Reporting Bob Filner's Sentencing, ABC, CNN, MSNBC Websites All Omit F

December 9th, 2013 3:08 PM
This morning, Bob Filner (D) was sentenced to "90 days home confinement as punishment for three criminal charges connected to the sexual harassment scandal that ended his term as San Diego mayor," according to staffers Monica Garske and R. Stickney, who failed to mention Filner's Democratic Party affiliation in their story. But Garske and Stickney are not alone among their…

Press Ignoring CNN's Report of WH Pressure on Health Insurance Industr

October 31st, 2013 11:50 AM
Tuesday evening (noted by Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters early Wednesday morning), CNN's Drew Griffin reported on Anderson Cooper's show that there is a "behind the scenes attempt by the White House to at least keep insurers from publicly criticizing what is happening under this Affordable Care Act rollout." Such a report occurring during a Republican or conservative administration would spread…

Afrobeat Band Is 'Too White' for Leftist College's Halloween Party

October 30th, 2013 7:58 AM
Hollie McKay at reports on political correctness breaking out at leftist Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. The Afrobeat band Shokazoba was removed from the "Hampshire Halloween" lineup after activists expressed "discomfort" about the band not being black enough. They used lingo about "cultural appropriation" and disrespecting "marginalized cultures." According to the…

Just a Local Story to the Bitter End: AP Fails to Give Congressional A

October 22nd, 2013 12:10 PM
Fox News has coverage today of the guilty plea of Jeffrey Garcia, a former congressional chief of staff who "pled guilty Monday to one felony charge and three misdemeanor charges after admitting he illegally requested hundreds of absentee ballots while he was running the campaign for Rep. Joe Garcia, who he is not related to." The Fox story indicates that the Associated Press contributed to…

Howard Kurtz on MLK 50: ‘At Times It Seemed to Be a Production of MS

August 29th, 2013 3:39 PM
Numerous commentators have noted that Wednesday's celebration of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington seemed like a Democratic campaign rally. Adding to the criticism was Fox News's Howard Kurtz writing Thursday, "[A]t times it seemed to be a production of MSNBC":

Media Mostly Yawns As More Fast and Furious Guns Are Recovered From 'C

August 17th, 2013 12:00 PM
On Wednesday at, Sharyl Attkisson reported that "Three more weapons from Fast and Furious have turned up at crime scenes in Mexico." A Google News search at 10 a.m. on ["Fast and Furious" guns] (typed exactly as indicated between brackets, past 7 days, sorted by date, with duplicates) returned 26 relevant items. Very few (to be noted later) are from establishment press outlets.

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips

July 17th, 2013 6:04 PM
In a "How can he possibly top this?" move, Eric Holder's Justice Department "is trolling for email tips on the former neighborhood watch volunteer (George Zimmerman) as it weighs a possible federal civil rights case against him." What other establishment press outlets besides Fox News will cover this? And if they do, which of them (if any) will note the mountain of exculpatory evidence about…

AP's Yost Ignores Mueller's String of Ignorant IRS Scandal Answers at

June 14th, 2013 12:20 PM
Not that it absolves them from blame, but one contributor to the Big Three establishment TV networks' utter failure to report on or keep up with developments in the IRS targeting scandal -- failures which have been noted by Geoffrey Dickens at NewsBusters, as well as by the Media Research Center's Brent Bozell on Sean Hannity's TV show last night -- is the Associated Press. The AP provides…

A Week Later, National Press Still Virtually Ignoring 'Well-Intentione

June 9th, 2013 12:01 PM
A week ago (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I wrote up a post on the Miami Herald's coverage of how the chief of staff of Florida Democratic Congressman Joe Garcia had admittted to attempting to orchestrate "a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year’s primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests." I also noted that the story, which broke on Friday, May…

Liberal News Analyst: 'George W. Bush, Not Barack Obama, Is the Real A

April 27th, 2013 3:50 PM
NewsBusters readers know Ellen Ratner as the perilously liberal news analyst typically offering the left-wing views on Fox News Watch. On Thursday, Ratner published an article titled "George W. Bush Has Saved More Lives Than Any American President" that is guaranteed to shock the heck out of you as it angers folks on her side of the aisle:

Kirsten Powers Rips Virtual Media Blackout of Gosnell Trial

April 12th, 2013 11:41 PM
In a USA Today column Thursday evening, liberal Fox News political analyst Kirsten Powers took the establishment press to task for its failure to give more than cursory attention to the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Life News reminded its readers today that Gosnell "faces 43 criminal counts, including eight counts of murder in the death of one patient, Karnamaya Monger, and…

Kirsten Powers Rips Obama and His Administration For Its 'Strategy to

January 29th, 2013 11:32 AM
In a column which went up this morning, Fox News Political Analyst Kirsten Powers, whose political positions certainly lean left and is a self-described liberal, ripped into President Obama and his administration for what she correctly characterizes as their "strategy to delegitimize a news organization" -- hers. Her column is about far more than Obama's recent complaint to the New Republic's…

One Week After Obama Rejected the Idea, AP's Kuhnhenn Says House Debt

January 22nd, 2013 10:08 AM
At his January 14 press conference, in response to a question from Major Garrett of CBS News and the National Journal about raising the federal government's debt limit, currently at $16.394 trillion, President Barack Obama said: "I’m not going to have a monthly or every-three-months conversation about whether or not we pay our bills." On Wednesday, a Fox News dispatch to which the Associated…

New York Newspaper's Gun Permit Map Already Having Negative Repercussi

January 5th, 2013 8:11 AM
Many of those who expressed outrage at the publication of a two-county interactive map of pistol permit owners by Gannett's White Plains, New York-based Journal News just before Christmas have raised serious concerns that the paper's action would directly harm law-abiding citizens. Evidence is pouring in that those fears are legitimate. Fox News, doing something the wire services should have…