
ABC, CBS Ignore News Intel Community Actually Warned Obama About ISIS

September 29th, 2014 9:44 PM

Throughout the day on Monday, several sources in the intelligence community disputed President Obama’s comments in an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes that aired on Sunday night that the intelligence community and Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper are to blame for not recognizing the threat posed by ISIS. On the Monday evening newscasts of the major broadcast networks, ABC World…

AP, MSNBC Trying to Downplay Terrorism in Reporting on Okla. Beheading

September 27th, 2014 9:31 AM
The establishment press, and now apparently the FBI, have a problem on their hands: an alleged killer who converted to Islam; expressed sentiments favored by terrorists; killed a woman by employing terrorists' favored method, i.e., beheading; shouted Islamic slogans while carrying out his evil deed; and was trying to kill someone else when another armed person shot and wounded him. Their problem…

MSNBC's Sharpton Keynoting Dinner For Group Linked to Hamas

September 26th, 2014 5:57 PM
MSNBC host Al Sharpton will be the keynote speaker at the Council on American-Islamic Relations's (CAIR) 20th anniversary banquet on Saturday. Sharpton, who is President Obama's "go-to man on race," and who claims to be helping the White House pick outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder's successor, will be a guest of honor of the group, which was listed as a co-conspirator in a criminal case…

Networks Ignore Gov't Report That ObamaCare Plans Cover Abortions

September 16th, 2014 10:46 PM
On Tuesday, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report documenting how abortions are being funded by taxpayers under ObamaCare despite a provision in the law stating that abortions will not be covered under ObamaCare insurance plans. When the Tuesday evening newscasts for the major broadcast networks had passed, however, none of them devoted even a second to the story.…

Establishment Press Ignores House Vote to Defund Operation Choke Point

June 3rd, 2014 1:27 AM
A month ago, I noted that the establishment press has ignored an especially pernicious program undertaken by Eric Holder's Department of Justice and the Obama administration's regulatory apparatus, namely Operation Choke Point. On Thursday, a strong 321-87 bipartisan majority of the House passed H.R. 4660, the "Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (of) 2015."…

Ho Hum: $6.2B in Improper Payments at USDA, Three Straight Years of Le

April 30th, 2014 7:17 PM
When several members of Congress set out in the early 1990s to improve fiscal reporting and internal controls in the federal government, one thing they certainly had a right to expect is that the press would report on lapses as embarrassments, and that otherwise nonchalant or reluctant bureaucrats would figure out that it would be in their best interest to tighten their ships. It hasn't…

Establishment Press Virtually Silent as Left-Driven Controversy Over D

April 12th, 2014 10:17 AM
Based on searches at their respective sites at 9:40 a.m. ET this morning, the Associated Press, the New York Times and the Politico do not have stories on the fever-swamp left's two-days-old attempts to force storage company DropBox to reverse its appointment of Condoleezza Rice to its board of directors. The three outlets just cited, and the rest of the national establishment press, with the…

Hillary Fails to Name a Single Accomplishment at State Department

April 5th, 2014 9:32 AM
Several weeks ago, MRC-TV's Dan Joseph visited the Democratic Party's winter meeting to see if attendees could name a single tangible of Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. They couldn't. It turns out that Hillary Clinton herself can't even do that. Remember how Texas Governor Rick Perry was mercilessly ridiculed in the press for his 2011 debate brain cramp when he couldn…

Unrepentant Pro-Life Sign-Destroying UC-Santa Barbara Prof Formally In

March 22nd, 2014 2:07 AM
In another development most of the establishment press, with the usual exception of Fox News and the unusual exception of Reuters, has thus far predictably ignored, Santa Barbara County District Attorney Joyce Dudley announced on Friday the indictment of University of California-Santa Barbara Associate Professor Mireille Miller-Young on charges of "theft from a person, battery, and vandalism."…

Not News: Unrepentant UC-Santa Barbara Prof Who Destroyed Pro-Life Sig

March 17th, 2014 7:32 PM
Did you catch the story about the pro-abortion demonstration at the religious college where a pro-life professor grabbed a protester's sign and destroyed it? Of course not, because there's no such story. If it had happened, it would be news, and garner significant attention. The same thing happened earlier this month at the University of California-Santa Barbara — if you switch the players.…

Media Ignore Liberal Law Prof's 'Government Unto Himself' Warning on O

February 28th, 2014 8:12 AM
The volume of significant news going unreported in the establishment press has gone from astonishing to surreal. The best example of that, as intrepid NewsBusters posters have noted now for nine months, is the virtually complete blackout in the establishment press of developments in the IRS-conservative targeting scandal. Separately, left-leaning law professor Jonathan Turley warned a…

Alec Baldwin, at NY Mag's 'It’s Good-bye to Public Life

February 23rd, 2014 11:58 PM
In a lengthy item "as told to Joe Hagan" at's The Vulture, actor, commercial pitchman, and brief MSNBC host Alec Baldwin makes it very clear that he is fed up with a lot of things. There is plenty of material for discussion in his writeup. I want to focus on what he sees as his mistreatment at the hands of MSNBC and the self-described "progressive" community. Unfortunately, after…

Networks Completely Ignore $70 Billion Puerto Rican Debt Crisis

February 6th, 2014 9:13 AM
With rapidly rising debt and an unprecedented credit downgrade, Puerto Rico is facing a looming default with terrifying implications on American bond markets, though you would never know about it watching broadcast news. The leading credit rating firm Standard & Poor’s Rating services downgraded Puerto Rican debt to “junk” status on Feb. 5, with further downgrades likely. Despite Puerto…'s Lack of Security Is Still a Disgrace, As Is the Press

January 19th, 2014 4:43 PM
On Thursday, Stephanie Condon at CBS News reported ("Security chief: has passed security testing") that Teresa Fryer, who had recommended against allowing going live before its October launch but was overruled, "told Congress ... that the Obamacare website passed security testing in December, and she would recommend that its official Authority to Operate (ATO) be…