Olbermann Quits Daily Kos After Being Bashed For Criticizing Obama's O

June 17th, 2010 3:38 PM
When the vitriol is too much for Keith Olbermann, something is seriously wrong.The MSNBC prime time anchor parted ways with the far-left Web site Daily Kos on Wednesday, citing the site's apparent unflinching, see-no-evil attitude towards President Obama, and the omnipresence of wild leftist conspiracy theories there."You want Cheerleaders? Hire the Buffalo Jills," Olbermann wrote. "You want…

Chuck Todd Rips 'Unreliable' Rasmussen, Doesn't Mind Liberal Polling F

June 11th, 2010 2:23 PM
Media bias often shows itself in which organizations journalists choose to cite or ignore. A very prevalent form of this bias is selective reporting on polling data--polls that show results friendly to the liberal position like are touted while those that show the opposite are buried.MSNBC's Chuck Todd, pictured right, is the latest reporter to demonstrate such a bias. He took Rasmussen Reports…

Daily Kos Mourns 'Such a Good-Natured Woman,' That Helen Thomas

June 10th, 2010 11:02 PM
UPDATE: Kosmonauts upset Obama flack decried Helen Thomas comments: "when has he [Obama] ever kicked anyone's ass? Not counting little old ladies, that is." Even as she sneered that the Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine," Helen Thomas could easily find fervent defenders in the hard-left environs of the Daily Kos. Some of them couldn't believe such a sweet and good-natured woman would be…

Daily Kos Imagines 'Fat, Repulsive Angel of Death Cheney' Gloating Ove

June 5th, 2010 11:22 PM
Daily Kos boss Markos Moulitsas is scheduled to appear on Jake Tapper's Sunday roundtable on This Week tomorrow. It would be great -- although the odds are very slim -- if Tapper would quote some of this Daily Kos bilge and ask Moulitsas to defend it. This Saturday morning post by Karen Hedwig Backman imagined Dick Cheney as a malevolent Angel of Death. It's called "Dick Cheney's Dismal Swamp of…

Daily Kos: Gulf Oil Spill Is The Green Lobby's 9/11, to Exploit 'In th

May 25th, 2010 5:21 PM
From the "Did I Say That Out Loud?" Department: "Crashing Vor" on the Daily Kos asserted on Tuesday morning that a good crisis should never go to waste. The Gulf oil spill must be exploited, and the greens must "use this moment, use the deaths of species and the suffering of people who depend on them, in the most cynical, calculated way, as bad as a Republican after 9/11, to make real, lasting…

Back to Violence at Daily Kos: Talk About Punching Rand Paul In the Fa

May 23rd, 2010 11:13 PM
While liberals consistently worry out loud that conservative talk radio inspires violence, they're still avoiding blogs like the Daily Kos, which posted an item on Sunday headlined "I don't want to punch Rand Paul in the face, but...." This tongue-in-cheek lameness unfolded: ....but if someone happens to punch him in the face, I believe that this is their right and that we as a people should not…

Daily Kos: Blame Reagan for the Oil Spill

May 13th, 2010 11:25 AM
If you think it's odd for Chris Matthews to blame Dick Cheney for the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Daily Kos will go one further. The Kosmonaut with the byline "RFK Lives" is blaming Ronald Reagan: For 30 years, our public policy has been dominated by this basic creed.  Whether it was telecom deregulation, financial deregulation, welfare "reform," regulatory "reform," or most any other…

Daily Kos: Fox News, 'By Design a Criminal Enterprise

May 8th, 2010 7:49 AM
The anti-capitalist left seems to despise all privately owned media outlets as hopelessly servile lackeys of the robber barons. But even through this dark lens, Fox News is still the worst. Raccoondog on the Daily Kos says in the wake of the Gulf oil spill that it is "by design a criminal enterprise" and Sarah Palin is guilty of "criminal imbecility." [Image at top right also from Daily Kos.]…

Daily Kos: 'All Religions Pale In Comparison' to Environmentalism

May 6th, 2010 8:01 AM
Daily Kos may be an almost official stop of the Democratic Party -- today's top ad demands you help the Arizona Democrats fight the new immigration law -- but it's certainly not a religious website. In fact, last Friday, the blogger "HumeSkeptic" declared that all religions pale in comparison to earth worship:  In so far as all morality is fundamentally based on preservation, betterment and…

Oops! Leftwing Blogosphere Forced Into Embarrassing Backtrack on Times

May 4th, 2010 2:46 PM
It appears that it wasn't only media types such as MSNBC's Contessa Brewer who were disappointed that the Times Square bombing suspect turned out to be a Muslim. They were joined by virtually the entire leftwing blogosphere in their frustration that the suspect wasn't a tea party activist or a member of a "rightwing" militia group.  Before the identity of the bombing suspect was  made known,…

Kos Article Says Number of Abortions May be 'Too Low

April 29th, 2010 2:30 PM
April 28 was apparently Abortion Uber Alles day at the liberal Web site Daily Kos. Aimee Thorne-Thomsen of the Pro-Choice Public Education Project stated that the number of women who receive abortions is “too low” in “Keep Abortions Safe and Legal? Yes. Make it Rare? Not the Point.” A separate article blasted the new law in Oklahoma that makes it mandatory for woman to receive ultrasounds by…

Kooky Kos: Fox News, the 'Rabid Supporter of Exterminationist Rhetoric

April 24th, 2010 2:52 PM
Some conservatives don't bother reading or quoting from the Daily Kos because it's just too bizarre to take seriously. This would certainly be a good exhibit: Fox News is the network of "exterminationist rhetoric."  There's no doubt in my mind that Glenn Beck is the closest thing we've had to a Neonazi leader in America in a long long time, and he's by far the most dangerous conservative to have…

Daily Kos Slams 'Ultraconservative Testosterone Clubs' Called the Boy

April 17th, 2010 4:06 PM
Over at the Daily Kos, the gay activist that writes under the byline "Bill in Portland, Maine" (I'd prefer Boogers of Change) slammed both the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts in his regular "Cheers and Jeers" column on Thursday:  CHEERS to justice served.  Let us not forget that the Catholic Church isn't the only institution owned and operated by ultra-conservatives that's getting battered…

Huh? Olbermann Brings on Markos Moulitsas to Decry Ugly, Violent Rheto

April 4th, 2010 7:06 AM
Is there anything more ridiculous than putting on the architect of the dark and ghastly radical castle called the Daily Kos to denounce extremism and irresponsible rhetoric? And yet that's exactly what Keith Olbermann did on Tuesday night's Countdown -- he brought on Markos Moulitsas.He didn't ask about the Kos blogger who compared Virginia attorney general (then-candidate) Ken Cuccinelli to a…