Fox News Watch: Jim Pinkerton Cites CMI Piece on Ground Zero Mosque

August 14th, 2010 11:47 PM
Jim Pinkerton on Saturday cited a Culture and Media Institute article about the hypocritical reporting of the proposed Ground Zero mosque.On Thursday, CMI's Alana Goodman noted in a piece cross-posted at sister site NewsBusters: Ground Zero mosque organizer Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has been described by the media as a "moderate" and a "bridge-builder." But not too long ago, the same news outlets…

Juan Williams: Media Always Make Blacks the Victims and Whites the Per

August 14th, 2010 8:09 PM
Juan Williams on Saturday said when it comes to news stories about race, America's media always make black people the victims and white people the perpetrators. As the discussion on "Fox News Watch" turned to last week's murders at a Hartford, Connecticut, beer distributor, host Jon Scott read clippings from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Associated Press all claiming the killer…

Newsday's Ellis Henican Compares Wikileaks to the Drudge Report

August 7th, 2010 3:25 PM
Newsday columnist and Fox News contributor Ellis Henican on Saturday compared the website known as Wikileaks to the popular news aggregator the Drudge Report.Discussing the recent leaks by this atrocious outlet on "Fox News Watch," Henican made the case that "most of us who work in the media will tell you honestly we live off of leaks. Give me more leaks," he said.Conservative political…

JournoList: Pinkerton Challenges WaPo To Answer Bozell Questions

August 1st, 2010 8:21 AM
On this weekend's Fox News Watch, panelist Jim Pinkerton proposed a simple way to clear up much of the murk surrounding JournoList.  Let the Washington Post respond to the 20 questions about the matter that MRC head Brent Bozell has posed to the Post's executive editor, Marcus Brauchli, in an open letter.JournoList was created by lefty blogger Ezra Klein in 2007, who continued to run it after…

Cal: Amanpour Thinks Like Nasr But Too Smart To Tweet It

July 11th, 2010 7:49 AM
CNN fired an editor for expressing "a lot [of] respect" for a Hezbollah leader the US had designated a terrorist.  So how has ABC dealt with someone with similar views?  By hiring her and awarding her the prestigious plum of host of This Week.So what's the difference between Octavia Nasr and Christiane Amanpour?  Not much, says Cal Thomas, when it comes to their views.  It's just that Amanpour…

Rich Lowry: Media Are In Love With Obama Despite His Contempt For Them

May 22nd, 2010 5:08 PM
National Review's Rich Lowry on Saturday's "Fox News Watch" noted a bizarre relationship between Barack Obama and the media: "they're in love with the guy and he has contempt for them."Host Jon Scott started the discussion by mentioning the peculiar irony of the President on Monday signing the Press Freedom Act while refusing to take any questions from media members at the event.As the…

FNC's Pinkerton Cites NB Coverage Of Rand-Scarborough-Maddow Kerfuffle

May 22nd, 2010 3:24 PM
On this weekend's Fox News Watch, panelist Jim Pinkerton cited this NewsBusters item in which Joe Scarborough passed along the comment from an unnamed conservative insider questioning "what the hell was [Rand Paul] doing on MSNBC?", a reference to Paul's appearance on the Rachel Maddow show in which he made comments on the 1964 Civil Rights Act that have caused controversy.  The irony of course…

Fox News Watch Cites Media Research Center Study on Global Warming Cov

April 26th, 2010 11:26 AM
On Saturday's Fox News Watch, while discussing media coverage of environmental issues on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, host Jon Scott cited a special report from the Media Research Center's Business and Media Institute: "The Media Research Center posted a special report this week claiming networks generally hide the decline in credibility of claims of climate change." Scott went on to add…

On Fox News, Jim Pinkerton, Judy Miller Cite MRC, Eyeblast

April 19th, 2010 11:57 AM
James Pinkerton of the New America Foundation and Fox News contributor Judy Miller both gave kudos to the Media Research Center and on Saturday's Fox News Watch. Pinkerton applauded Eyeblast for hosting a clip of NBC's Kelly O'Donnell questioning of black tea partyer and his "best answer." (See the Friday NB post, “White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: 'Have You…

FNC's Pinkerton Hits Media Hype of Obama Arms Treaty Signing

April 12th, 2010 6:46 AM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, FNC contributor and panel member Jim Pinkerton seemed to pick up on two NewsBusters items documenting excessive praise for President’s Obama’s recent signing of an arms reduction treaty with Russia. Pinkerton: "I think arms control was a big deal in the Cold War Soviet era, but arms control agreement nowadays with the Russians, who aren't exactly what the Soviet…

FNC's Pinkerton Cites MRC on Rangel & Media Disinterest in Iraq

March 8th, 2010 5:00 AM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, FNC contributor and panel member Jim Pinkerton of the New America Foundation twice cited the Media Research Center – parent organization to NewsBusters – the first time as he pointed out that ABC News had given six times as much attention to attacking Republican Senator Jim Bunning’s efforts to delay the extension of unemployment benefits – as if doing so were a…

Fox News Watch 'Hats Off' To NewsBusters On Obama Admin Leak Of Mutall

February 6th, 2010 3:36 PM
On February 2nd, NBC correspondent Pete Williams announced Breaking News during the 5 PM ET edition of Hardball: the Christmas Day Bomber, Umar Abdul Mutallab, was giving fresh, actionable information to the FBI which the United States was in turn "aggressively chasing down."Less than an hour later, this NewsBuster blogged on the matter, wondering whether by leaking the news, "the Obama…

FNC's Douglas Kennedy to Judy Miller: 'You Went to Jail to Protect Che

January 13th, 2010 2:29 AM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, as FNC correspondent Douglas Kennedy appeared as a member of the show’s panel, after host Jon Scott’s introduction to the show’s first segment – which involved President Obama’s response to the underwear bomber – Kennedy characterized Scott’s introduction as sounding "like it's written by Dick Cheney in his bunker." Complaining that he was ideologically outnumbered…

FNC’s Kennedy Claims ‘Anti-Semitism’ in ‘Tea Bag’ Movement

January 9th, 2010 5:37 PM
On Saturday's Fox News Watch, panel member and FNC correspondent Douglas Kennedy referred to Tea Party members as the "Tea Bag movement," prompting admonishment from host Jon Scott who pointed out that he was using the "pejorative" term. In the next segment, Kennedy went on to accuse Tea Party members of anti-Semitism and linked Obama/Hitler posters to Tea Party members, leading panel member Jim…