CBS Sees GOP 'Mudslinging,' Not 'Playing As Nice' As Dems

January 1st, 2008 2:48 AM

The Worst 'Notable Quotables' of

December 28th, 2007 10:14 AM
Before we ring in 2008, it's worth taking a look back at some of the liberal media's goofiest or most outrageous moments, courtesy of the Media Research Center's Best Notable Quotables of 2007: The Twentieth Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting. The awards were determined by a panel of 53 distinguished media observers, including radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, editorial writers…

Media Can't Decide If 2.4 Percent Is Dramatic or Ho-Hum

December 26th, 2007 3:59 PM
The media are always trying to find a way to report the bad side of economic news, so it's shouldn't come as a terrible surprise to anyone that they managed to make positive holiday sales growth a bad thing.According to MasterCard SpendingPulse, retail sales were up 3.6 percent during the holiday season - 2.4 percent excluding gas prices. But because it's not as big an increase as recent years…

CBS Candidate Christmas List: Romney's Hair 'Too Perfect,' Hillary Nee

December 21st, 2007 2:24 PM
On Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith and Political Correspondent Jeff Greenfield put together a Christmas wish list for the various Republican and Democratic presidential candidates. Of Mitt Romney, Greenfield said the Massachusetts Governor could use voters having "buyers remorse" about Mike Huckabee and:I have a second gift for Mitt Romney, which is somebody to muss his hair. It's…

CBS’s Smith Uses Giuliani in Hospital to Discuss ‘Campaign Trouble

December 20th, 2007 4:27 PM
While reporting on Rudy Giuliani’s hospitalization on the campaign trail in Missouri on Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith also used the opportunity to discuss Giuliani’s struggling campaign: "We are closely following the news that Rudy Giuliani has been hospitalized overnight in St. Louis where he's undergoing tests. This at a time when his Republican lead has been challenged and…

CBS: Hillary’s Mom is ‘Secret Weapon,’ Plays on ‘Primal Fear

December 19th, 2007 4:49 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith played a clip of a recent Hillary Clinton campaign ad featuring her mother and asked Political Correspondent Jeff Greenfield: "Is Hillary's mom the real secret weapon in the campaign?" Greenfield responded by describing the ad’s brilliance:I very rarely look at ads these days and one line just jumps out at me. Hillary's mom lives with her, not…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Touts ‘Historic’ Energy Bill

December 19th, 2007 12:24 PM
The Democrats were finally able to get something passed in Congress, a new energy bill that mandates car gas mileage and bans the incandescent light bulb, and on Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Julie Chen described it as, "Congress's historic move to get rid of gas guzzlers." Co-host Harry Smith began the "historic" theme at the top of the show: Later this morning, the president will sign a…

CBS’s Smith Gushes Over Obama: ‘A Candidate for Change, Particular

December 18th, 2007 5:18 PM
In an especially glowing interview with Barack Obama on Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith lobbed softball after softball at the Illinois Senator, including this question about the successful troop surge in Iraq: "Obama is positioning himself as a candidate for change, particularly on the war. Were you a fan of the surge?" Obama’s response was not surprising, but did defy all logic:…

CBS Rips Rush: ‘Sexism Hits the Campaign Trail

December 18th, 2007 10:45 AM
Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show" led with co-host Julie Chen exclaiming: "Sexism hits the campaign trail as Rush Limbaugh asks if voters want to stare at an aging woman as president." This harsh accusation was in reference to comments made by Limbaugh during his radio show on Monday, in which he said: "Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis? And that woman, by…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Clinton is ‘Braving the Ice Storm’ to Campai

December 17th, 2007 1:34 PM
Teasing an upcoming interview with Hillary Clinton on Monday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Julie Chen exclaimed: "The coveted Iowa newspaper endorsement goes to Senators John McCain and Hillary Clinton, who is locked in a tight race and is braving the ice storm to go county to county. She joins us this morning." This discussion of Hillary’s bravery joined the rest of the television morning shows as…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Hypes ‘Urgent News’ on Global Warming

December 13th, 2007 1:04 PM
At the top of Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith excitedly teased the upcoming segment: "From Bali, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in an exclusive interview as he's set to address scientists from around the world, gathering to stem global warming for generations to come." Later, co-host Julie Chen further hyped the story: "Well, ahead this half hour, New York City Mayor Michael…

CBS’s Smith: Halliburton & U.S. Accused of 'Covering Up A Terrible C

December 12th, 2007 1:29 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith introduced a segment on a woman alleging she was sexually assaulted by Halliburton employees in Iraq and declared, "Halliburton, the company with $2 billion in Iraq contracts, once again is accused of joining the U.S. government in covering up a terrible crime by some employees." What does Smith mean by "once again"? Exactly when has the U.S.…

CBS Relieved It Has a Juicy Bad News Story

December 12th, 2007 12:22 PM
After months of declining violence in Iraq as a result of the troop surge, Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show" jumped on news of a car bombing in the Iraqi city of Amarah as co-host Russ Mitchell declared: "There's breaking news out of Iraq this morning. Three car bombs exploded today in one of the deadliest attacks in months." CBS Correspondent Jeff Glor reported from Baghdad and tried to frame the…

Lauer More Interested in Stirring Scandal Than How Water Boarding Save

December 12th, 2007 3:34 AM
Former CIA officer John Kiriakou, who was part of the team which interrogated captured al Qaeda leader Abu Zubayda, appeared Tuesday on the CBS and NBC morning shows, but while CBS's Harry Smith was most interested in how water boarding led Zubayda to reveal future attack plans, on NBC's Today show Matt Lauer focused on fueling political scandal over the use of torture: He zeroed in on getting…