ESPN's Nichols Pushes Group Attacking NRA

October 4th, 2017 6:52 PM
Without actually uttering the words "gun control," ESPN's Rachel Nichols used her NBA television program, "Jump," to appeal for donations to attack the National Rifle Association (NRA). In the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre, she said we need to figure out how to end gun violence and she plugged a gun control advocacy group called "Everytown for Gun Safety."

MSNBC, HuffPost: ‘Neanderthal’ Trump Wants Black Players to Suffer

September 27th, 2017 11:42 AM
In the liberal media world, it’s fashionable nowadays to say that Donald Trump is a racist. So in the aftermath of the NFL anthem protest, the racism accusations only doubled in length and stupidity.  

GMA: Of Course Trump’s NFL Comments Were About Race!

September 25th, 2017 10:48 AM
As they’ve done all weekend, ABC and NBC have been practically apoplectic over President Trump’s comments against the NFL anthem protests Friday and Saturday. Many Americans took to social media to blast the league or their own teams for kneeling, which many see as disrespecting the flag and our country. But ABC didn’t seem to care what regular Americans felt about the protests; instead they…

Johnson Sees Toys R Us 'White Supremacy,' GOP 'Ku Klux Versus Klan'

September 23rd, 2017 2:28 PM

In recent days, race-obsessed MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson has again been going off the rails with hyperbolic accusations of racism. Not only did he oddly accuse Toys R Us of promoting "white supremacy," but he even made a crack about Republicans and the KKK as he described the Alabama GOP Senate primary contest as "the Ku Klux versus the Klan."  

Curt Schilling: ESPN an 'Openly Intolerant' Progressive Group'

September 21st, 2017 12:24 AM
In view of the "tweetstorm" at ESPN over Jemele Hill's recent charge that President Trump and his supporters are white supremacists, Curt Schilling's appearance on Tucker Carlson's Fox News program tonight could not have been more timely. The former baseball all-star and ex-ESPN baseball analyst said he's not surprised at all that the sports network which fired him let Hill skate free after her…

WashPost Columnist: ESPN Must Be Safe for Charging Trump With Racism

September 20th, 2017 2:25 PM
Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan wrote passionately in defense of ESPN host Jemele Hill on Wednesday, and the headline on page C-2 screamed “At a time like this, shutting down Jemele Hill’s voice is dangerous.” Sullivan concluded “At a time in America when authoritarian tendencies are rising, shutting down voices such as Jemele Hill’s is worse than inappropriate. It is dangerous…

MSNBC Guests Slam 'Flat-Out Full Racist' Trump, 'Danger to Planet'

September 18th, 2017 10:25 PM
Over the weekend, the always ultra-liberal AM Joy show on MSNBC included a couple of especially noteworthy incidents of guests hyperbolically attacking President Donald Trump as frequent MSNBC guest (and former New York Times reporter) David Cay Johnston called him a "flat-out full racist," and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson claimed the President was a "danger to this planet" and "everybody in…

Media Lefties Rally Around Jemele Hill's 'Fair Comments'

September 18th, 2017 7:17 PM
Many African-American sports media are now changing their avatars to the face of Jemele Hill to show support for the ESPN broadcaster who tweeted last week that President Trump and his supporters are "white supremacists." In a Sports Illustrated survey of Black media supporting Hill, Mike Freeman of The Bleacher Report was the most vehement in his disagreement with ESPN management that Hill…

MSNBC Guest Falsely Claims Miss Texas Called Trump a White Supremacist

September 16th, 2017 10:30 PM

Appearing as a panel member both on Friday's The Last Word, and again on Saturday's AM Joy, frequent MSNBC guest Karine Jean-Pierre of was so desperate to interpret racism into President Donald Trump's criticism of ESPN's Jemele Hill for calling him a "white supremacist," that she misleadingly claimed that Miss Texas "said the same thing" and "called Donald Trump a white supremacist…

ESPN Admits Jemele Hill's 'Tweetstorm' a 'Violation'

September 16th, 2017 3:02 PM
"We are not a political organization," begins ESPN's mea culpa. Who knew? "The Worldwide Leader in Sports" certainly had us all fooled! Company President John Skipper issued a "memo" to ESPN employees yesterday admitting the network committed a violation earlier this week when Jemele Hill charged the president and his supporters with racism.

Here's That Bizarre CNN Segment Featuring Guest Talking About Boobs

September 15th, 2017 8:48 PM
As immediately documented by this writer on Twitter, the internet exploded on Friday when Fox Sports personality Clay Travis disgusted CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin and former ESPN employee Keith Reed by suggesting during a segment on Jemele Hill that he “believe[s] in only two things completely, the First Amendment and boobs.”

Fireworks: Ferguson Battles Stacked Liberal CNN Panel Over ESPN's Hill

September 15th, 2017 3:59 PM
Late Thursday’s CNN Tonight featured the liberal media’s continued hysteria with supposed White House authoritarianism toward the press and the politicization of sports through the lens of the anti-Trump tweets by fellow leftist/ESPN host Jemele Hill. Conservative talk radio host Ben Ferguson admirably took on the both deranged and pointed remarks from devoted liberals panelists in host Don Lemon…

Retired Baseball Star Damon Tells ESPN to Stick to Sports

September 15th, 2017 2:02 PM
Retired baseball player Johnny Damon helped the Yankees and Red Sox win world championships, and he was always a positive and quotable athlete. Today on Fox & Friends he advised ESPN to stick to sports -- a phrase the network loves to hate.

At ESPN, Hill's Poison Slides, While Cohn Was Suspended For Frankness

September 14th, 2017 7:30 PM
Many readers here know that ESPN's Jemele Hill, co-host of SC6, went on a Twitter rant earlier this week calling Donald Trump and his administration a pack of white supremacists. (Many in the press simply will not allow the fact that Trump has disavowed white supremacists and their ilk 55 times get in the way of fueling this non-stop smear.) Hill appears to have suffered no visible consequences…