
Chris Matthews Admits to Verbally Accosting GOP Delegates at Restauran
August 31st, 2012 8:54 PM
Just hours after a producer for deranged MSNBC host Chris Matthews was accused of physically assaulting Republicans outside the party’s national convention last night, Matthews himself has admitted to verbally confronting several GOP delegates at a restaurant in Tampa, Florida calling them a “douchebag convention.”
According to The Hill newspaper, the perpetually angry liberal television host…

Witnesses: MSNBC Producer Assaulted Chris Matthews Heckler for ‘Ting
August 31st, 2012 12:50 PM
As the presidential campaign season has moved along, veteran Democratic strategist-turned MSNBC host Chris Matthews has become increasingly vocal in expressing his hatred for Republicans and adoration for President Barack Obama. That tension must be rubbing off on his staff members since one of them, a producer, is now accused of assaulting two men at the Republican National Convention last night…

NYT Admits MSNBC's Liberal Bent, But Falsely Claims NBC's Chuck Todd
August 31st, 2012 12:33 PM
New York Times "TV Watch" columnist Alessandra Stanley focused Friday on MSNBC's embarrassingly partisan coverage of the Republican National Convention and tried to contrast it with the struggle of NBC's more objective reporters to remain above the fray: "MSNBC, Arch Counterprogramming to Fox." The online head was more interesting: "How MSNBC Became Fox’s Liberal Evil Twin." Stanley even…

Chris Matthews and MSNBC Now Claim the Word 'Chicago' Is Racist
August 30th, 2012 12:12 AM
Chris Matthews was on Hardball tonight covering the Republican National Convention with guests Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and John Heilemann of New York Magazine. In what is seemingly the natural progression of things these days with Matthews, the subject of the 'otherization' of the President was being discussed. Because, if you weren't aware already, Barack Obama is black, and…

Dennis Miller Scolds Chris Matthews for Being 'Reflexively Racial' in
August 29th, 2012 5:17 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, MSNBC's Chris Matthews has been pounding the table about Mitt Romney and the Republican Party allegedly using race to generate support.
On Wednesday, comedian and satirist Dennis Miller scolded the Hardball host via Twitter for being "reflexively racial" in a supposedly "post-racial" America:

Newt Takes it to Chris Matthews on His 'Racist Thinking
August 27th, 2012 6:28 PM
Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, attacked Newt Gingrich with the same old liberal line about the GOP using racial code words, from Mitt Romney talking about welfare reform to Gingrich calling Barack Obama the "food stamp president." However, the former Speaker of the House wasn't having any of it, as he hit back: "Why do you assume food stamp refers to black? What kind of racist thinking…

Chris Matthews: 'If I Were Obama I'd Marry' Bill Clinton
August 23rd, 2012 6:26 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews sure doesn't have a problem expressing his affection for men on national television.
After showing a new campaign ad former President Bill Clinton just completed for the current White House resident, the Hardball host actually said, "If I were Barack Obama, I'd marry that guy" (video follows with commentary):

Former Newsweek Editor Warns: GOP Has Become 'Bible-Based,' Paul Ryan
August 22nd, 2012 6:34 PM
Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman appeared on Wednesday's Hardball and warned that the Republican Party has become a "faith-based," "Bible-based" political organization. Fineman also derided Paul Ryan as untrustworthy when it comes to considering science: "[Ryan] starts every consideration of public policy, not from the standpoint of science, but from the standpoint of faith."

Time's Joe Klein: 'Awful Lot of Celebration of Ignorance Going on in R
August 21st, 2012 6:19 PM
Time magazine's Joe Klein made a truly disgraceful comment on MSNBC's Hardball Tuesday.
"The Republican Party has a major grassroots problem which is that a good part of its grassroots now celebrate ignorance. It’s more, it’s more than abortion and women’s rights" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Howard Fineman: 'Todd Akin Is the Paul Ryan of Missouri
August 20th, 2012 6:27 PM
Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday's Hardball compared the Republican vice presidential candidate to a congressman who is under fire for discussing what makes a "legitimate rape." Fineman attacked, "Because Todd Akin is the Paul Ryan of Missouri." [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
Akin on Sunday was asked about women who get pregnant after being raped. He replied, "If it’s a…

Joan Walsh Accuses Ann Romney Of Throwing 'Tantrum' Over Tax Returns
August 19th, 2012 8:34 AM
When it comes to family members of Republican presidential candidates, looks like the MSM has decided they're fair game for attacks. Yesterday we noted how ABC's Bianna Golodryga claimed that Paul Ryan's mother was campaigning in a "very calculated" manner.
Today we offer Joan Walsh into evidence. Appearing on the weekend edition of MSNBC's "Hardball," the Salon editor accused Ann Romney…

Chris Matthews: Romney 'Created a Real Frankenstein’s Monster Puttin
August 16th, 2012 6:40 PM
For well over a week now, the folks on MSNBC have been throwing conniption fits over the selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate.
On Thursday, Hardball host Chris Matthews actually said, "They’ve created a real Frankenstein’s monster in putting this guy on the ticket" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Chris Matthews's Tortured Logic: Biden's 'Chains' Comment Is 'Historic
August 16th, 2012 10:45 AM
Chris Matthews on Wednesday went to embarrassing lengths as he struggled to explain away a gaffe by the Vice President, offering tortured, confusing logic to defend Joe Biden's "chains" comments. According to the Hardball host, Biden's remarks to a largely black audience that Republicans will "put y'all back in chains" were "historical" and not "negative" or racist like when the GOP does it…

Chris Matthews, Who Linked Palin to Giffords Attack, Skips Shooting at
August 15th, 2012 6:18 PM
Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, who previously linked Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman to the attempted killing of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, completely ignored the shooting of a security guard at the conservative Family Research Council (FRC).
By Matthews' own past statements, wouldn't an examination of the possible root causes of the FRC shooting be warranted? On January 10,…