CBS’s Smith Wonders if Tape of U.S.- Iran Naval Conflict Was Fake

January 10th, 2008 1:23 PM
At the top of Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith questioned the authenticity of an audio tape of the confrontation between U.S. and Iranian ships on January 6: We're going to try to re -- to deconstruct the Pentagon tapes just released of that hostile incident in the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian speedboats taunting a U.S. ship. A tape the Iranians are calling a hoax. There's something…

‘Early Show’ Misrepresents Bloomberg Survey on Recession Chances

January 9th, 2008 11:06 PM
This is worse than a case of calling a glass "half-empty" when it is "half-full." This is like taking the glass and pouring it out. Deirdre Bolton, an anchor for Bloomberg TV, appeared on CBS's January 9 "The Early Show" to report on a survey of economists Bloomberg conducted January 3-8 about whether or not a recession is in the immediate future of the U.S. economy. "[W]ell, as you said the…

CBS’s Smith Asks Obama About Bill Clinton Attack, Not Hillary

January 9th, 2008 1:29 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith interviewed Barack Obama and asked: "President Clinton was on the stump for his wife playing hardball. He said, and I quote, your campaign for president is 'the biggest fairy tale' he's ever seen." Smith interviewed Hillary Clinton not minutes before Obama, yet did not make any mention of her husband’s harsh rhetoric.While Smith praised Clinton…

Morning Show Montage: How They Teased 'Comeback Kid' Stories

January 9th, 2008 11:33 AM
The Clinton and McCain victories in New Hampshire were topic A on the network morning shows today, so I thought we'd compile a montage video of the teases that the "Early Show," "Good Morning America," and "Today" ran.Video (1:40): Windows Media (3.29 MB) and MP3 audio (475 kB). Some samples:

CBS’s Schieffer on Obama: A ‘Black American’ Who ‘Makes People

January 8th, 2008 3:16 PM
Following an interview with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith talked to "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer, who said of Barack Obama: "It makes people feel good to see someone who has managed to get where he has, a black American who won out in Iowa..." The segment began with analysis of Clinton’s "display of emotion," which Schieffer thought was "rather…

CBS’s Harry Smith Looks at Clinton’s ‘Rare Display of Emotion

January 8th, 2008 1:05 PM
Following a rather tough interview with Hillary Clinton yesterday, on Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith took a more sympathetic tone: "It is no wonder that all anyone is talking about, it seems, especially up here, is Hillary Clinton in that rare display of emotion." In a taped interview with Clinton, Smith began by asking, "Do you think sometimes the fact that you are Hillary…

Media Hype Boosts 'Subprime' to Linguists' 'Word of the Year

January 7th, 2008 6:07 PM

CBS ‘Early Show’: ‘Hillary Clinton is Fighting for Her Political

January 7th, 2008 4:22 PM
Monday’s CBS "Early Show" was unusually tough on Hillary Clinton as co-host Harry Smith teased an upcoming interview with the New York Senator: "And with Clinton, why she's fighting for her political life." Co-host Maggie Rodriguez similarly teased the interview later: "Up next here on "The Early Show," Senator Hillary Clinton on why she's fighting for her political life." Finally, Harry Smith…

CBS’s Harry Smith Gives Glowing Bio of Barack Obama

January 7th, 2008 3:35 PM
Prior to asking if America is "color-blind" in reference to Barack Obama’s recent success in Iowa, on Monday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith began the show by offering a sympathetic profile of the Illinois Senator: There is no question that Barack Obama with his big win in Iowa is the candidate of the moment, boldly predicting that if he wins New Hampshire, he will be the next president.…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Asks: ‘Is America Finally Color-Blind

January 7th, 2008 12:37 PM
At the top of Monday’s CBS "Early Show," newly appointed co-host, Maggie Rodriguez, teased an upcoming segment on race in politics in the aftermath of Barack Obama’s Iowa victory: "But besides the knock-down, drag-out political fighting in New Hampshire, we're asking the question this morning on everyone's mind, is America finally color-blind?" This just days after the "Early Show" declared that…

CBS ‘Early Show’ on Obama Win: ‘History Has Been Made

January 4th, 2008 12:28 PM
At the top of Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith declared: "The votes have been cast and history has been made. Democratic voters in Iowa give African-American Senator Barack Obama a giant victory." Shortly following this "historic" proclamation, Smith also commented: "Barack Obama, the big winner on the Democratic side," and spoke of both the Obama and Huckabee wins in these terms: "…

Shazam: Smith 'Pyles' On

January 4th, 2008 8:37 AM
Of all the ways Harry Smith could have opened this morning's historic Early Show, he chose to do so by waving today's Boston Herald with its one-word front page "Shazam!" above a photo of Mike Huckabee. Smith described Barack Obama simply as the "big winner" on the Democratic side.View video here [with apologies for low audio level].

Network Coverage of Writers' Strike: 'Jesus Wouldn't Cross' Picket Lin

January 3rd, 2008 5:10 PM
Journalists often fret about Big Business. Yet their coverage leans so pro-union that they won't give the business side of the story - even when they ARE the business. The writers' strike has cost the networks millions in lost ad revenue from the lack of new primetime and late-night shows. But now that late night lives again, the coverage is all about "awareness" of the writers' guild and the…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Discusses Obama's ‘Priceless Publicity’ in Io

January 2nd, 2008 6:28 PM
In a quick round of team coverage of top Democratic and Republican candidates in Iowa on Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show, " Political Correspondent Dean Reynolds led the segment with this glowing assessment of Barack Obama’s campaign:Well, it's all about momentum now, and thanks to a promising poll from an influential newspaper, Barack Obama seems to have it and the others don't. Obama flew across…