Liberal ESPN President Resigns Because of Substance Abuse

December 18th, 2017 1:28 PM
The scandal-plagued sports network ESPN is suffering another blow -- the resignation of its left-wing president. John Skipper, described in the Washington Post as a “gangly, Southern hippie,” announced his decision to resign as president of ESPN and co-chairman of Disney Media Networks on Monday, December 18. He cited a “substance addiction” as the main reason for his resignation.

Boston Globe: ESPN Has Major Problem with Sexual Harassment

December 16th, 2017 1:45 PM
ESPN sure talks a good game about social justice, equality and women's rights. But it's all talk, according to The Boston Globe's Jenn Abelson, who reports the network has a major problem with the mistreatment of female employees that runs deep.

Jemele Hill: NFL Backing Players' Postseason Social Justice Platform

December 4th, 2017 6:14 PM
An online story by a notorious sports media figure on The Undefeated blog suggests the NFL's sell-out to activists disguised as football players is all but complete. Capitulating to disrespectful social justice warriors, the league will give them nearly $100 million AND -- during the upcoming playoffs -- a platform for their political issues. Who better to break the story than Jemele Hill, the…

Liberal ESPN Jettisons 150 More Employees in Latest Bloodletting

November 29th, 2017 6:51 PM
Behold the ever-shrinking ESPN -- The World Leader in "Liberal" Sports, now 150 employees lighter after its second round of layoffs this year. ESPN President John Skipper today issued a memo to employees announcing the elimination of more jobs, just seven months after the April trimming of 100 employees.

ESPN’s Perpetually Offended Bryant Aggrieved Over ‘Offensive’ Redskins

November 29th, 2017 8:36 AM
Howard Bryant, the portentously leftist, constantly aggrieved “Truth” columnist for ESPN The Magazine, went on a rant on the back page of the December 4 edition of the biweekly, blasting supposedly “offensive” team nicknames, especially pro baseball’s Cleveland Indians and pro football’s Washington Redskins, in “How Is This Still a Debate?” It hasn’t been much of one lately, though the liberal…

Press Indulges UCLA Player's Dad Who Denies Trump Helped Free His Son

November 20th, 2017 8:21 AM
The 2017 competition for Ingrate of the Year is now closed; the disgraceful distinction belongs to LaVar Ball. Rather than thank President Donald Trump for his part in keeping his son and two other UCLA basketball players from rotting in a Chinese prison for several years, Ball, when asked by ESPN about Trump's role, shot back "Who?" — and complained that "Everybody wants to make it seem like he…

ESPN's Scott Van Pelt Insults Millions Who No Longer Watch It

November 19th, 2017 7:31 AM
In a Sports Illustrated "Off the Board" podcast released on Thursday, ESPN's Scott Van Pelt took several cheap shots at the network's critics, in the process demonstrating how horribly out of touch he is with financial realities at his network. Van Pelt aimed particular venom at those who have decided that they didn't need to have cable TV any more when ESPN selected Caitlyn-formerly-Bruce Jenner…

After Social Media Furor, ESPN Loosens Restraints on Employees

November 3rd, 2017 9:38 PM
In hopes of finally getting it right, ESPN keeps revising its social media guidelines. This time the Worldwide Leader (in liberal sports) shows "the right instincts," says ESPN Public Editor Jim Brady. In the second such revision of 2017, ESPN is basically throwing off specific restraints and trusting its employees to do right by social media posts. This comes in the aftermath of horrible…

More ESPN Layoffs Coming, Network Disrespected Women

October 27th, 2017 11:17 PM
Three strikes against ESPN this week have the liberal network whiffing further at respectability. On Monday, ESPN President John Skipper gave into an employee backlash and cancelled a partnership with Barstool Sports for sexually degrading remarks about Sam Ponder, NFL Countdown host. Strike two was Jenn Sterger's revelation that she had twice been sexually harassed during phony job interviews…

ESPN Cancels Series with Barstool Misogynists

October 24th, 2017 6:25 PM
Mistake-prone ESPN just keeps making one bad decision after another. The list of errors in judgment is rapidly growing and badly damaging the sports network. In recent days ESPN finally got around to correcting its two latest mistakes: 1) suspending Sports Center co-anchor Jemele Hill for inappropriate tweets and 2) and ending a brief partnership with Barstool Sports.

ESPN Liberal Admits NFL Protesters Lost the Language Battle

October 13th, 2017 6:44 PM
In an story that will also run in ESPN The Magazine Oct. 30, resident liberal Howard Bryant says NFL flag/anthem protesters have succeeded in the tactical decision to center their grievances against police brutality around the American flag. But they have lost the language battle and allowed themselves to be labeled as "traitors."

Writer: Capitalism Discourages ‘Cogent Analysis’ Like Jemele Hill's

October 12th, 2017 9:34 PM
In theory, the larger and stronger a nation’s private sector, the more robust and diverse its news media. Nonetheless, New York’s Eric Levitz suggested on Tuesday that the American media aren’t robust enough. As Levitz sees it, though “democracy cannot function without a well-funded, adversarial incentives do not adequately reward news outlets for investing in high-impact…

GQ Writer: To Placate Trump, ESPN Fed Hill to Wolves

October 11th, 2017 7:35 PM
Gentlemen's Quarterly writer Drew Magary demonstrated he can go toe-to-toe with his GQ rage mate Keith Olbermann when it comes to pumping out vile, frothing outrage. Magary cranked up the venom flow to the extreme max in his tirade on how ESPN fed anchor Jemele Hill to the wolves when it suspended her. He insinuates that the liberal sports network is following the wishes of President Trump and…

ESPN's Wilbon Wins 'Top That Race Baiter' Sports Competition

October 10th, 2017 7:41 PM
Top that race-baiter! It's the latest craze among race-obsessed sports media. Recently we read that Matthew Allen of The Root claimed the burning of NFL jerseys is akin to the lynching of Blacks, and we saw Jemele Hill's tweets claiming President Trump and his supporters are "white supremacists." Yesterday ESPN's Michael Wilbon soared to the top of this week's sports media race-baiting with…