Catholic-Hating Daily Kos Blogger: 'Stalin Was a Piker' Compared to 't

March 14th, 2010 9:28 AM
Bloggers and activists on the left are furious when anyone suggests that the religion of Islam leads to violence. But on Thursday, bomb-throwing secularist Barrett Brown on the Daily Kos (and also on the blog True/Slant) compares the Catholic Church – unfavorably – to the atrocities of Stalinism and Maoism. He even wrote, more broadly, that "Next to the Christian God, Stalin was a piker" – in…

The America-Loathing of the Daily Kos

March 6th, 2010 7:06 AM
In the upside-down universe of the Daily Kos, Tom Brokaw is a conservative who rooted for Bush-Cheney, and his Thursday night CNBC special on Boomers lauded the "Greatest Generation" at the expense of the real patriots, the ones that dropped acid and protested the evil military-industrial complex that ran America: I know plenty of people with battle scars from nightsticks and tear gas who did it…

Daily Kos Suggests Reagan on the Fifty Is Like Honoring a Yugoslavian

March 4th, 2010 6:51 AM
To follow up on Brent Baker's post about the move to put Ronald Reagan on the 50-dollar bill, this was not well-received by the feverish left at the Daily Kos. The blogger "Kansasr" wailed on Wednesday: It's bad enough that I have to fly into the Regan [sic] airport in Washington (I still call it National) or have to drive on the Ronald Regan [sic] Turnpike in Florida. What's next? Slobodan…

WaPo 'Humorist' Gene Weingarten Uses Kos Poll to Mock Conservatives, P

February 28th, 2010 9:02 AM
Washington Post "investigative humorist" Gene Weingarten mocked conservatives again in Sunday’s Post Magazine, playing off the recent Daily Kos poll playing up the number of Republicans who believe Barack Obama wasn’t born in America, is a racist, and should be impeached. Weingarten makes no mention of the leftist source of his data. For all the reader knows, it’s a Gallup poll. Weingarten then…

CBS, AP, N.Y. Daily News Play Twitter Tag on Conservatives With the Au

February 21st, 2010 9:28 AM
It’s getting tiresome that the liberal media will use the ramblings of any extremist on Twitter and try and associate them with the conservative movement. [on their 48 Hours Mystery page] blogged the AP and the New York Daily News reporting that Austin suicide pilot Joe Stack has fan pages on the Internet: "Finally an American man took a stand against our tyrannical government that no…

Daily Kos Yells at Media: Don't You See GOP Wants a 'Civil War

February 7th, 2010 7:54 AM
While leftist networks like MSNBC try to associate the entire conservative movement with birthers and racists, liberals might want to ponder that consistent embarrassment known as the Daily Kos. On Saturday, "WinSmith" declared his outrage that the media would treat Republicans with civility, and the Stewarts and Colberts would merely mock them -- when they are destroying the country and want…

David Shuster's Online Reading List a Who's-Who of Far-Left Opinion

January 31st, 2010 12:11 PM
How can journalists possibly claim to be "objective" (in the Old Media, I-have-no-opinions sense of the term) when they get their news only from hyper-partisan sources on one side of the political spectrum? To do so should make any reporter blush.But David Shuster, apparently, has no issue with undertaking such objective journalistic endeavors as "fact checking and analyzing", while gathering…

Daily Kos: A Grandma Handing Out Pro-Life Pamphlets Is a Terrorist

January 24th, 2010 11:16 PM
There are times you read blog posts at the Daily Kos and genuinely think the writers are secret saboteurs trying to make the left look ridiculous. Take the blogger "Angry Mouse" on Sunday morning, who insists a grandma handing out pamphlets outside an abortion clinic is a terrorist, a regular al-Qaeda equivalent: A distinction is often made between the violent and non-violent members of this "…

Daily Kos Claims Rush Limbaugh Called for Violent Revolution, Harming

January 9th, 2010 10:53 PM

Kossacks Display Hate by Rejoicing in Rush Limbaugh Hospitalization

December 31st, 2009 11:33 AM
For some strange reason, the Daily Kos has gained the reputation in the mainstream media for somehow being composed of "reasonable progressives" in stark contrast to their Democratic Underground cousins whom even many in the MSM will admit are flat out loons. However, certain events prove that the Kossacks are every bit as crazed and full of hate as the DUers. And one such event that has proved…

Beware Leftist Bloggers 'Eating Beans in the Nude' Calling Themselves

December 26th, 2009 10:44 PM

Double Standard: 'Fairly Big Split' Among Liberals on Health Care Down

December 22nd, 2009 8:45 AM
Remember how the vocal elements among the left-wing media were all too eager to exploit disagreements between prominent conservatives? There were comments Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele made about Rush Limbaugh earlier this year and the back-and-forth between former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former GOP vice-presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.…

Schultz-Matthews Spat? Ed Invites Kos To Conk Chris

December 18th, 2009 7:11 PM
Bad blood brewing between Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews? Schultz today invited a guest on his show for the express purpose of taking shots at fellow MSNBCer Matthews!On yesterday's Hardball, Matthews criticized the netroots who are trashing the watered-down ObamaCare bill.  "I don't consider them Democrats," said Matthews, dismissing them as "troublemakers." Concluded Chris: "they get their…

CNN's Jeanne Moos Highlights 'Liberal Hate' at Joe Lieberman

December 16th, 2009 6:54 PM
On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN correspondent Jeanne Moos exposed some of the left-wing rage being directed at Senator Joe Lieberman, especially on the Internet. Moos’s examples of “liberal hate” at the Connecticut politician ranged from fantasy Hanukkah gifts, such as a muzzle, to a YouTube video of a woman having her cats attack a string which stood in for the senator [Moos's full report is…