on Racism

November 2nd, 2010 7:13 AM
Liberals don't want to believe that anyone would oppose the Obama agenda out of a principled stand against massive government spending and massive intervention in the free enterprise system. It's easier (and dirtier) to blame it all on racism. The leftist blog Daily Kos is keeping up that smear: "It's the black man in the White House, stupid." Michael Moore truly thrilled the blogger called "…