Chris Matthews Slimes Dick Cheney as a Racist for Calling Obama a 'Lia

November 18th, 2013 5:15 PM
 A scandalized Chris Matthews on Friday railed against Dick Cheney for having the audacity to call out Barack Obama's "lie" on Americans being able to keep their health insurance. Naturally, the Hardball anchor insinuated that the reason behind this was racism. An angry Matthews fumed, "Dick Cheney comes right out and calls [Obama] a liar. When a right-wing back-bencher did that four years ago…

Confederacy of Dunces: MSNBC Still Fighting Civil War

November 18th, 2013 9:25 AM
It’s good to see the left finally upset about treasonous threats to the United States. Never really able to get worked up about communist spies, domestic terrorists or radical mosques, lefties – at least the ones at MSNBC – are sounding the alarm over … The Confederacy. Everywhere the hosts and guests of MSNBC look they see gray and butternut – secessionists and white supremacists, wild-eyed…

Chris Matthews Meets ShamWow: Buy My 'Perfect,' 'Upbeat,' 'Relevant' B

November 12th, 2013 4:54 PM
 The "Let Me Finish" segment on Hardball is usually devoted to condemning conservatives as hateful bigots. Over the last six weeks, however, Chris Matthews has turned his program into an infomercial, obsessively exhorting his viewers to purchase Tip and the Gipper. The MSNBC anchor praised his own book as though he was blurbing someone else: "Tip and The Gipper: When Politics Worked, a perfect…

Unhinged Matthews Sneers at 'So-Called Independent Media' Giving 'Raci

November 12th, 2013 12:04 PM
What world does Chris Matthews live in? The MSNBC anchor worked himself into a frenzy on Monday night, ranting that the "so-called independent media" are just too soft on all the "racist" elements within the Republican Party. Talking to his fellow liberals David Corn and Ed Rendell, the Hardball host balked, "I look at the free ride the media has been giving the Republican Party." [See video…

MSNBC's Smerconish to GOP: Apologize to Obama; He Saved Us From 'Junk

November 11th, 2013 12:10 PM
According to MSNBC's Michael Smerconish, it's Barack Obama who is owed the "real apology" for the disastrous rollout of the health care law. Filling in for Chris Matthews, the Hardball guest host huffed, "The facts are that many of the same people that feel betrayed now will be thanking the President later." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Lecturing the 52 million Americans who have lost…

Chris Matthews Calls Rand Paul a 'Pissant' for Questioning Christie Pu

November 9th, 2013 4:24 PM
In May, reported that Democrats were unhappy that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie put his family into state tourism ads begging people to come back to beaches on the New Jersey shore. “That Gov. Christie would allow $25 million in federally-funded ads to feature him in the middle of an election year is both supremely arrogant and wildly inappropriate,” his opponent Barbara Buono said…

Chris Matthews Jokes About Chris Christie Crushing Wife During Sex

November 8th, 2013 11:15 AM
You've got to be kidding me. MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday, during a question and answer session after his keynote address at Philadelphia's Thinkfest, actually joked about New Jersey governor Chris Christie crushing his wife during sex (video follows with transcript and commentary):

The Top 20 Worst Chris Matthews Quotes Calling Obama Critics Racist

November 7th, 2013 9:24 AM
During Tuesday night’s election coverage, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews suggested New Jersey Governor Chris Christie stood out because he hugged Barack Obama, in contrast to the many racist Republican voters who have a “physical rejection of him as African-American.” In Matthews’ mind, any opposition to the President is due to racism on the right. Name almost any issue that President Obama has faced…

Matthews Says McAuliffe Leading in Virginia With Graphic On Screen Sho

November 5th, 2013 7:40 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews moments ago said “Democrat Terry McAuliffe is leading” in Virginia’s governor’s race. Rather deliciously, he said this with a graphic on screen showing Republican Ken Cuccinelli up 53-37 (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews Compares Ted Cruz to Cinematic Child Murderer 'Freddy K

October 30th, 2013 4:32 PM
  Apparently, a lot of conservatives remind Chris Matthews of the scarred and burned child murderer from the Nightmare on Elm Street films. On Tuesday, the Hardball anchor linked Republican Ted Cruz to the cinematic killer. He opened the program by spewing, "Is Ted Cruz the Republican Freddy Krueger?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.] According to Matthews, the Texas senator is a "…

Taft Is Daft: Presidential Descendant Delights Chris Matthews by Repea

October 24th, 2013 9:31 AM
Chris Matthews was deeply satisfied by the New York Times publishing an op-ed Wednesday they titled "The Cry of the True Republican" by John G. Taft, a descendent of our fattest president, William Howard Taft. "The body blows to the Republican Party just keep on coming," Matthews announced on Wednesday night's "Hardball." This "stalwart Republican" suddenly sounds like a Xerox copier of the…

Fox Nearly Doubles CNN and MSNBC's Combined Viewers Tuesday, Best Rati

October 23rd, 2013 6:53 PM
It looks like Fox News's revised lineup is a hit with viewers. On Tuesday, FNC almost doubled the combined total viewers of CNN and MSNBC achieving its best ratings since recent changes that included the addition of Megyn Kelly to primetime.

Fuming Chris Matthews: 'Thug' Ted Cruz Wants to 'Kill' Obama's 'Baby

October 23rd, 2013 4:39 PM
 According to Chris Matthews, conservatives have gone from wanting to kidnap babies to "killing" them. On October 1, the Hardball anchor insisted that Barack Obama "will not give up his baby" to pro-shutdown conservatives such as Ted Cruz. On Tuesday, still angry over the partial-government closure, the anchor fumed, "Today and in the future, Cruz will be remembered as the one who ignited the…

Matthews: Ted Cruz Is Racist for Joking About D.C. Not Being America

October 21st, 2013 9:44 PM
In the past five years, the list of things liberal media members claim are racist has gotten longer and longer. On MSNBC’s Hardball Monday, host Chris Matthews said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) was making a racial slur when he told a crowd in San Antonio, “Having spent the past month up in D.C., it is really great to be back in America” (video follows with transcript and commentary):