
Oops! Chris Matthews Bashed 'Pissant' Rand Paul for Rant Against Chris
January 14th, 2014 5:03 PM
Two months ago, MSNBC's Chris Matthews called Sen. Rand Paul a "pissant" for ranting about what Matthews is now hyping as yet another problem for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
In November, Sen. Paul called "offensive" Christie's appearance in a federally-funded tourism video for New Jersey during an election year. Matthews, sticking up for the governor, branded Paul a "pissant" and said…

Chris Matthews Edits George Will to Make it Appear He Compared Bridgeg
January 13th, 2014 9:34 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, the Hillary Clinton-loving media are doing almost back-breaking contortions to make the recent Bridgegate scandal completely destroy Governor Chris Christie’s (R-N.J.) presidential ambitions.
Obviously doing his part Monday was MSNBC’s Chris Matthews who selectively edited comments George Will made on Fox News Sunday to make it appear that the syndicated…

MSNBC Doubles Down On GOP Attacks, Reruns Matthews' Disgusting Christm
December 30th, 2013 7:50 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews devoted his entire Christmas Eve Hardball show to mercilessly attacking eleven conservatives with the assistance from a panel of some of the most conservative-hating liberals in the nation.
The folks at MSNBC must have really liked this show, for they actually reran it in its entirety Monday.

On MSNBC, Daily Beast's Obeidallah: 'Conservatives Hate a Lot of Women
December 30th, 2013 3:39 PM
Appearing as a guest on the Friday, December 27, Hardball on MSNBC, comedian and Daily Beast columnist Dean Obeidallah -- who has also been a CNN contributor -- cracked that "conservatives hate a lot of women" as he recounted that the woman whose face appeared on the ObamaCare Web site had been tagged "the most despised woman in America" by "some bloggers on the right," whom he failed to…

Chris Matthews Devotes Entire Christmas Eve Show to Mercilessly Attack
December 24th, 2013 4:53 PM
Most Americans view Christmas as a time to consider such lofty things as peace on earth and good will toward men.
Not MSNBC’s Chris Matthews who actually devoted his entire Christmas Eve Hardball show to mercilessly attacking eleven conservatives with assistance from a panel of some of the most conservative-hating liberals in the nation (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Year-End Awards: The ‘MSNBC = Mean-Spirited, Nasty, Belligerent Chri
December 22nd, 2013 9:26 AM
Last week, the Media Research Center announced our “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” reviewing the worst media bias of the year, as selected by our panel of 42 judges, who generously reviewed dozens of quotes gathered throughout the year by MRC’s news analysts.
As regular NewsBusters’ readers know, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews has become notorious for his frequent, savage verbal…

Chris Matthews: Ann Coulter 'Doesn't Have a Job
December 21st, 2013 3:23 PM
Ann Coulter is a syndicated columnist and a New York Times Best Selling author.
Despite this, on Friday's Hardball, MSNBC's Chris Matthews said, "[S]he doesn't have a job" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews: You’re ‘Racist’ If You’re Against Raising the
December 20th, 2013 11:45 AM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews took a break from his nightly “Hardball” tirade to grace the set of Morning Joe to unload on the GOP for opposing extending unemployment benefits and increasing the minimum wage.
Appearing on December 20, the “Hardball” host proclaimed that Republicans “don’t like these bums” and proceeded to call Republicans “these racists” for opposing liberal policies on unemployment…

Chris Matthews: Obama Is the Political Loser of the Year
December 20th, 2013 10:25 AM
Here’s something I bet you never imagined would happen.
Chris Matthews on Friday, appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, declared Barack Obama the political loser of the year (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews, Who Compared Conservatives to 'Nazis,' Howls Over Nazi
December 17th, 2013 5:38 PM
Chris Matthews, who has repeatedly compared conservatives to Nazis, indignantly objected to a North Carolina state senator comparing ObamaCare to Nazism. Showing no self awareness, Matthews on Monday sneered, "Ted Cruz has a formidable challenger in the hyperbole department these days when it comes to Hitler references."
The Hardball anchor complained, "This weekend, a Republican state…

Chris Matthews: Conservatives Beck, Cruz, Lee, Levin and Paul Are Like
December 14th, 2013 12:13 PM
Is there anything MSNBC hosts won't compare conservatives to?
Consider Chris Matthews who began Friday's Hardball likening conservatives such as Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Mark Levin, and Rand Paul - who have the nerve to oppose the budget compromise just passed in the House - to North Korean despot Kim Jong Un killing his uncle (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews Proudly States the ‘Thrill Up My Leg’ Came From Bar
December 13th, 2013 10:40 AM
During his 19-year tenure as host of the Hardball cable TV political talk show, Chris Matthews has made several mistakes, but the one he will probably be remembered for most was his 2008 off-the-cuff remark that “I felt this thrill going up my leg” while listening to a speech given by then-presidential candidate Barack Obama.
Even though he has been razzed about it many times over the years…
Bozell Column: O, Come Let MSNBC Adore Lord Obama
December 10th, 2013 11:27 PM
The most defining moment of how MSNBC sees President Obama came when Chris Matthews sounded giddy the night before his interview with the president. “I got the Christmas eve excitement brewing right here at Hardball because tomorrow night at precisely this time...the President of the United States is going to join us."
This means that to Matthews, Obama is either the Christmas gift he’s…

MSNBC Savaged Thatcher When She Died, But Now Matthews Insists It’s
December 10th, 2013 9:46 AM
An indignant Chris Matthews on Monday took internet attacks on the late Nelson Mandela, allegedly from conservative commenters, and slammed the right for a lack of respect towards the South African leader: “Don’t they know that it’s not nice to make fun of a person so recently deceased, much less the world’s most honored champion of human freedom?”
Yet, how did the journalists at MSNBC and…