
Typical: 'Hardball' Features GOP Strategist Warning Party It Risks Los
July 1st, 2014 8:46 PM
You may recall how, on Monday's Hardball, guest Michelle Bernard held forth with her view that the Hobby Lobby ruling would help Democrats rope in massive numbers of women voters in the 2016 presidential cycle.
Well, tonight, perhaps to build on that theme, guest host Steve Kornacki moderated a discussion segment featuring Democratic pollster Margie Onero and McCain presidential campaign…

MSNBC Contributor Michelle Bernard: Hobby Lobby Ruling Will Drive Wome
June 30th, 2014 9:35 PM
The Hobby Lobby ruling will be a blessing in disguise for Democrats, possibly this November but most certainly for 2016. That's the argument put forward by two MSNBC contributors on Hardball this evening, Washington Post columnist Melinda Henneberger and Michelle Bernard of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics, & Public Policy.
"I see this ruling as, definitely on the political front,…

MSNBC Guest: When Black People Vote For Republicans, 'Tea Partiers Get
June 26th, 2014 11:15 AM
On the June 25 edition of Hardball, fill-in host Steve Kornacki and his guests discussed the implications of Thad Cochran’s surprising upset of Chris McDaniel in the Mississippi GOP Senate runoff. The panel mocked the Tea Party’s outrage at Thad Cochran over his courting of Democratic voters in the primary.
Kornacki laughed off Chris McDaniel’s assertion that the outcome was unbecoming of…

Chris Matthews: Tea Party In Miss. Used 'Jim Crow-Era Law' to Intimida
June 25th, 2014 3:30 PM
On the June 24 edition of Hardball With Chris Matthews, the MSNBC anchor invited Adam Brandon of the Tea Party organization FreedomWorks onto the show in an attempt to portray the Tea Party as targeting black voters in the Republican Mississippi primary run-off. Matthews claimed McDaniel’s supporters were citing a “Jim Crow-era law from 1942" to try to stifle votes by African-American voters…

The Same Chris Matthews Who Defended Tea Partiers Assailed 'Racist
June 24th, 2014 11:33 AM
Want to see the hypocrisy of Chris Matthews exposed? The Media Research Center has done just that with a must-see montage. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Americans across the country were shocked on June 11 as Matthews defended the Tea Party and lashed out against their critics. He lectured the liberal Ronan Farrow: "This looking down our noses at Tea Party people has got to stop. They have a…

Chris Matthews: Lawyers Who Helped Overturn Prop 8 Ban on Same-Sex Mar
June 24th, 2014 11:30 AM
Chris Matthews found yet another opportunity to cheerlead in the push for same-sex marriage by promoting HBO’s The Case Against 8 and recommending a book by lawyers David Boies and Ted Olson titled Redeeming the Dream. The Hardball host took every opportunity to compliment the two men on their successful effort to overturn Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in the state of California…
Chris Matthews: Foreign Policy Hawks Want Military Action in Every Cou
June 20th, 2014 1:12 PM
In a screed against an interventionist foreign policy, Hardball’s Chris Matthews virtually insisted that there is a sinister plot among those initial supporters of the Iraq war to dictate the political life of nations throughout the Middle East. For Matthews, simply being wrong on the Iraq war–to the extent that anyone can make a claim like that with any certainty at the present time–is not…
MSNBC Guest: Hillary Appealed to Voters Who Cling to 'Guns', 'Religion
June 18th, 2014 12:20 PM
The ‘Fox News viewers are racist’ meme hasn’t died yet on MSNBC. Analyzing Hillary Clinton’s interview on June 17 with Fox News, Hardball guest Michelle Bernard insisted that Hillary Clinton was “reaching out to those voters that Barack Obama said were the people who get scared of people who are different than them, and they cling to religion, or they cling to guns or have anti-immigrant…

Thrilled with Hillary's Benghazi Answers, Chris Matthews Hails 'Home R
June 17th, 2014 10:25 PM
Hillary Clinton hit a "home run" with her performance in a live CNN "townhall"-style interview hosted by CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Chris Matthews enthused at the opening of his June 17 Hardball program.
The MSNBC host also seemed thrilled that Clinton may have taken his on-air coaching to heart regarding Benghazi questions one week ago. First his remarks at the top of the program (emphasis…

'Hardball' Ignores Audio of Hillary Laughing As She Recounts Defense o
June 16th, 2014 9:27 PM
Earlier today, Washington Post columnist Melinda Henneberger favorably retweeted a story by NewsBusters alumna and Washington Free Beacon contributor Alana Goodman regarding newly-discovered audiotape of Hillary Clinton from an interview in the mid-1980s in which the likely 2016 presidential aspirant was rather lighthearted and occasionally laughing as she recalled a time where she successfully…

MSNBC's Matthews: 'Dead Broke' Was a Mere 'Half Gaffe' by Hillary
June 11th, 2014 10:10 PM
Comparing Hillary Clinton's book tour to an "out of town play getting ready in New Haven," MSNBC's Chris Matthews tonight dismissed the former secretary of state's tone-deaf "dead broke" line from her interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer as a "small kind of gaffe, or even a half gaffe." [MP3 audio here; video embed follows page break]
"Once she said we were $12 million in the hole, I think…

Chris Matthews Whines That ‘Disgusting’ Anti-Hillary Ad To Air Dur
June 9th, 2014 8:42 PM
Hillary Clinton is set to give her first television interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer on Monday night to promote her memoir Hard Choices, and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was visibly outraged that an ad would dare criticize her as she begins her book tour.
Appearing on his Hardball program on Monday, June 9, Matthews began his program by declaring that the ad was a “prime time attack” before…

ABC Ignores Own Poll Showing Majority of Americans Support Benghazi Se
June 3rd, 2014 9:21 PM
On Tuesday, June 3 the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 51 percent of Americans support the formation of a select committee to investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Despite the new polling, the June 3 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer ignored the poll completely but had time to run a full story on the strength of different cell phone cases. [See video of MSNBC's Chris…

MSNBC's Matthews, Guests Blast Koch Bros., GOP: 'Hurting the Planet's
June 2nd, 2014 9:22 PM
President Obama's newly-announced EPA regulations on coal-fired electric plants are engendering opposition from red-state Democrats hoping to win crucial Senate elections this November. For her part, Senate Energy Committee Chairman Mary Landrieu (D-La.), who says she favors "reduc[ing] carbon in the atmosphere," criticized the president's end-run around the legislature. "Congress should set…