Remembering Some of Those Who Said the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Was

November 30th, 2012 10:54 PM
Reviewing several dispatches from the past couple of days, the latest news out of Egypt is that Egyptian "President" Mohammed Morsi "is not backing down in the showdown over decrees granting him near-absolute powers," that "clashes between the two camps (Morsi's Islamist supporters and secular opponents) ... left two dead and hundreds injured," and that the country's Muslim Brotherhood-…

Fat Chance: Van Susteren Demands Apologies for Reckless 'Racism' Charg

November 28th, 2012 11:45 AM
Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren has reached her boiling point after seeing yet another person at MSNBC hurl a gratuitous, objectively false charge of "racism" at Arizona Senator John McCain for having the gall to believe that Susan Rice would not be a good choice to be the next Secretary of State. She let it rip in a blog post Monday afternoon:

AP 's Krisher Marks 2-Year Anniversary of GM's IPO by 'Forgetting' It

November 18th, 2012 11:58 PM
In a Friday report at the Associated Press on Friday with a celebratory headline ("2 YEARS AFTER IPO, GM IS PILING UP CASH"), Auto Writer Tom Krisher described bailed-out General Motors as "thriving," but didn't identify one of the important reasons for that characterization. In paragraphs about the company's profitability and cash stockpile, Krisher failed to note that the company still hasn…

Breaking: Fox Reports That CIA Operatives Were Told to 'Stand Down' Ra

October 26th, 2012 12:22 PM
During the past almost seven weeks, the establishment press has dug itself a deep credibility hole thanks to its disgracefully selective, negligent, and politically twisted reporting on the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11 and its determined attempt to defend the Obama administration's ever-evolving and contradictory stories about the attack's…

Politico Possum? 'Romney's Top Advisers' Say They Can't Win Tonight's

October 22nd, 2012 12:26 PM
You don't know whether to laugh or cry upon reading the Sunday night shots campaign Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen at Politico took at Mitt Romney and his campaign. Maybe these guys really believe that the Romney campaign is the one which still desperately needs a "last chance to move the needle in any significant way in the swing states that will decide the election," and that "Obama is…

Where Is Maureen Dowd's 'Absolute Moral Authority' Column For Karen Va

October 9th, 2012 1:04 PM
Joel Gehrke at the Washington Examiner (HT Meredith Jessup at the Blaze) reports that Karen Vaughn, mother of Aaron Vaughn, a member of Navy SEAL Team 6 and one of 30 American servicemen, including 21 other SEAL Team 6 members, killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan three months after the May 1, 2011 execution of Osama bin Laden, says in a video released yesterday by Veterans for a Strong…

Kanye West: ‘Mitt Romney Don’t Pay No Tax

September 14th, 2012 10:54 AM
Celebrities have certainly been doing their part to get their beloved President Obama elected – including parroting wild speculations from Democratic politicians about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s taxes. Hip-hop artist Kanye West took a shot at Mitt Romney in “To the World,” a song on his new album Cruel Summer. West referenced a speculation by some on the left that Romney…

Orwell Calling: Roseanne Running for President on the 'Peace and Freed

August 3rd, 2012 1:14 PM
Fresh from her "hate tweets" saying Chick-fil-A eaters deserve a premature death from cancer, Roseanne Barr is revving up her presidential ambitions again. Fox News reports "Roseanne Barr is joining up with activist Cindy Sheehan for a new run at the White House." Roseanne's presidential website now actively advocates her campaign for the "Peace and Freedom Party," which  "is committed to…

Margaret Cho Says No 'Retard Baby' For Her

June 2nd, 2012 4:46 PM
Andy Cohen wants it loose and carefree on his little Bravo talk show "Watch What Happens Live." What happens is people say things to draw attention to themselves. reports lesbian leftist comedian Margaret Cho raised eyebrows this week when she declared about her pregnancy hopes, “I don’t necessarily want to have a retard.” While discussing her new comedy tour called “Mother,”…

Susan Who? DOJ Agrees to Pay Prolife Sidewalk Counselor It Sued

April 4th, 2012 12:08 PM
The Department of (I don't know what kind of) Justice has decided to drop its case again prolife sidewalk counselor Mary Susan Pine and pay her $120,000 in legal fees. DOJ had no case in the first place. If this were an antiwar protester or someone else favored by the left, this would be "DOJ run amok" news. But you will search in vain for a story about Ms. Pine at the Associated Press, the…

Nicki Minaj Sacrilegiously Mocks Catholicism at Grammys

February 13th, 2012 1:30 PM
In an attempt to be “edgy,” singer Nicki Minaj did the most banal thing possible at the Grammys on Feb. 12. She mocked the Roman Catholic Church in a live performance of her new song “Roman Holiday.” Her anti-Catholic mishmash of a performance came with the support of the group that produced the Grammys, The Recording Academy. Rapper Nicki Minaj gave a sacrilegious performance mocking a host…

Barely News: North Korea's 'Criticism Sessions' and Reported Punishmen

January 15th, 2012 9:52 AM
Yet another episode being reported from the totalitarian nightmare that is North Korea is getting short shrift in most of the world's press, namely "criticism sessions" (i.e., rat out your neighbor, coworker, etc.) identifying North Koreans who allegedly weren't sufficiently grief-stricken over the December death of Kim Jong Il (pictured at right), weren't sufficiently demonstrative about it,…

In Report on November Deficit, AP's Crutsinger Miscasts Post-9/11 Econ

December 13th, 2011 8:53 AM
Uncle Sam's Monthly Treasury Statement for November came out yesterday. The results: Tax collections through two months of the fiscal year are up 4.4% over fiscal 2010; spending is down 5.5%, but only because about $31 billion in checks which would ordinarily have gone out on October 1 (a Saturday) were sent on September 30; and the deficit of $235 billion is $55 billion less than last year.…

AP, NYT Not Yet Reporting $433M Perelman-Smallpox Cronyism Story

November 13th, 2011 11:09 AM
A story first broken by David Willman at the Los Angeles Times on Friday (the story is currently dated November 13, but the first comment appeared late Friday evening Pacific Time) is going almost nowhere in the rest of the establishment press. I wonder why? No, I really don't, and neither will most readers here once they see what it's all about, namely Obama administration corruption and…