
MSNBC Hosts Aren't Just Okay With Lying, They Congratulate the Lies!

April 5th, 2021 3:00 PM

While the liberal media is always dishonest, one of the most egregious examples of its dishonesty is how it has adopted false Democratic attacks on the Republican sponsored Georgia voting bill. MSNBC’s Ali Velshi continued this trend on Sunday Morning’s Velshi when he brought on co-founder of Black Votes Matter LaTosha Brown, who is a Democratic activist who helps Democrats to win…


CBS Blames GOP for Economic Damage of Left-Wing Georgia Boycotts

April 5th, 2021 12:43 PM

Monday’s CBS This Morning began with the hacky hosts welcoming on Democratic Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms for a softball interview in which she and the liberal anchors desperately tried to blame Republicans for the massive economic damage being inflicted on Georgia by left-wing boycott efforts. Rather than demand Bottoms call on her radical supporters to stand down, the segment…

NY Times Thrilled Corps Break 'Silence' on GOP 'Restricting Voting'

April 4th, 2021 6:55 PM

Are only Republicans fomenting a political culture war with the recently-passed Georgia election legislation? Sunday’s New York Times featured political reporter Nick Corasaniti made that case: "Mr. Kemp, a Republican, framed the battle over voting rights in Georgia as a wholly partisan one concocted by Democrats, rather than a civil rights effort to protect access to the…


Shock: This CNN Host Exposes Liberal Lies Against Georgia Voting Law

April 4th, 2021 5:06 PM

Over the weekend, Michael Smerconish demonstrated that his Saturday morning show is one of the few islands of credible journalism at CNN as he debunked some of the lies spouted liberals -- including journalists on his own network -- who have attacked Georgia's new voting law as "voter suppression,"

Rob Manfred

Going, Going, Gone! Baseball Swats All-Star Game Out of Georgia Park

April 2nd, 2021 5:37 PM

Major League Baseball flied deep to Left field politically today, removing the 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta over Georgia’s new laws aimed at ensuring election integrity. Following the advice of Democrat President Joe Biden, the political partisanship of Coca-Cola and Delta, an alliance of African American players and others, MLB delivered a major rebuke to the new Republican-led election…


NBC & CBS to Georgia Companies: Give In to Left-Wing Demands or Else!

April 2nd, 2021 2:19 PM

On Friday, both NBC’s Today show and CBS This Morning helped left-wing activists and the Democratic Party threaten corporations into opposing voting integrity reforms in states across the country. The network shills listed leftist “demands” that called on companies like Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines to actively lobby against Republican election laws and campaign for voting…

Sage Steele, left, President Biden

ESPN Promotes Biden Trashing GA Election Law ‘Jim Crow on Steroids'

April 1st, 2021 10:27 PM

President Joe Biden won’t go to the southern border to see the mess he’s made of things down there. He does, however, have time to spend talking sports with ESPN. He spoke on SportsCenter with Sage Steele Wednesday on the topics of Major League Baseball's All-Star Game in Georgia, fan attendance amid the pandemic and pay for women’s soccer players. Truly bad optics considering the state of the…


Nasty MSNBC: GOP Should Embrace 'Rich Heritage' of Voter Suppression

April 1st, 2021 11:15 AM

Hack journalist Brian Williams couldn’t help himself and had to contribute his own lies to the media’s smear campaign against Georgia’s election security law.

Jim Crow and the Georgia Voting Law

March 31st, 2021 4:02 PM

At his news conference last Thursday, President Biden said of Georgia's new voting law, "It makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle." Jim Crow was not a person, but unlike most former presidents, he has a museum: The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. The name came from a song written by Thomas Dartmouth "Daddy" Rice. From the museum webpage: "Rice, a struggling 'actor' (he did short solo skits…


CBS Lobbies: Why Not Just Boycott Georgia Over GOP Voting Law?

March 31st, 2021 11:56 AM

It’s not enough to trash Georgia’s new voting law as racist, now the hosts of CBS This Morning are prompting business leaders to encourage a boycott. After prominent African American CEOs placed an ad in The New York Times calling for corporate America to speak out, Gayle King demanded they do more.  


CNN's Lies On GA Election Law Destroyed Again by GOP Guest

March 31st, 2021 11:34 AM

Poor CNN. For the second time this week, one of their journalists fell flat on their face while attempting to shame a Republican guest over new election laws. On Tuesday’s New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota confronted Georgia State Senator Butch Miller for sponsoring the new voting reform bill in his state, which aims to make elections more secure. But as she hounded him from the left…


CNN Turns to Hateful Dem to Trash Racist GOP Stopping Black Voters

March 31st, 2021 10:10 AM

On Sunday evening’s CNN Newsroom, Ana Cabrera continued CNN and the liberal media’s false attacks on the Georgia voting law bill by bringing on Democratic Georgia state representative Erica Thomas to label the legislation as racist. Cabrera conducted a softball interview in which she sympathized with Thomas and her “fight” and Thomas alleged that the Georgia Republicans passed the…


Morning Joe Hacks Wail Over Georgia Businesses Not Doing Dems’ Bidding

March 30th, 2021 4:52 PM

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday, the cast of left-wing shills bitterly whined that corporations based in Georgia were guilty “of not having done enough to stop” the state’s newly-passed election reform law. The panel of partisan hacks touted threats of boycotts as they expressed outrage that companies like Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola were not taking marching orders from Democratic…


NBC Cheers Dem BULLIES Trying to Punish Georgia Over Voting Reform

March 29th, 2021 12:12 PM

On Monday, NBC’s Today show was eager to hype partisan, left-wing efforts to bully the state of Georgia into abandoning recently-passed voting reforms opposed by the Democratic Party out of fear of losing future elections. The propaganda masquerading as news coverage was designed to pressure businesses into cutting ties with the state and causing economic damage, all in pursuit of…