Chris Matthews: Communists Were Right, U.S. Run by Wealthy Elites

February 18th, 2014 9:36 PM
Chris Matthews quoted the communists on Tuesday to argue that the unlimited spending allowed by Citizens United is turning U.S. elections into a sham. "This is becoming, I will argue, like the country the communists accused of us being back in the Cold War, run by the Rockefellers. We'll get there," Matthews warned. "In the four years since the Citizens United decision, we've seen how…

Douglas Brinkley Calls Obama's Legacy 'Above-Average

February 17th, 2014 10:00 PM
Amidst President Obama's sliding approval ratings, liberal historian Douglas Brinkley stood up for his "above-average" legacy on Monday's Hardball. "I think he's an above-average president. I'd put him somewhere around what Bill Clinton was able to do," Brinkley insisted. He compared Obama's withdrawal from Iraq to Eisenhower getting the U.S. out of the Korean war, even though al Qaeda is…

Chris Matthews, Who Compared Conservatives to 'Nazis,' Rails Against C

February 11th, 2014 4:34 PM
  The liberal Chris Matthews on Monday night mocked Ben Carson for comparing the progressive movement to Nazis. However, Matthews isn't in a position to judge. He has repeatedly connected conservatives to Nazis. The cable host played a clip of the Fox News commentator at a fund-raising event for senatorial candidate Monica Wehby. While talking about the progressive movement, Carson insisted…

Obama-Supporter, MSNBC Alum Smerconish Gets CNN Show; Network Plays Up

February 11th, 2014 2:39 PM
CNN president Jeff Zucker praised MSNBC guest host Michael Smerconish on Tuesday as he announced that the the cable news network would be giving the radio talk show host a weekly program: "We are thrilled to have Michael join CNN...At a time when the cable news landscape has become increasingly polarized, his independence and passion for reasoned dialogue makes him the perfect fit for CNN."…

MSNBC Completely Ignores Latest ObamaCare Delay in Prime Time, Spends

February 11th, 2014 1:54 PM
At 4:57 on Monday afternoon, MSNBC’s Alex Wagner hyped “Breaking news from the Treasury Department. The White House has announced a second delay to part of the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate. Details on that are next.”  But the next “details” did not come for 12 and a half hours at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday morning during MSNBC’s Way Too Early broadcast. In between, MSNBC ran 9 full stories…

Chris Matthews Rants 'Why Do People Hate This President So Much

February 6th, 2014 9:08 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews ranted on Thursday that every Republican criticism of Obama – Benghazi, the IRS scandal, ObamaCare – is just a cover for the party's hatred of him. "Let me finish tonight with something that's been bothering me. Why do people hate this president so much?" Matthews lamented. He then embarked on a rambling wreck of straw man fallacies and concluded that "Whatever comes…

Hypocrite Chris Matthews Whines GOP Treats Obama Like 'the Freaking De

February 6th, 2014 12:37 PM
Chris Matthews really is the last person to be lecturing someone about using extreme rhetoric to score cheap political points. The man who just this week said that GOP concerns over executive orders is “second term birtherism” and who repeatedly blasted Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich as demonic was at it again on February 5. "Anything that’s nasty about this guy has become the…

Chris Matthews Sneers: Concern Over Executive Orders Is 'Second Term B

February 3rd, 2014 12:35 PM
  Chris Matthews is at it again. The liberal MSNBC anchor on Friday found a new way to deride conservative concern over Barack Obama's use of executive orders to get around Congress. Matthews dismissed it as unthinking and tribal, sneering, "I think it's a second term birtherism. 'He was illegitimately elected. Now he is behaving illegitimately.'" [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Using…

Chris Matthews Uses Mike Huckabee to Trash 'Cro-Magnon' GOP 'Wacko Bir

January 24th, 2014 4:29 PM
  Chris Matthews played his favorite type of game on Thursday, using the comments of one Republican to generalize the entire conservative movement. This time, the Hardball host pounced on remarks by Mike Huckabee regarding the so-called "war on women." The former Republican presidential candidate said that Democrats "insult" women by suggesting that they are "helpless without Uncle Sugar…

Excited Chris Matthews: Hillary Might Win 60% of the Vote in 'Sweeping

January 23rd, 2014 4:22 PM
  Excited about the possibility of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie no longer being a viable presidential contender, Hardball host Chris Matthews on Wednesday swooned about the Democratic potential for 2016: "This could be like the 1964 election with Lyndon Johnson being portrayed this time by Hillary Clinton, grabbing 60 percent of the vote because she grabs the middle." [See video below.…

After Comparing Christie to Nixon for Nine Days, Chris Matthews Discov

January 21st, 2014 12:44 PM
Chris Matthews really doesn’t listen when he speaks.  On every program since Chris Christie’s bridge scandal broke on January 8, the MSNBC anchor has smeared the Republican governor as just like Richard Nixon in Watergate. Matthews has done this for nine straight shows, including the January 20 edition. However, on the same program, with no sense of self awareness, a thought occurred to the…

Watergate 2? For Over a Week, Chris Matthews Has Hyped Christie as the

January 17th, 2014 1:04 PM
  For seven straight days, Chris Matthews and his Hardball guests have hyperbolically compared Chris Christie's bridge scandal in New Jersey to the constitutional crisis that ended Richard Nixon's presidency. On every single program since January 8, Matthews and guests have linked last fall's traffic jam to Watergate. On Thursday, GOP strategist John Feehery reminded, "They're completely…

Eager Chris Matthews Connects TrafficGate: Christie 'Looks Like' Richa

January 16th, 2014 12:33 PM
  Chris Matthews, always eager for hyperbolic predictions of Republican doom, on Wednesday insisted that Chris Christie's bridge scandal in New Jersey is pretty much like Richard Nixon's Watergate. Comparing a severe traffic jam to a scandal that paralyzed the United States government and brought down a President, Matthews suggested, "Well, this is not yet a Watergate, but the more we learn…

Bill Maher Compares Disgraced Christie Aide to...Pope-Emeritus Benedic

January 15th, 2014 4:16 PM
Comedian Bill Maher compared Bridget Kelly, the former Christie aide connected to "Bridge-gate," to the Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI on Tuesday's Hardball. Both persons carried out the shady business ordered by a higher authority, Maher explained: "Remember when Benedict was the 'god's rottweiler' or the 'pope's rottweiler' they called him before he got the pope job? Well, she [Kelly] is blob's…