Dumpster Fire at Axios: 'The Public Case Against Trump'

May 14th, 2018 10:02 AM
Axios is yet another leftist website which promised "vital, trustworthy news and analysis" with "no bias" and "no nonsense" but has subsequently descended into parody. Saturday, Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei, two of the site's founders, posted "The Public Case Against Trump," allegedly a list of "known knowns" about "a damning tale that would sink most leaders." It's a colossal example of fake news…

AP Shamed Into Naming One Dem's Party in DC Anti-Semitism Controversy

May 5th, 2018 12:07 PM
The Associated Press apparently was shamed by a Washington Examiner reporter Wednesday when it revised a story on District of Columbia Councilman Trayon White to include his Democratic Party affiliation. White has been sharply criticized and ridiculed for anti-Semitic remarks, including claiming that Jews control the climate. The Democratic Party tag didn't arrive in the AP's revision until…

Press Has Falsely Tagged PA-18's Conor Lamb 'Pro-Life'

March 16th, 2018 9:30 AM
Democrat Conor Lamb was declared the narrow special congressional election winner Tuesday in PA-18, where voters are predominantly pro-life. Lamb, with media help, came across as "pro-life." He's not — and his successful deception may portend an effort by abortion proponents and their lockstep establishment press supporters to spread disinformation about Democratic candidates' true abortion…

Press Seriously Botches Texas Early-Voting Coverage in Favor of Dems

March 8th, 2018 12:16 PM
Before Tuesday's Texas primary, the press presented woefully incomplete early-voting data as evidence of a potential Democratic wave. It was fake news.

After Memo's Release, AP, Others Push 'Free Beacon Funded Steele' Lie

February 3rd, 2018 8:22 PM
Shortly after the Nunes memo's Friday release, five reporters — three at the Associated Press and one each at MSNBC and CNN, pushed the long-discredited claim that, in the AP's words, "(Christopher) Steele’s opposition research effort was initially funded by the conservative Washington Free Beacon."

Paul's Neighbors Push Back Against Media Reports About 'Altercation'

November 9th, 2017 12:58 PM
Many of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's neighbors are hotly disputing Louisville Courier Journal and New York Times reports which characterized the Friday assault on the Republican Senator as being the result of "petty arguments over misplaced lawn trimmings and branches" and "a landscaping dispute," respectively. Among their objections: The  Courier Journal's Thomas Novelly described the attack,…

MSNBC Gives Platform for Liberal State AGs to Tout Trump Lawsuit

June 13th, 2017 4:16 PM
The attorney generals of D.C. and Maryland arrived on the set of Morning Joe Tuesday to present their case for suing the Trump administration. It did not take long for their bias and animosity towards the President to become apparent, however. When asked about the basis for their legal action, D.C. Attorney General, Karl Racine, stated the following, “In a normal presidency, you would have the…

Burial of Maryland Rape Story Avoids Admitting Costs of Illegals

March 30th, 2017 9:01 PM
National establishment media coverage of the alleged Montgomery County, Maryland rape of a 14 year-old freshman at Rockville High School at the hands of two late-teen classmates in the U.S. illegally — a story which first drew national attention only because it became a White House press briefing topic — has been grudging from the start. Now it has virtually ceased, even though the incident is at…

WashPost Coverage of Illegal Immigrant Rape Typifies Media Treatment

March 22nd, 2017 1:00 AM
Early Tuesday evening, Curtis Houck at NewsBusters noted that the rape of a 14 year-old girl at a Maryland high school by two older teens (17 and 18) who recently arrived the U.S. was the subject of a question at Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer's press conference earlier that day. The Washington Post's first story on the rape Friday illustrates Houck's observation that the crime is "an…

Harvard Publishes 'Fake News' Guide Linking to Discredited Database

March 13th, 2017 4:20 PM
Demonstrating that the left will risk the reputation and credibility of virtually any of its cherished institutions in the name of defending the biased establishment press against its center-right competitors, the Harvard Library has published "Fake News, Misinformation, and Propaganda," a "research Guide" purporting to offer "a brief introduction to the spread of misinformation of all kinds and…

Total Lack of Media Objectivity Surrounds DC’s Assisted Suicide Bill

February 27th, 2017 5:07 PM
The media is at it again trying to make news instead of reporting it concerning DC’s Assisted Suicide bill. The media has played cozy with the pro-suicide crowd in framing the argument to their liking, namely that only religious people are opposed to assisted suicide and only because they want to impose their values. They also have taken what has been and should be a bipartisan issue and making…

Media Furious That Trump Got No Questions About Flynn at Presser

February 14th, 2017 11:06 AM
One of the more amusing yet pathetic spectacles of the Trump administration’s early weeks — the ongoing establishment press fury at the richly deserved lack of respect it is getting from the President and his press secretary — neared meltdown yesterday. This occurred because Donald Trump wasn't asked a question everyone knew he wouldn't answer if asked about Michael Flynn at a joint press…

Google Highlights Obscure Site's Claim DAPL Protesters Being 'Framed'

February 11th, 2017 4:17 PM
This post was going to be about the establishment press's handling of the story of the mountainous and environmentally dangerous accumulation of trash left behind by Dakota Access Pipeline protesters. When the spring thaw arrives, that waste threatens to seriously pollute the Cannonball River — yes, the very river protesters are claiming they wish to protect from pipeline spills. What's…

AP Fact Check on Travel Ban-Halting Judge Is Incomplete, Watered-Down

February 7th, 2017 11:53 PM
Given its usual tendencies, I suppose we should be grateful that the Associated Press deigned to fact-check federal judge James Robart at all. The AP's Eric Tucker reported on Monday that the Western Washington District Court judge's claim — that no arrests of foreign nationals have occurred since 9/11 from the seven countries which had been subject to President Trump's temporary travel ban…