Fox Newswatch Highlights Couric & Klein in MRC's Awards for Worst Repo

December 26th, 2009 11:49 PM
Saturday's Fox Newswatch on FNC highlighted two “winners” in the MRC's “Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The 22nd Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting.” (Posting on NewsBusters) Viewers were treated to Katie Couric pining to Barack Obama: “You're so confident, Mr. President, and so focused. Is your confidence ever shaken? Do you ever wake up and say, damn, this is hard?” FNC host Jon Scott…

Liberal Henican Tags Couric Quote 'Icky

December 26th, 2009 3:13 PM
Saturday’s Fox News Watch gave attention to a couple of entries in the MRC’s "Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The 22nd Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting." Returning from a commercial break, a clip of CBS’s Katie Couric began the segment as Couric was shown expressing awe at President Obama’s confidence as she interviewed him last July. Couric: "You’re so confident, Mr. President, and…

FNC’s Pinkerton Corrects FNC’s Kennedy on Global Warming: ‘Cooli

December 19th, 2009 3:24 PM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch on FNC, regular panel member Jim Pinkerton of the conservative New America Foundation corrected fellow panel member Douglas Kennedy – an FNC correspondent and son of former New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy – as Kennedy asserted that "you don't have to be a scientist to know that the world is getting hotter," and that "that's objective reporting to say that the world…

Jim Pinkerton: 'Hats Off To Rusty Weiss At NewsBusters

December 16th, 2009 1:51 PM
NewsBuster Rusty Weiss was praised on Saturday by "Fox News Watch" regular Jim Pinkerton.The program began with host Jon Scott talking about President Obama's declining poll numbers, and how White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs spun them last week claiming, "I don't put a lot of stake in, never have in the EKG that is the daily Gallup trend."  Scott then passed the baton to Pinkerton who…

FNC's Pinkerton Corrects FNC Panelists Huckabee Did Not Commute After

December 6th, 2009 2:17 AM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, as the panel discussed media coverage of former Republican Governor – and current FNC host – Mike Huckabee’s involvement in commuting the prison sentence of Maurice Clemmons – who would later go on to murder four police officers in Washington state – panel members at first left the impression that Huckabee had commuted Clemmons's sentence after his child rape…

Former Fox News Host Rips Glenn Beck, Kicks Fox

December 5th, 2009 2:24 PM
And they say a woman scorned can be merciless.  Eric Burns once served as the host of Fox News Watch.  It's reasonable to assume he won't be working there again any time soon.  In a December 2 Huffington Post article, "If I Still Worked at Fox News...," he describes it as "the right-wing partial-news-but-mostly-opinion network."A great deal of his bile, however, is directed at Glenn Beck:Actually…

Cal Thomas: Media Eager to Criticize Bush for Abu Ghraib Now Reluctant

November 28th, 2009 11:55 PM
It's a night and day difference between the media's scrutiny of former President George W. Bush and the current command-in-chief, President Barack Obama. And the coverage of three Navy SEALs now facing a court martial that captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq, who allegedly was the mastermind of the murder of four Blackwater contractors in Fallujah in 2004, is proof. John Scott,…

Fox News Credits the MRC for Exposing Lack of Media Coverage in Fake D

November 23rd, 2009 12:19 PM
On Saturday, Fox News analyst Jim Pinkerton credited the Media Research Center for highlighting the lack of media outrage over the Obama administration’s fake congressional district scandal. After referencing the revelation that the website claimed thousands of jobs had been saved in districts that don’t exist, Pinkerton suggested, "They [Obama officials] were embarrassed, but as the…

61% Realize Palin's Been 'Treated Unfairly by the Press

November 22nd, 2009 8:40 PM

CMI’s Gainor on FNC, Discusses Media’s Treatment of Palin’s Book

November 19th, 2009 1:11 PM

Fox ‘News Watch’ Focuses on CMI’s Ft. Hood Report

November 16th, 2009 9:59 AM
The Culture & Media Institute’s report on network coverage of Major Nidal Hasan and the Ft. Hood murders continues to gain media attention. On Nov. 14, Fox’s “News Watch” program led off with CMI’s findings.“The Culture & Media Institute noticed something about the news coverage,” said host John Scott said of the Ft. Hood shooting. “Until President Obama spoke on Tuesday at a memorial…

News Watch NewsBusters Shout-Out On Obama Refusal To Defend Japan Nuki

November 15th, 2009 7:44 AM
On Friday, this NewsBuster noted how Pres. Obama, questioned at a news conference in Japan, twice refused to say whether he thought the United States' dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was "the right decision."Yesterday on Fox News Watch, Jim Pinkerton noted the NewsBusters nugget.  The Fox News contributor and New America Foundation fellow observed that PBO's failure had huge…

Former Fox Contributor Left Network Partially Because of Glenn Beck

October 25th, 2009 11:06 AM
Former Fox News contributor Jane Hall said Sunday that one of the reasons she left the cable network was because she was uncomfortable with host Glenn Beck who she believes "should be called out as somebody whose language is way over the top and scary."Fox watchers know Hall as one of the regular liberal panelists on Saturday's "Fox News Watch" as well a frequent guest on "The O'Reilly Factor"…

Clever Analogy: Cal Thomas Likens White House Attacks on Fox News to S

October 24th, 2009 11:25 PM
There's little doubt that at hand is an ongoing effort by the Obama White House to marginalize the Fox News Channel - especially after the administration attempted to leave Fox out of the White House pool last week. That is something conservative columnist Cal Thomas said is eerily comparable to Cold War tactics of the old Soviet Union. On the Fox News Channel's Oct. 24 "Fox News Watch," Thomas…