NYT’s Stolberg Fans Fears of D.C. Lefties, Bureaucrats of Trump Regime

January 19th, 2017 2:26 PM
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg stood up for the government bureaucrats and left-wing paranoids in D.C. and gave them laudatory coverage: "...as Mr. Trump’s inaugural draws near, in a nation so deeply divided that it seems the political middle has entirely disappeared, perhaps no place in America feels as unsteady and on edge as the capital, which Mr. Trump calls 'the swamp.'...With…

WashPost Hides 'Nonpartisan' Job of Trump-Hating Liberal Writer

January 17th, 2017 9:57 AM
Washington Post reporter Paul Schwartzman wrote an article on how deeply Democratic D.C. was observing the Trump inauguration. He began with how disgusted "Mindy Moretti, a writer and editor residing in the District, reserved a rental car that she intends to load with her mutt Maisey and an overnight bag to drive out of Washington just before Donald Trump is sworn in as president." The Post is…

American Univ. Prof: 'Russian Meddling' Must Mean 'A New Election'

January 13th, 2017 3:15 PM
Here we go again. A month ago, Robert Baer, a leading coddler of Iran who is an "Intelligence and Security Analyst" while pontificating at CNN, contended that alleged Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election meant that the nation needs "to vote again." Now The Hill has given space to Chris Edelson, an assistant professor of government in American University's School of Public…

Impulso a favor de Clinton en periódicos diocesanos despiertan alarma

October 5th, 2016 7:50 AM
En un reciente artículo titulado 'Díles Que Voten' publicado en El Pregonero, el periódico oficial de la Arquidiócesis de la ciudad de Washington, el redactor Miguel Vivanco va mucho más allá que escribir con comprensión sobre el futuro de los millones de inmigrantes ilegales en el país.

Alarm Over Clinton Push in Catholic Church's Spanish-Language Media

October 5th, 2016 7:45 AM
In an article titled Tell Them To Vote (Diles Que Voten), published in a recent edition of El Pregonero, the official Spanish-language newspaper of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., staff writer Miguel Vivanco goes well beyond just paying obligatory lip-service to the illegal immigration cause which he and the ultra-liberal wing of the American “Catholic” world push incessantly.

Trump Rep Pushes CNN to Confirm that Hillary Aide Destroyed Devices

September 3rd, 2016 7:54 PM
The headline at a video posted by the Washington Free Beacon is a real jaw-dropper: "CNN Fact Check Confirms Clinton Aide Destroyed Mobile Devices With Hammers." What? The key part of the video, in its second half, shows the network's Brooke Baldwin as very skeptical — I would say disbelieving, to the point where she wouldn't stop loudly saying "Hang on" until the guests stopped talking — when…

Not News: State Dept. Claims 'Very Few’ in Gitmo Return to Terrorism

August 19th, 2016 5:00 PM
Tuesday, the day after the Obama administration announced that it had sent 15 Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United Arab Emirates, State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner claimed that "very few" of those previously released, representing a "very small" percentage, had returned to terorist activities. Toner's contention is patently false, but the establishment press, based on Google News…

Fairfax, Va. Mayor in 'Meth-for-Sex' Bust Rarely Tagged As a Democrat

August 11th, 2016 1:37 PM
According to a statement at the city's web site, Fairfax, Virginia Mayor Richard "Scott" Silverthorne's resignation took effect at noon on Thursday. The resignation occurs a week after Silverthorne was arrested "for allegedly trying to exchange methamphetamine to undercover detectives in exchange for sex, city officials said Monday." The press, as has so often been the case in situations…

Jorge Ramos ve racismo tras fallo DAPA y triunfo Brexit

June 29th, 2016 11:12 AM
El presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos se ha dignado en brindarnos su opinión más reciente. En el transcurso de hacerlo, busca la manera de entrelazarla con la política presidencial actual, y señala al responsable de siempre.

Jorge Ramos on Immigration, Brexit: It’s All Racism!

June 29th, 2016 9:00 AM
Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos has seen fit to grace us with his latest hot take. In the process, he finds a way to tie that into the politics surrounding the current presidential election, blaming a very familiar culprit.

Paglia on NY Times Trump Hit: 'Agenda Journalism' 'Caught Red-Handed'

May 20th, 2016 9:16 AM
In a Thursday morning column at Salon.com, leftist and longtime social critic Camille Paglia found it amusing that the New York Times thought that its supposedly major exposé about "a boastful, millionaire New Yorker (who) liked the company of beautiful women" was going to be considered big, game-changing news. In Paglia's view, the fact that the people at the Times believed they had something…

Not News: Kerry Tells Grads We're in a 'Borderless' World

May 9th, 2016 6:08 AM
Based on the content of John Kerry's Friday commencement speech at Northeastern University, one might have expected that those in attendance threw away their passports after the event ended. That's because the Obama administration's Secretary of State told those in attendance: "You’re about to graduate into a complex and borderless world." Kerry's extraordinarily dense, naive and dangerous…

AP Reporter Outraged by State Dept. Spox's Claim About Troops in Syria

April 25th, 2016 11:24 PM

State Department spokesman John Kirby did a fist-pounding imitation of Baghdad Bob at a press conference today on the Obama administration's decision "to send 250 more troops to Syria." Note that the Associated Press report by Kathleen Hennessey linked in the first paragraph refers to "troops," not "advisers" or "trainers." This is important, because that AP report acknowledges that in…

Medios ocultan estatus indocumentado de acusados de grotesca violación

April 13th, 2016 7:18 PM
La prensa hispana disimula estatus indocumentado de dos individuos acusados del secuestro y violación de una niña de 12 años en cercanías de Washington, DC