
Chris Matthews Asks If Obama Will Continue To ‘Diddle’ On VA Scand
May 29th, 2014 4:59 PM
“Now it’s the president’s call,” host Chris Matthews declared as he opened Wednesday evening’s episode of Hardball with new “bad, very bad” information surrounding the VA scandal from the inspector general’s interim report on the agency.
In a segment joined by fellow MSNBC host Chuck Todd and Derek Bennett of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Matthews posed several questions…

Chris Matthews: Hillary Clinton Should Be Above GOP 'Spit-balling
May 28th, 2014 3:28 PM
Now playing on MSNBC: “Hillary vs. the Haters!”
Opening his Tuesday evening episode of Hardball, host Chris Matthews kicked off by essentially whining about new comments from Karl Rove about potential 2016 candidate, Hillary Clinton. In the process he decried those ol' meanies in the GOP, seemingly forgetful that he himself has spewed all kinds of bile against conservative and Republicans…
Chris Matthews: Unlike IRS, VA Scandal Is Real, Except When He Compare
May 22nd, 2014 10:33 AM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews seems determined to kill the idea that unlike the Veterans Administration scandal, past Obama scandals such as the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups are not in fact legitimate issues to investigate.
Appearing on his nightly Hardball program on Wednesday, May 21, Matthews declared “For the first time, President Obama speaks out about the VA scandal and this is no…

Chris Matthews: ‘Why Is Mitch [McConnell] Being Such An S.O.B. So Fa
May 20th, 2014 11:52 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was at it again, slamming the GOP while hosting the network’s primary coverage on Tuesday May 20. Appearing during a special edition of Hardball during the 10:00 p.m. Eastern hour, Matthews did his best to shill for Alison Lundergan Grimes (D-KY) in her battle with Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
During the segment, Matthews asked Republican strategist Steve Schmidt “…

Low Blow: Chris Matthews Uses GOP Primary Runoff to Imply Party's Raci
May 20th, 2014 9:34 PM
Tuesday, May 20 was primary day in six states across the county and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was dubbed the point man for the network’s election night coverage. Unfortunately, the Hardball host couldn’t resist taking an inappropriate swipe at the five Republicans seeking the nomination for Senate in Georgia.
At the very end of a segment that aired at 7:27 p.m. Eastern, Matthews commented that…

Chris Matthews Proclaims Hillary Clinton Could Be ‘A Truly Great Pre
May 19th, 2014 9:11 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews did his best to cheerlead for Hillary Clinton to run for president during his Hardball program offering up numerous talking points to sell her potential candidacy to his audience.
On Monday, May 19, Matthews declared: “Let me finish tonight with the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming not just the next president but a truly great president. Let me be the first to say…

Chris Matthews Fumes at 'Kamikaze,' 'SOB,' 'Killer Dog' Karl Rove
May 15th, 2014 11:58 AM
An agitated Chris Matthews on Wednesday fumed over Karl Rove's recent questioning of Hillary Clinton's medical condition. Throwing all the invective he could at the Republican strategist, Matthews reduced Rove's comments to this: "My theory is he could be almost like a kamikaze pilot in World War II. He could blow up the ship and blow himself up." The host continued, " Who cares if Karl Rove is…

Chris Matthews, Guest Mangle Boko Haram Issue Into Racial Jab at GOP
May 10th, 2014 4:45 PM
Chris Matthews mocked Republicans on Friday's Hardball over their hawkish stance towards Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamist group that recently kidnapped hundreds of girls. Matthews made a thinly-veiled racial attack on the GOP during a panel discussion on the terrorist organization: "By the way, when did the Republican Party take this keen interest in Africa? I may have missed that one."…
Chris Matthews Warns GOP’s ‘Nasty’ and ‘Insidious’ Politics
May 8th, 2014 9:29 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews slammed Republican policies like voter ID laws and a special investigation of the Benghazi attacks as an "insidious plan" that could backfire like "Watergate."
"Let me finish tonight with this insidious plan to scare up right-wing voters and scare off the votes the of those who tend to vote Democratic," Matthews ranted at the end of Thursday's Hardball. "The trouble…

Chris Matthews Accuses GOP of Using Benghazi as 'Voodoo Doll' Against
May 5th, 2014 10:23 PM
According to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Republicans are using Benghazi like a "voodoo doll" against Hillary Clinton by establishing a select committee of Congress to investigate the attacks. Matthews opened up Monday's Hardball with his screed against Republicans.
"The enemies of Hillary Clinton, by that I mean the partisan enemies, have got their voodoo doll. It's called Benghazi. Every time…

Chris Matthews Thinks It's 'A Little Ridiculous' to Blame Obama Admin
May 1st, 2014 11:42 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews ranted on Thursday's Hardball that "it's a ridiculous" to hold the Obama administration culpable for the lack of security around the Benghazi compound during the September, 2012 attacks.
"But the idea that somebody else should have been covering for him [Ambassador Chris Stevens], that someone else should have the army there waiting to defend him, I think it's a little…

MSNBC's Matthews Cheers Jon Stewart Linking Donald Sterling to Sarah P
May 1st, 2014 4:30 PM
On the Wedneday, April 30, Hardball, during the show's regular "Side Show" segment, MSNBC host Chris Matthews highlighted Comedy Central's Jon Stewart using Donald Sterling's racist talk to make a crack about alleged "crazy talk" from Sarah Palin. Matthews began:

MSNBC's Fineman Mocks Paul Ryan As 'Introduc[ing] Himself to the Bro
May 1st, 2014 3:44 PM
On the Wednesday, April 30, Hardball with Chris Matthews, guest and MSNBC political analyst Howard Fineman -- formerly of Newsweek -- mocked Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's intent to visit impoverished areas as a plan to "introduce himself to the bro," and went on to complain that Ryan's budget "whacks away at" programs to help the poor.
Chris Matthews: Donald Sterling’s Racist Rant Akin to Mitt Romney
April 29th, 2014 9:37 AM
Leave it to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to use the controversy surrounding Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling as the perfect opportunity to attack prominent Republicans.
Appearing on his nightly Hardball program on Monday, April 28, Matthews claimed that Sterling’s racist comments was the “worst such case of verbal self-destruction since Mitt Romney`s 47 percent debacle.” [See video below…