Chris Matthews Instructs Guests ‘To Be Positive’ About ObamaCare L

October 21st, 2013 8:44 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews apparently wants no discouraging words about ObamaCare on his program. At the beginning of a segment about problems with the website’s launch, the Hardball host actually told his guests Monday, “I want you, both gentlemen, to be positive” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews's Mad Libs: GOP 'Confederacy of Hate' Is All About 'Sec

October 21st, 2013 4:52 PM
 Chris Matthews on Friday continued his descent into self parody, attacking conservatives as a "confederacy of hate" who don't want African Americans to vote and dream of "secession and nullification." Talking about opposition to ObamaCare and the shutdown, the Hardball anchor mixed and matched all his favorite cliches. He began the show by teasing, "Confederacy of hate. Let's play Hardball…

Greta Van Susteren: 'Chris Matthews May Be For Sale, I Am Not

October 18th, 2013 5:41 PM
Chris Matthews earlier this week told Ora.TV's Larry King that there's pressure at news outlets such as Fox and MSNBC to be openly partisan. Matthews chose to use Greta Van Susteren as an example of this. Van Susteren struck back Friday in a way that only she knows how:

Joy Reid's Complete Lack of Liberal Self-Awareness on Obama Worship

October 17th, 2013 11:32 AM
This is a bit dated, but the Chris Matthews question is quite relevant. Last Friday on Hardball, Matthews asked Joy Reid: "Who's the Democrats' Ted Cruz?" Reid's answer is extremely amusing, considering Reid was on the ground floor of the Obamessiah campaign, with Obamagasms like Time magazine claiming Obama was "born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope." Reid said the…

MSNBC Chief Phil Griffin on Chris Matthews: 'We Call Him a National Tr

October 16th, 2013 10:40 AM
It's really tough to imagine calling one of the nation's leading on air Democratic shills a national treasure. However, when your name is Phil Griffin and you are the president of what many refer to as "MSDNC," I guess it's understandable that you might think that about Hardball host Chris Matthews.

Chris Matthews: Boehner Losing Speakership ‘Might Be the Greatest Th

October 11th, 2013 1:30 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said one of the dumbest things he’s ever said in his life Thursday evening, and that’s saying something. When NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno asked if he thought John Boehner (R-Oh.) would lose his Speakership as a result of the current government shutdown/debt ceiling debate, Matthews responded, “It might be the greatest thing he ever does in his life” (video follows with…

Chris Matthews Excitedly Compares Bad Shutdown Polling for GOP to 'Wat

October 11th, 2013 1:00 PM
  According to Chris Matthews, a new NBC poll showing bad poll numbers for the Republican Party is comparable to "Watergate." Finding that Americans blame Republicans over Democrats for the shutdown by a 22 percent margin, Matthews marveled, "I get the sense that this is a historic poll." Talking to Chuck Todd, the Hardball anchor prompted, "Compared to Watergate?" This was too much for…

On Shutdown, Chris Matthews Snarls at 'Troglodyte,' 'Planet of the Ape

October 9th, 2013 4:10 PM
 Chris Matthews, who has publicly insisted that he doesn't like "cheap shots," on Tuesday trashed conservatives in the House as "troglodytes" from the movie Planet of the Apes. According to the Hardball anchor, Republicans opposing the President in the government shutdown believe that "if the country goes down, the economy goes down, the world comes apart, 'hey, we get an extra inch of flesh off…

Imus Producer Calls Chris Matthews 'A Bitter, Spittle-Spewing Psycho

October 5th, 2013 11:47 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews on Wednesday asked Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert, "When are we going to have the book we've really been waiting for, 'Killing O'Reilly?'" On Fox News's O'Reilly Factor Friday, during the "Pinheads of the Week" segment, Imus in the Morning executive producer Bernard McGuirk called Matthews "a bitter, spittle-spewing psycho" (video follows…

Chris Matthews Exploits DC Car Chase as 'Iconic Tragedy' Flowing from

October 4th, 2013 12:34 AM
Reacting to a dramatic car chase in downtown Washington, DC Thursday, MSNBC host Chris Matthews jumped at the chance to blame the events on congressional Republicans. The low-rated cable host began his coverage of the death of a woman believed to have suffered from depression with a characteristic passive-aggressive slam against conservatives. “The death will no doubt become an iconic tragedy…

Chris Matthews: Obama 'Won This Fight Over Health Care' and 'Will Not

October 1st, 2013 4:18 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews dismissed Republican attempts to delay ObamaCare as a futile effort: "The President was elected – reelected again. He won this fight over health care....the President will not give up his baby, and I think they know that. That's why this is a scary fight. They've gone to ask Obama to give them something he can't give them,…

Chris Matthews: ‘Ted Cruz Is Brilliant…The President’s Met His M

October 1st, 2013 10:21 AM
Chris Matthews just can’t make up his mind about Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.). After telling MSNBC’s Morning Joe crew last week that the Texas Tea Partier is “a problem for our republic,” Matthews on Tuesday said, “I think Ted Cruz is brilliant. I think the President’s met his match in this guy” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

WaPo: 'Sorry, Chris Matthews: Tip O’Neill and Ronald Reagan Were Ter

September 30th, 2013 4:32 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, Tea Party Congressman Raul Labrador (R-Id.) on Sunday's Meet the Press made a fool of MSNBC's Chris Matthews over his lack of knowledge regarding how many times the government shut down when his former boss Tip O'Neill was Speaker of the House. As it turns out, the Washington Post also mocked Matthews for his ignorance last Thursday in a piece deliciously…

Chris Matthews, Who Regularly Compares Republicans to Nazis, Fumes Ove

September 27th, 2013 4:00 PM
 Chris Matthews doesn't like cheap shots. The Hardball host, who two days ago linked Ted Cruz to Hitler, on Thursday raged at a Republican Congressman for making a joke at his expense. Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry appeared on Matthews's show and aggressively fought back against the charge that uncaring Republicans want to shut down the government. This led Matthews to change the subject…