Chris Matthews: 'Romney Was Winning. If He Does Five More of These Nig

October 3rd, 2012 11:09 PM
Judging from the reaction by the commentators on MSNBC, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had a big night during Wednesday's debate with Barack Obama. Shortly after it's conclusion, one of the President's biggest fans said, "What was Romney doing tonight? He was winning. If he does five more of these nights, forget it" (video follows with transcript):

Excerpt of Ann Coulter's 'Mugged': Racial Double Standards at MSNBC

September 25th, 2012 9:19 AM
How about Chris Matthews? He is an aggressive bean counter when it comes to the number of blacks at Tea Parties—as if the Tea Partiers can control who shows up at their rallies. Blacks as a group are overwhelmingly one-party voters. Jews have more Republicans. As a result, any group that espouses Republican principles obviously isn’t going to have a lot of black people—although probably more…

Multi-Millionaire Chris Matthews Mocks Mitt Romney By Singing 'If I We

September 18th, 2012 6:11 PM
In a bizarre display, Chris Matthews began his show on Tuesday by singing "If I Were a Rich Man" as a way of mocking Mitt Romney for being wealthy. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Chris Matthews makes an annual salary of $5 million dollars. Matthews opened the program by announcing, "Let me start tonight" by singing a selection from Fiddler on the Roof. Highlighting a leaked video of…

NBC’s Williams Jumps to Highlight Surreptitiously-Recorded Romney Co

September 17th, 2012 9:04 PM
Once again serving as the broadcast arm of MSNBC, Monday’s NBC Nightly News devoted a full segment to the supposed outrage over what Mitt Romney said in a surreptitiously-recorded video promoted by the left wing Mother Jones magazine, remarks which Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow put at the top of their MSNBC shows. And CNN soon joined in the hysteria with Anderson Cooper 360…

Time's Joe Klein: Netanyahu's Behavior Is 'Absolutely Outrageous and D

September 12th, 2012 10:20 AM
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came down strong on the Obama adminstration Tuesday for its failure to implement a foreign policy that would prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. On MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday, Time magazine's Joe Klein called Netanyahu's actions "absolutely outrageous and disgusting" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC Contributor Ed Rendell: 'Even People Who Lost Their Jobs Are Bet

September 11th, 2012 6:02 PM
Former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania turned MSNBC contributor Ed Rendell said something on Tuesday's Hardball that is going to make a lot of jaws drop. "Even people who lost their jobs are better off" under Obama (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Ron Reagan Disses His Mother: Michelle Obama Gave 'Best Speech By a Fi

September 7th, 2012 6:19 PM
Just how in the tank for President Obama is MSNBC contributor Ronald Reagan? On Friday's Hardball, he actually said Michelle Obama gave the "best speech by a first lady I have ever seen, and, you know, all due respect to my own mother" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Ex-Newsweek's Fineman Sees Obama's Claim It is 'Unpatriotic' to Critic

September 7th, 2012 7:32 AM
During the midnight hour of MSNBC's Thursday night Democratic National Convention coverage, MSNBC analyst Howard Fineman -- formerly of Newsweek -- declared that it was "brilliant" for President Obama to suggest that Republicans are being "unpatriotic" in trying to make an issue of the economy's poor performance during his time in office. Shortly past midnight, Fineman asserted:

Coulter Column: Chris Matthews Is a Few Race Cards Short of a Full Dec

September 5th, 2012 11:45 PM
Apparently, Monday, Aug. 27, was opening day for Hysterical Liberal Sanctimony About Imagined Republican Racism. During this first round, The New York Times, The Atlantic and the TV networks each put in a splendid showing. I'd need a book to cover it all! HOLD ON! I HAVE ONE -- "Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama," available in fine bookstores near you Sept. 25, 2012.…

Chris Matthews Told Ryan in 2010 'We Are Trying to Match With Obama th

September 5th, 2012 6:33 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews went on a rant early Wednesday morning about Republicans accusing President Obama of trying to bring European socialism to America. Unfortunately, the aging Hardball host conveniently forgot that he basically said the same thing to Paul Ryan in 2010 (video follows with transcripts and commentary):

MSNBC Contributor Heilemann: Biden's a 'Master of Applied Intelligence

September 4th, 2012 8:06 PM
"No one's ever going to nominate Joe Biden to be the chairman of MENSA --  he's not Albert Einstein," MSNBC political analyst John Heilemann told Chris Matthews on the Tuesday edition of Hardball. "But what he's always been a master of is applied intelligence," he added, remarking on the vice president's preparation for the October 11 debate with policy-wonky Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). Heilemann…

Senator McConnell Tells NewsBusters 'Maybe the Heat Is Getting to Chri

September 4th, 2012 11:06 AM
On the final day of last week's Republican National Convention in Tampa, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky sat down with NewsBusters to discuss amongst other things our favorite topic - liberal media bias. In the course of our lengthy discussion, McConnell addressed Chris Matthews's claim that Republicans are being racist when they accuse President Obama of engaging in…

Howard Fineman: Republican Convention ‘Mean’ and ‘Like Dropping

September 3rd, 2012 8:39 PM
Playing to a crowd of Democrats in Charlotte cheering on Democratic operative Chris Matthews as he hosted his MSNBC program, Howard Fineman blurted “I survived Tampa and am now glad to be here in Charlotte,” before he derided the Republican gathering: “That convention was like dropping a bowling ball in a sand box.” (An apparent reference to the lack of a post-convention bounce in the polls for…

George Will Calls Donna Brazile 'Racist' for Saying the Word 'Chicago

September 2nd, 2012 12:32 PM
As NewsBusters reported Thursday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews believes that when Republicans link President Obama to Chicago, they're being racist. With this in mind, George Will got Donna Brazile on ABC's This Week Sunday to say the word "Chicago," and then marvelously called her a racist for doing so (video follows with transcript and commentary):