
Arrogant CNN Jerk: 'Better Educated' Oppose GOP on Voting Laws

May 4th, 2021 9:30 AM

On Monday's New Day show, CNN White House correspondent John Harwood pushed the liberal trope that people support Republicans out of ignorance as he asserted that employees of corporations who are siding with liberals on voting laws are "better educated" than those Republicans try to "mislead" about the issue.


Gleeful MSNBC Touts Corporate Collusion Between CEOs and Dem Donors

April 12th, 2021 4:54 PM

On Monday, MSNBC repeatedly invited Yale University professor and Democratic Party donor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld on to promote an effort by him and fellow partisan activists to pressure corporate CEOs into blocking election reform legislation advanced by Republicans across the country. Hosts on the DNC propaganda channel were thrilled that the company heads were so easily manipulated into doing the…


Tin Foil Hat Time: MSNBC Is the Home of Conspiracy Crackpots!

April 12th, 2021 10:00 AM

It is oftentimes hard to tell the difference between YouTube conspiracy theory channels and the alleged journalists in the liberal media. On Sunday morning’s The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart, host Jonathan Capehart brought on senior political editor Perry Bacon Jr. to spin wild conspiracy theories about the Republican Party. Bacon went on a rant where he…

NY Times: Old, Stale Baseball? Bad! New, Woke Baseball? Great!

April 8th, 2021 1:35 PM

New York Times sports reporter James Wagner offered Major League Baseball a public relations grand slam over its controversial decision to move its All-Star game out of Georgia -- punishing workers in its state for passing a benign election reform law that nonetheless had Democrats from the president on down shrieking lies about a return to Jim Crow.


Is CBS Racist? Network Touted Boycott, Hypes Masters Tournament on CBS

April 8th, 2021 11:50 AM

Is CBS... racist? After spending a week promoting the far-left boycott of Georgia, as well as lobbying for companies to join it, CBS This Morning on Thursday dropped everything to run nearly seven minutes of coverage of the opening ceremonies of The Masters golf tournament (located in Georgia). Apparently paying the bills for network is a higher priority for the pious journalists.

Take Me Out of the Ballgame

April 7th, 2021 3:43 PM

When the NFL decided not to punish players who kneeled during the pre-game national anthem, some fans reacted by refusing to attend games, buy league merchandise, or watch games on TV. It took several years for the NFL to win fans back and some -- like me -- broke the habit and never returned, in person, or on TV.


Poppycock! CNN Host Pressures Liberal Lyft President to Pull Out of GA

April 7th, 2021 2:33 PM

When you see segments like the one below, one has to wonder: How can CNN still call itself a serious news organization? This morning, CNN Newsroom anchor Poppy Harlow actively encouraged a left-wing boycott on the state of Georgia, just a few days after CBS faced backlash for doing this very same thing.

Blame Shifting and the Big Lie: Vice Carps About GOP Cancel Culture

April 7th, 2021 10:56 AM

The mainstream media is not happy that conservatives are fighting back against cancel-culture in Georgia. In order to discredit their justified grievances against woke corporations, the left is manipulating the narrative to make it seem as though the only true culprits of cancel culture are Republicans themselves.


Racists! CBS, NBC Cheer Denver All-Star Game With Lies About Georgia

April 7th, 2021 12:20 AM

With Major League Baseball having moved its All-Star Game from the majority-Black Atlanta, Georgia to the heavily White Denver, Colorado, Tuesday’s CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News were enthralled with the decision, having done their parts to further lie about Georgia’s voting law and tout President Biden’s threat to any state that’s thinking about securing elections.…


Nets Tout MLB Move, Ignore Colorado Voting Laws Similar to Georgia

April 6th, 2021 12:41 PM

On Tuesday, all three network morning shows eagerly announced Major League Baseball moving the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver, supposedly in an attempt to punish Georgia for its overly-restrictive voting laws. However, the Democratic Party shills in the press were so busy taking a victory lap that they failed to notice that the voting laws in Colorado are remarkably similar to those in…


Colbert Slimes GA Law: White People Are 'Terrified of Stacey Abrams'

April 6th, 2021 11:10 AM

Late night hosts are no longer comedians but propagandists for the Democrat party. One of the worst offenders is CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert, who spent his Monday night show pretending he was President Biden’s press secretary, promoting lies from the Democrat about Georgia’s “Jim Crow, 2.0” election security law.


NBC Lies About ‘Restrictive’ Georgia Law, Incensed at GOP ‘Pushback’

April 5th, 2021 11:24 PM

If the last few weeks have shown us anything, it’s a reminder that far too many in the liberal media will lie in the name of facts to peddle a narrative. On Monday, NBC Nightly News did its part by lying that Georgia’s voter law was “more restrictive” to voting, passed off facts about the law as merely claims, and griped that many on the right were pushing back against corporations…


Did Doocy Get Psaki to Say Biden Will KEEP Lying About GA Voter Law?

April 5th, 2021 8:11 PM

Monday’s White House press briefing picked up on many of Friday’s themes, including the Biden administration’s lies about Georgia’s voter law and their pressuring of MLB to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta. Fox News’s Peter Doocy repeatedly hammered Press Secretary Jen Psaki with questions about Georgia, Biden’s falsehoods, and The Masters plus the separate issue of illegal immigration.…


Trump Jr. RIPS Woke Corporations Whining About GA Voting Law to Shreds

April 5th, 2021 5:41 PM

Former President Donald Trump’s eldest son had a few choice words for companies like Delta Air Lines and Apple caving in to the triggered screeching of the far left.